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Odd penalty of Hargeisa Traffic Police

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loooooooool@Malika. It is because I am more talkative than others and talk about my mishaps. Otherwise, I am sure most people see events worthy of talk.


Ngonge, I didn't want to look smearing the tolka traffic, but I actually have many encounters with them. In 2001, driving a car borrowed from friend, xidid to be accurate, I passed a traffic light in front of the national bank. A traffic police yelled from nearby muqaaxi and we stopped. He opened the door (not the front seat), and said to the three friends who were with me, "iga durka, waan soo galayaaye." The guys said they are already squeezed, which they were. I spoke to him and said 'leave us alone, or issue charge papers and we go and pay at the next station". His response was so funny and I haven't forgotten for a decade now. He looked at my friends, literally asking them to intervene and mediate. "Waar ninkani miyuu waalan yahay. Waar ninka la hadla dee. Muxuu boolis station ku falayaa." He looked at me, begging, and said " waar meesha dee waad ku caajisi. maantoo dhan baad layn ku jiraysaa. Aniga shaah iska kay sii oo dantaada qabso."


For the sake of the laugh that I was supressing, I continued tormenting him. "ma yeelayo, ee adeer ama na sii daa marti baan meesha ku nahay oo waa qaldanaye, ama sharciga na hor gee". He begged in disbelief and finally we have him 7000 SL shiling and left him. It was funny.

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