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smile.gif Anything good in this document is from Allah, while everything bad in it is from us.


Sponsored by the University of Southern California.


For those who Doubt Islam or have misconception about it: Islam and The world...Women, Christianity, Nation of Islam, Human Rights, Peace,Terrorism and Jihad


1. If Islam Is a religion of peace

2. Islam is inferior to Women..


Men Can Marry 4 wives, Women can't..

Marry Non-muslim but Women Can't

Women must wear Veil(Hijaab).

Inheritance is greater for Men.


3. Islam and Human Rights

4. Islam rejects JESUS

5. Islam is racist-afro-centric cult


About Nation of Islam ...Just a name of a cult


6. Islam is suited for Arabs.

7. Islam produces Lazy and un-educated people


Modern Tecnology is condemned in Islam


8. Islam is intolerant to other religions


Quraan condemns other religions like Christianity.


9. Islam is tolerant of killing innocent People, Terrorism/Jihad/Spread by sword


Read the Following Website and understand the contents carefully.


Islam and The world...Women, Christianity, Nation of Islam, Human Rights, Peace,Terrorism and Jihad


Make decisions about ISLAM and spread the message.Our Dacwah is in the internet now.Many people are surfing the Internet than any other time before.

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