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Kenya' s Desires to Demarcate Somalia's ' Exclusive Economic Zone'

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NGONGE;752266 wrote:

A&T is a typical nationalist.

Fickle zealot, put differently. Whatever! But only fools mistake intransigence with principled persistence. It is something our nomadic culture encourages. If a Nobel award was to be given for stubbornness, Che would have been an acclaimed laureate not an angry nomad exchanging salvos with a Xaji from Baligubadle, itself from the fringes of Somaliland. I can understand if hurt pride and anger dictates our reaction to the Kenyan deception (with the blessing of Mahiga’s UN) on the sea front, but I fail to see how genuine nationalistic feeling about infringement on sovereignty can be relevant when the issue is about foreign troops entering Somalia. As we speak, Puntland and Somaliland are under the command of Addis Ababa, some areas of central Somalia are occupied by Ethiopian army, Liyu police in Somali region can enter and kill civillians at will in Buuhoodle. What is new about Kenya entering Somalia? The TFG itself is an instantiation of loss of sovereignty. If at all, I believe we can stomach short-term shame for a better day if the incursion contributes to the weakening of Alshabab in the south. This is not to reverse my rejection of this incursion, it is merely to state the reality in an honest manner. My position for now is determined by pride and therefore I say no to Kenyan attack; but let us not fool ourselves there is sovereignty to keep in Somalia today. The right analogy is the seasoned bedhopper woman who moans hard and feigns pain to convince an amateur lover of her virginity!

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xiinfaniin;752305 wrote:
^^nuune you are mistaken if you think Kenya army is incompetent. Bravery is a nomadic fairytale. In reality, and in the modern warfare, bravery is not even a consideration. You get the amo, the equipment, intelligence, and the aerial and logistical support, and the advantage is yours. If bravery was a differentiating factor in wars, Palestinians would've won longtime ago.


Read history awoowe. The British conquered the world not with fighting white men, but with recruited natives with superior equipment and logistical support.

Sxbkey, you can win the battle,but what is the purpose of the incursion if it aint to eliminate the enemy? Kenya can win this battle but, for them to finish al shabab or whateevr they are fighting,they must fight conventional war...and that, sxbkey jareertaan ogaa, ka heli meysid. Nadartu anaa indhaheyga saaray, askari kenyan ah oo isku kaadshe, markii loo diray shufta dhanka faaxfaaxdhuun iyo giriley kasoo gashay.


However, your statement about natives fighting for them, could tilt the war for them. Azania natives, will indeed help.

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^^ Abti, you hit on the nail, Kenyaati ma dagaalami karo, I think Xiin waqti badan ma uusan ag joogin Keenyaatiga saasna uma fahansana qaab dhaqankodoa waa saan filayo, marka aniga iyo adiga unbaa dhulkooda qumaati u mushaaxney askari kenyaati ahna garaneeno wuxuuu taaganyahey,


there was another incident, I was there too, another bus ride, 2 askari inside the bus, shufto na qabatey around 1997kii, shuftada fired on us, and the 2 kenyan soldiers inside the big bus sneaked into their chairs and firing their guns, thus dhaawac bey dadkii u geesteen fulaynimo darteed bey xabadihii iska rideen and 5 of us ayaa qoryaha ka qaadey otherwise dad badan bey xabadooda fulaynimada ku dhici laheyd,


back in Garissa, the two soldiers were questioned what happened, then they said dadkii baska saarnaa ayaa qoryaha ka xoogey ayagoo la dagaalami rabo ama dili rabo shuftada, luckily, there was a third policeman oo Somali ah dhar caadi ahna wuu qabey baskana wuu nala saarnaa, wuxuu yiri, been baad sheegeysaan hadii aysan dadkaas idin ka qaadi laheed qoryaha waxa baska saaran oo dhan ayaad dili laheydeedn waana idin arkayey waxaad sameyseen, labadii askari were sent to prison.



So many stories I can tell concerning the Kenyan Army as recent as now, wallaahi they are not capable enough, even if they use whatever that is called Azania thing.

