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Debate on Kenya’s invasion of Somalia with a clueless TFG rep

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TFG Hack Yusuf Bari-Bari takes a beating from Jamal Osman and Prof. Miguna Miguna. 4.5 political formula may give individuals a quotas and seat at Geneva’s exotic mountain views, museums and conference halls, but that won’t help them articulate any rationale argument in support of this invasion.


Least, they can do is give these TFG guys media training courses before they appoint them, so they can present their arguments more professionally, even if it defies logic

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Prof.Miguna eloquently described Kenyan action as act of desperation-It is because of Economic panic.What Kenya is trying to accomplish, of course, is to send a signal to the tourist industry that the country is safe.All this other suspicious missions MAY not be true (but we can't trust governments though). Prof Miguna is a politician and as you can see he even questioned the legality of Kenyan invasion under the Kenyan constitution. Somalia is NOT a new "laboratory" to test the military strength of Kenya. The entire mission will be doomed if it is to occupy Somalia and Kenya knows that well.From the beginning of Somalia war, Kenya viewed Somali crisis as one that can only be solved by Somalis themselves.This invasion will only measure the containment of Al-Shabab in Somali borders.I will be the first one to criticise Kenya if they occupy Somalia like Ethiopia did, but this is an Economic panic like the good professor put it.....

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