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Destroyed Lifes: Why Liberalism means more Suffering

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It seems that with all the problems facing humanities, a liberal agenda that normalise "individual morality", alcohol (as well as the legalisation of other substances), "free sexuality" etc needlessly compound suffering and distract of the real priorities, not less by confusing and tempting those less well-informed or vulnerable.


Indeed, society can't tell to teenagers it's OK to be gay, "how do you know if you did not explore it", "everybody tries cannabis nowadays" etc and then wonder why curious or hesitating youngsters increasingly drift in such lifestyles and public health issues explode.


Likewise, it is hardly wise or remotely compassionate to severely punish a banker mother that lost her job and sunk into alcoholism the moment she drives while drunk, without adressing the underlying issues (yet another accident of that sort depressed some weeks ago).


Finally and most ironically, dogmatic financial, economic and social liberalism is now fuelling an extreme or xenophobic counterforce, with openly racist parties now in the ascendancy, if not already ruling, key Western states (as many liberal myths are unravelling with excruciating costs, if not an entire state such as Belgium)...


Few of those unforgettable, but sadly more and more common, horror stories that constantly depress:






In This Rape Center, the Patient Was 3

By Nicholas D. Kristof



IN a rape treatment center here, I met a 3-year-old patient named Jessica, who was cuddling a teddy bear.


Jessica had seemed sick and was losing weight, but she wouldn’t say what was wrong. Her mother took her to a clinic, and a doctor ferreted out the truth. She had been raped and was infected with gonorrhea.


As I stood in the rape center corridor, reeling from the encounter with Jessica, a 4-year-old girl was brought in for treatment. She, too, turned out to have been infected with a sexually transmitted disease in the course of a rape. Also in the center that day were a 10-year-old and a 12-year-old, along with older girls.


Sexual violence is a public health crisis in much of the world, and women and girls ages 15 to 44 are more likely to be maimed or killed by men than by malaria, cancer, war or traffic accidents combined, according to a 2005 study. Such violence remains a significant problem in the United States, but it’s particularly prevalent in countries like Sierra Leone, Liberia or Congo that have endured civil war. The pattern is that after peace arrives, men stop shooting each other but continue to rape women and girls at staggering rates — and often at staggeringly young ages.






This other shocking tragedy of much wasted potential happened a little while ago; a lesbian executive drived intentionally her "wife" mad, the latter being a brilliant journalist experiencing difficult time (both talented though one seemed heartless):



Huff Post writer stabs lesbian lover 222 times

Freelancer pierces 'marriage' partner with screw driver



A freelance election reporter for the Huffington Post fatally shot herself after stabbing her lesbian lover 222 times with a screwdriver and stuffing the body in the back seat of the victim's BMW, authorities say.


Carol Anne Burger, 57, an award-winning photojournalist and regular contributor to the website, reported on the election from their home in Florida. She had experienced an upsetting breakup with software executive Jessica Kalish, 56, a woman whom she had married in Massachusetts, the Palm Beach Post reported. The partners were planning to divide their assets, including the home they still shared, after splitting last year. Kalish had met another woman and frequently went on dates with her.


"Burger, upset at the disintegration of her relationship and disgusted with the U.S. during the past several years, sometimes talked of moving to Panama or Mexico to start again," the Post reported

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Liberalism destroying lifes? I don't see how? your examples are not entirely that convincing.

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^you sound a little like hitler here, I don't liberalism or conservatism give or take away control. the difference is one is about progress and the other tries to block that. all in all, certain people need to just bag up, go into the wilderness and let the rest of humanity be.

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Naxar, your peculiar definition of "progress" is not even shared by most Americans (and even Amsterdam no longer tolerate vitrine prostitution, with drug policy under constant reviews too);


Which "rights" are you always keen to promote anyway, to try and be specific for once (whether it be trade, substance use or behavior based)?


Do you believe that trades or products that ruthlessly exploit primal instincts or prey on the vulnerable or addicted are ethical (eg pawnbrokers, branded liquors marketing among the African middle class keen to emulate etc)?




PS: again, this is not about individuals per se but my views on intimacy etc are not open to change unlike you, thank you.

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