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CONFIGURED! The Making Of A Somali Nomad, A Journey

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An e-Nuri Wordcraft Preview



To understand a Nomad on this site, or on the streets, one has to understand the make up of the Nomads mindset, values that fuel their decisions, and purpose in life.


It all starts when a Nomad is born to a somali couple, and begins to learn the ropes, values that will stick with the Nomad throughout life, later, if the Nomad is carried across oceans, a new set of values are inherited from the new surroundings, looking back, the Nomad is emotionally attached to the old, challenged by the present and sobered by the new realities of Islam as a wholesome faith transcending time and space, now, depending on the sex of the Nomad, a plethora of personalities emerge as a result of these ingredients, some very contradictory, some compromising, yet some unreasonably wacky, welcome to a journey in the inner realm of the mind of a Somali Nomad.



Coming Soon to a Monitor Near You.




2005 e-Nuri Social Scientists

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Muhammad bro


More along the line of:


From Kurtunwaarrey to Canada, yours sounds better than mine, but the Nomad presence in Canada is far mor representative than that in Hollywood.



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Dee saanu showga usugeyney waanu daalnay, amaadan waxba soo wadin Nuuroow :D


Sounds interesting! (esp sheekadu hadeey Kanada ku jirto)

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Abraar sis and Mohammed


Thanks for the interest, Directors are worried that the interest level of this upcoming epic may not be cash positive as expected, so far, very few hits are counted, but the production costs are too high these days and we are low on resources, any idea to warrant speeding up the production to against other more lucrative productions going elswehere?




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^ this lot is known to be patient alhamdulilah, so I shall suggest to the director to put much of his efforts into the much needed productions that will be presented elsewhere...and I wish him the best in this mission Insha'Allah smile.gif

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It all starts when a Nomad is born to a somali couple, and begins to learn the ropes, values that will stick with the Nomad throughout life, later, if the Nomad is carried across oceans, a new set of values are inherited from the new surroundings, looking back, the Nomad is emotionally attached to the old, challenged by the present and sobered by the new realities of Islam as a wholesome faith transcending time and space, now, depending on the sex of the Nomad, a plethora of personalities emerge as a result of these ingredients, some very contradictory, some compromising, yet some unreasonably wacky, welcome to a journey in the inner realm of the mind of a Somali Nomad.



:( isn't that called cognitive dissonance, when your beliefs and your actions or even two ideas contradict. god i hate it when that happens, and living in western society it happens alot. :mad:

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