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Odd penalty of Hargeisa Traffic Police

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Our car passed a red traffic light after we thought the light was malfunctioning. It was at the center of Hargeisa. Because of the number of pedesterians walking on the road, our car was not speeding. Maybe 20/30 Km/hr. After one minute of passing the light, we suddenly heard a loud voice and a smashed glass. It was the glass of the rear window which was totally destroyed. In shock, we glanced back, only to see a man dressed in traffic police attire on the top and a macawis, with a tiny plastic with Khat on his side pocket, running toward our car. His fist still full, clutching yet another stone to throw at us for breaking the law. When he saw we have already stopped, he came closer and said something like "muraayadda kalena waan jabin lahaa hadeydaan istaagin". :D


I was like where in the world does traffic smash windows of cars as a penalty.


Welcome to Somaliland. Now, JB over to you for the usual spin!

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Serves you right for violating traffic laws. Imagine if you had run over an old lady or a child. Repair the window and don't do it again :D

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loooool@JB nin waalan buu ahaa. War ninyahow walaahi you could make a better spokesman for the SL than those currently employed.You are industrious.


Norf, he was a police man, we later saw his ID and went to the police station. Maybe he was from Burco, who knows. :D :D Stone-throwing is a hobby there, you know.


Laakin runtii waan yaabnay and the guy at the police station says "raali ahaada, laakiin dee askartu way dawakhday oo cid firinbiga markay yeedhiyaan u joojinaysa majirto." Implying they should restort to unorthodox methods of enforcing the law.

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Did you just let him get away with it? Traffic police are a pain in the backside especially in Hargaisa where they target qurbojoogta baabuurta wadata. But this? No, not having it.


Nin waalan baad si xun u eegtay :D

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did you take a good look, dhagax-throwing is ibti's favourate hobby now


as to the post, mac sokor for driving fast

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I would have believed your story. If it wasnt for man dressed in traffic police attire on the top and a macawis, with a tiny plastic with Khat on his side pocket, running toward our car . :D

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NGONGE;751975 wrote:






Where are the cars? Meeshu wadaba uma ekee? no cars, bikes, or even people.. Ma geedaha iyo dukaamada la kala ilaalinayaa? War ma hadaad mid la hadashay oo ku tidhi ii soo sawir mid intaad dhar traffic u geliso isagoo siidhiga yeedhinaya.. Cidu caadimaha...

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