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Heh...Nuune you know you are playing with stereotype.I will go as far as saying you are saying nothing outside the old age nonsense stereotype of Kenyan armed administration police being incompetent towards the hit and run shiftas of NFD. I think it is unfair to equate two administration police on an escort duty on a porous border encounters with shiftas as the parameter to measure the strength of Kenyan force.The Kenyan military has been conservative in their approach and NEVER involved in a major WAR.So I will say that you and the rest are just entertaining stereotype.I will bet my left leg on that Kenya has the capacity to fight.It si just that administration police in NFD experiences degenerated into stereotypes...

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STOIC;752357 wrote:
.I will bet my left leg on that Kenya has the capacity to fight....

On the basis of which evidence or precedence? Gut feeling?

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Stoic, no stereotype or the likes, put aside that you were born in Kenya or grew up most of the time there, we have being there too, sxb, hakuna matata xataa kidogo wallaahi, but explain what you mean they can fight with capacity, even if they do, don't you know that majority of the Kenyan military personnel are Somalis(coming from NFD region, this nullifies your assertion of equating the region of poorly serviced or armed), this is the true reality sxb. that tells you the reality and you know it!

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On the basis of their military equipment, technical assistance and personnel at their disposal.... remember they have NEVER been involved in a major war for long time...War is NOT only about who can fire a weapon, but strategy and resources which Kenya has.....

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^^ The mighty United States of America has far superior military equipment, and everything that goes well with it, and yet, they are unable to win a single war.


I can even go as far as saying, that this horrific group of Al shabaab is even capable of invading Kenya, and when we see that, expect the US, and Europe to rescue Kenya from this group(not a country).

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Haha..I doubt Al-SHEITAN has the resources to invade and defeat Kenyan military.I hate and despise Somalis oversimplification of stuff...I hate to see you intelligent people engaging in a futile and useless argument about the strength of a hit-and-run thugs against an established military with all the resources.My argument has nothing to do with my birthplace just from using little bit of reasoning.I just hated ever since I was young the nauseating reasoning of Somalis and how they are the brave-hearts of mankind.I think if this was against the Former republic of Somalia I'd have second guessed my bet, but this is a tiny hit-and-run thugs....come on people!

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Do kenyans have the capacity to invade? Sure they do and already are deep in Somalia. Wil lthey win the war? To be find out in matter of time.. Is it right or wrong? For sure, it's wrong. The rest all talk..

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Stoic: I think what they are saying in essence is that, Kenya can't commit its troops to march down the streets of Kismaayo or beyond. It is not their best interest, nor do they gain from anything. If that were possible, Ethiopia with the biggest guns in the regions would have managed it. Understand AS is not here to win at all. They will play mouse and cat game, draw Kenyan troops to the villages and hit and run style. Kenya has everything to lose here. But the bigger point to be made here is it is likely it will SOMALIS fighting on both ends of the fences. For that matter, the biggest loser is SOMALIS.

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There is clear differences between the ability to invade a country and sustain an occupation. The Ethiopian invasion already clearly has proven that. FYI the Ethiopian army is much better equipped and battle hardened than the Kenyans. The fact AS has been emptying out its villages and Kenya has passed through uncontested is already a clear measure of how they will fight this conflict. I recall people thinking the Ethiopians had defeated the ICU and the TFG had secured control of the country after the immediate result of the invasion as well.

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Jac, In my judgement, my take was simply from Kenyan ability to fight back on any aggression that jeopardized their economy.Currently Al-shabab is the enemy according to Kenya authority. All Kenya has to do is monitor and camp out on its borders.It has no business of reaching Kismayo or occupying Somalia.All Kenya needs to do is to deter any AS on its borders. Reading some of the other threads I see people pegged tribal elements to the Kenyan response.I was obviously oblivious to the Azania state, which to my understanding has NOTHING to do with the Kenyan response.War is an ugly thing and it is something any sensible country will avoid at any cost.......

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Haha@che...I hate that country, but i hate more Al-shabab..Remember when Fazul was killed in Mogadsihu.The Kenyan man who was killed along with him was a little boy from my village.I played soccer with boy.I just couldn't believe how they have brainwashed him o fight in a proxy war in Somalia for Al-shabab...I really didn't know who he was as its been many years (over seventeen years) since our soccer playing days till a friend mentioned it to me who he was and how he got involved and become a mastermind behind many bombings carried out in Somalis....I just despise Al-shabab, but also I respect the boundaries of Somalia...I only support in manning the borders.....Plus i have renounced my citizenship of that country many years!


This is the article of the death of the Al-shabab acquintance

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