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Che -Guevara

Siilaanyo takes on his critics

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^^ Nothing to say. Siilaanyo is doing this for a reason, saaxib. The Imam rants for reason and no reason. It'll be crazy to compare the two. :D

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^^ Haa dee. One must have a balance. Not silent all the time like the Sharif and not ranting all the time like the Imam. Do you believe none of the issues he tackled needed tackling (by him and not one of his ministers or workers)?


With the "mucaarid" guys he had to begin speaking before the elections that are due next year.

With Sharif, he chose a good opportunity to hit back and repeat the fact that SL does not regard itself part of Somalia.

With the students, he again used the opportunity to remind poeple that this has nothing to do with secession.


And he did it all right after sending donations to Somalia. Sharif can't hit back (if we're going by the logic of af wax cun xishow), the opposition can't pin him down for he showed them that good relations and contact with the South does not mean the cancellation of SL's freedom. Haye, maxa kale? :D

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This is not a bad response given the circumstances. But it lacks Faroole's flamboyant tone, which makes a bit ineffective.


Seriously, Siilaanyo had to do this. Any serious political adviser would have counseled the old man to engage in the political discourse and the new narrative surrounding Somaliland's recent activities. The facts are facts however. To say Turks accepted a passport of a country that is yet to be recognized by the world is a transparent lie. The old man could have phrased his response more cleverly.

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The Zack   

N.O.R.F;748767 wrote:
He isn't
ala Sharifi



Overall, I think Siilaanyo called a turub a turub, telling Waraabe to STFU for once was long overdue. The dude was enjoying badmouthing people left and right for years. Dhalinyarada asagaa jaajuusay kulahaa LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.


Dhinaca kale, all Somaliland politicians( AND I MEAN ALL of them) know that this thing aint real ee meel ay kasoo noqdaan bey la'yihiin. Shacabkii inta naceyb ka buuxsheen oo tea-party-yeeyeen bey jiq ku tahay. It is crazy, I am telling ya! For instance , Siilaanyo and Waraabe both know that Somalia shall remain Somalia but Jaceylbaro thinks that is a thing of the past. People have been brainwashed. It will take us whole a lot to clean their hearts again.

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Ciid nacayb laga buuxiyey ma jirto. Shacabka reer somaliland iyo shacabka somaliya way is barteen 30 sannadood ay wadan wadagayeen I don't think 300 politicians can change the will of the people , people. Cannot be forced by politicians nor can they be brainwashed do not insult our people. Lool meel loo noqda halkee lo noqonaya ma nin ba gurgisa ka tafa oo meel kala taga

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The Zack;748935 wrote:

Siilaanyo and Waraabe both know that Somalia shall remain Somalia but Jaceylbaro thinks that is a thing of the past. People have been brainwashed. It will take us whole a lot to clean their hearts again.

who said somalia shall remain somali and which way by force!!!! make it clear


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