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False Alarm and Fiction Tales: Response to Mohamed F. Yabarag Article

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The devil deed is never done from dusk to dawn and the unionist lies will die in dry for its lack of truth to take root. Lucifer the son of morning has misled many to great tragedy. The unionist perception of Wright and wrong, up and down must be the work of Lucifer himself. The legitimacy of Somaliland is a settled issue of past history and the democratization of the republic is in its final stages. Therefore, the will of the people toward self determination is irreversible and unstoppable.


To simply reminisce about the past of a nonexistence glory days can have its unintended consequences of self victimization. If articles such as Mr. Yarabag are left unrequited the future of Somaliland will not be bound by its delusional misconception. However, it is an act of intellectual integrity and an attempt to lead the misguided unionist to a holistic and righteous path of repentance that one must have a fact based interlude to a propaganda based narrative. There are many comparable tales such as Mr Yarabag article “All is Beginning to Fall Apart in the Secessionist Enclave of Somaliland” which overstates the obvious to make a case for the demise of Somaliland.


The celebration of perceived misfortunate and misery of others would hardly qualify as a call for unity. The author writes “the beginning of the end of that hopeless chase of statehood …. And to the delight of unionist communities”. The borderless vultures waiting for the corps of Somaliland must dig up the victims of yesteryears to feast on their bones because Somaliland is on a path of no return. Time and time again the unionist shows its true colors and validates Somaliland pursuit of peaceful democracy to the world communities. In fact I would go as far as to say the unionist are the best lobbyist Somaliland can have in pursuing its rightful place in the international community.


The description of so called Somaliland collapse in MR. Yarabag article is nothing more than the result of Somaliland commitment to good governance and democratic principles. To depict the actions of open descent (public dialogue), the lack of total support for the president’s policies (active citizenry), the expansion of political voices and the vigorous debate about the future of the country as an act of revolt is delusional and wishful thinking. The mischaracterization of common functionality of democracy or the call for tribal instigation is evil and Lucifer like behavior.


It is an open secret that Somaliland has the purest form of democracy in the great continent of Africa. If the unionist wants to continue Somaliland foreign relation work I would suggest that it ask for minimal fee to compensate the authors of article such as “All is Beginning to Fall Apart in the Secessionist Enclave of “Somaliland” By Mr.Yaragab. Somaliland does not need any a third party to highlight its democratic achievements; its success is a matter of public pride and world admiration.




Misery loves company


Imagine being married to an addictive wife for a very long time and after years of tolerating her addiction you finally said enough is enough and choose to regretfully end the marriage. After years of relapse, the only hope of renewing the unholy matrimony is for her to wish that you suffer the same faith of addictive turmoil. The inability of the unionist to let go of an unrealistic endeavors and focus on the resuscitation of Somalia is incomprehensible and shameful. The most peculiar aspect of the unionist central argument for unification revolves around the destruction of Somaliland democratic growth. The avoidance of political repentance and cultural rehabilitation can only contribute to the demise of Somalia.


The calls for chaos and conflict to mirror one’s own situation will not cure Somalia of the disease ridden shariifs and blood thirsty Shabab. Based on Mr. Yarabag article the Republic of Somaliland must descent into mayhem in order to the comfort the broken heart, battered spirit and the physiologically damaged unionist. Deep in their heart is the fear of Prosperous Somaliland that is democratic, peaceful and neighborly. The irreconcilable differences which have compelled Somaliland to regain its independence from Somalia still remain the core value of the unionist. The lack of accountability, greed, and apathy toward indigenous based political system as well as deep hatred toward humanity, the very foundation the unionist is touting as its core values.


Mr Yabarag article does not offer a single plausible reason as to why Somaliland should jump into the hell of fire which has engulfed Somalia today when he says “Let us hope they will come to their sense and come back to the Somali fold”. Instead he relies on the outcomes of mundane and inconsequential routine of politicking in Somaliland to draw his conclusion of a crumbling nation. The author innuendo and character assignation is nothing new to Somaliland and its people but MR. Yabarag editorial generosity of events unfolding in Somaliland is the mother of all propaganda by any unionist thus far.



In conclusion


To disallow Somaliland its natural political maturation and growing pains of democracy would be equivalent to accepting the madness of the TFG. To view it as a sign of crumbling statehood would be acknowledging Sharif Ahmad military (Somalia President) credentials. The blatant misrepresentation of Somaliland political occurrence, the ignorance of the fact, the avoidance of the inventible is the only tool left in the unionist tool box. Let’s just accept the author’s argument for reunification for the sake of giving the some underserved validity to his argument. What would a nation build on balance power, peaceful principals with tradition as its foundation gain from repeating past mistakes?


The assertion that Somaliland is trying hoodwink the international community into recognition while Somalia is turmoil is false. The inevitable of welcoming Somaliland into the family of nations will be easier if Somalia had some semblance of real government. The idea of Somaliland celebrating the suffering of their brethren and neighbor is devoid of fact and reality.


In fact the general public in Somaliland has contributed great deal of their meager resources to help their famine stricken brothers and sisters in Somalia. The government of Somaliland is currently involved in the humanitarian assistance of Somalia famine stricken regions. Therefore, misinformation of hatred and ill founded accusation about the people of Somaliland feeling towards their neighbor is truly un-Islamic.


Every single individual in Somaliland prays for Somalia and the unionist. May Allah provide them beneficial knowledge and health from all mental ailment. My Allah grant them peace and prosperity and May he provide them a righteous and capable leadership who would lead them out the darkness of the unionist to the bright lights of democracy, justice and peace.




Peace and Milk

Diriye H Abdilahi



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Imagine being married to an addictive wife for a very long time and after years of tolerating her addiction you finally said enough is enough and choose to regretfully end the marriage. After years of relapse, the only hope of renewing the unholy matrimony is for her to wish that you suffer the same faith of addictive turmoil.


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Diiriye is crazy. He has advertized a post on Kilil5. The post is for anyone who is ready to die for the cause of the I.S.S.A community in Dire Dawa. The qualifications requested are funny. Nin inuu u dhinto qadiyadda ciis.aha diyaar u ah, etc etc. :D


I tell you Diiriye is crazy but funny too.

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"Imagine being married to an addictive wife for a very long time and after years of tolerating her addiction you finally said enough is enough and choose to regretfully end the marriage. After years of relapse, the only hope of renewing the unholy matrimony is for her to wish that you suffer the same faith of addictive turmoil."


and some hope somaliland be the same Turmoil as somalia as the only hope of bringing back.What a defeatist attitude!

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