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Mogadshu: Aqoon la'aan waa iftin la'aan

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Youth in the Somali capital of Mogadishu formed long lines in front of schools this week as they competed for a slot in a rapidly expanding student exchange program sponsored by the Turkish relief organization Kimse Yok Mu. The organization is planning to provide scholarships for 350 new students from the famine-stricken nation.


Bilal Çelik, Somalia representative for Kimse Yok Mu, explained in an interview with the Anatolia news agency that word of the program's expansion has garnered an overwhelming response in the capital, with a total of 10,000 students attending exams over the 10-day testing period. Faced with such unprecedented numbers, the representative says the organization is considering as many factors as possible during the selection process. “We are giving priority to children living in tents and orphans,” he said.


Çelik notes that students are hopeful of gaining an education abroad, saying, “After seeing a good education in Turkey, these youths' biggest goal is to return to their country and help their people as doctors, engineers or as experts in other fields.” The program aims to place the 350 new students in Turkish universities and prep schools within the next month.


The student exchange program is just one part of a massive aid campaign undertaken by Turkey in response to East Africa's worst drought in 60 years. Turkey's relief efforts so far have included donating TL 500 million in aid to Somalia and distributing food to 12 million people in Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti. The UN's refugee agency recently declared that the east African drought is currently the "worst humanitarian disaster” in the world, and has urged other international actors to pledge additional assistance.


In addition to the 350 students which it plans to support in the coming months, Kimse Yok Mu presently provides education for 400 high school and 100 university students from Somalia.

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Turkey provides scholarships for 500 Somali students


Turkey will provide scholarships for 500 Somali students to study in Turkish universities in the upcoming academic year, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ said.


According to Bozdağ, 230 students will attend private universities, while 270 students will be able to study in state universities in Turkey’s newly established scholarship program for Somali students.


Speaking at a meeting in his hometown in the Aydıncık district of Yozgat province, where he spent the Eid al-Fitr holiday, the minister shared information on Turkey’s aid campaigns in Somalia. Health is the urgent issue in Somalia, he said, and for that reason Turkey will set up five field hospitals equipped with medical supplies and health personnel, in addition to the existing field hospital, which was set up by Republic of Turkey’s Ministry of Health on Aug. 19.


In addition, he said the Ministry of Forest and Water also conducts searches for water in Somalia. “TOKİ [the Housing Development Administration of Turkey] will build houses for Somalis. You may ask where the money for this is coming from. The state has not spent a penny on this. Charity campaigns have been launched by the public, by you. These people are so rich in their hearts and ready to give anything to the needy,” he said.

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Ardeyda gobolka Hiiraan oo soo dhaweysay fursada waxbarasho ee dowladda Turkigu ku deeqday



Talaado, September 27-9-2011 (HOL ) -- Ardeyda ku dhaqan magaalada Beledweyne ee xarunta u ah gobollka Hiiraan ayaa siweyn u soo dhaweeyay fursadaha waxbarsho ee dowladda Turkigu siisay in badan oo ka mid ah ardeyda Soomaaliyeed, kuwaasoo lagu wado in saacadaha soo socda ay u duulaan dalka Turkiga.


Ardeyda oo siyaabo kala duwan ay u la hadashay HOL ayaa ku tilmaamay talaabo soo dhaweyn mudan in dowladda Turkigu siiso deeq waxbarasho ardeyda Soomaaliyeed ee waqtiga dheer wax ku soo barnayay marxalada colaadeed, waxaana ay intaa ku darreen ardeydu in looga baahan yahay dowladdaha kale ee saaxiib-ka la ah dalka Soomaaliya in ay qaadaan talaabo la mid ah tan ay qaaday dowladda Turkiga.


‘’Ardey badan oo aan garanayo ayaa ku jira kuwa hadda fursadaa helay, walaahi waan ku faraxsanahay, waayo ma aha wax sahlan in ardeygu waxbarasho lacag la’aan ah oo waliba heer Jaamacadeed ah uu helo ayuu yiri,’’ mid ka mid ah ardeyda ku dhaqan magaalada Beledweyne.


Laakiin dhinaca kale ardeydu waxaa ay wax laga xumaado ku tilmaameen cabashada meelaha qaar laga soo jeediyay, gaar ahaan in la musuq maasuqay ardeyda qaarkood, iyaga oo farta ku fiiqay dibadbixii dhawaan ka dhacay koonfurta magaalada Gaalkacyo, waxaana ay ka codsadeen maamulka halkaa ka dhisan in uu jawaab ka bixiyo cabashada ardeydu qabaan.


Magaalada Beledweyne ee xarunta u ah goballka Hiiraan waxaa ka furan dhowr Jaamacadood iyo Dugsiyo sare iyo Machadyo ay wax ka bartaa ardey aad u tiro badan oo hadda qaar ka mid ah ay ku jiraan ardeyda helay deeqaha waxbarasho ee dowladda Turkigu bixisay.


C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online

Beledweyne, Soomaaliya.

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118 Puntland students receive scholarships from Turkey


24 Sep 24, 2011 - 11:49:46 PM


Students in Somalia's Puntland region have been awarded scholarships to study aboard in Turkey, Radio Garowe reports.


An event held Saturday in the Puntland capital Garowe and attended by senior officials from the Ministry of Education including Minister Abdi Farah Juha and Turkish teachers.


Mr. Ismail Mohamed, director of Puntland education umbrella, announced the results that 118 male and female students had won the scholarships.


“We thank the people and Government of Turkey for assisting our people…this is a happy day for me,” said Education Minister Juha, addressing the event.


More than 6,000 students have traveled to Garowe from many regions to part annual exams for grade 8 and grade 12 graduation. A similar examination event took place in Galkayo, whereby students from Mudug and Sool regions participated, according to education officers.


Puntland students have won scholarships to other countries, including Ethiopia, Sudan and Malaysia. Located in northeastern Somalia, Puntland has enjoyed relatively stability since the 1998 formation of a state government with its own security forces, laws and policies.



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I am really happy for these kids.This should be named "the Erdogan airlift" ....Five decades ago a similar airlift happened in Kenya where a young Cambridge educated Kenyan by the name Tom Mboya cordinated an "airlift" in 1959 of 81 Kenyan students to the USA to attend college.Today as we all know one of the students was a certain Barack Hussein Obama Senior, the late father of US President Barack Obama.I'm really happy and looking forward to see a globally geared and wired youth return to Somalia and contribute to the nation building.


PS On a personal note I know a classmate of mine (in high school) that got an Islamic scholarship to study medicine in Turkey and today he works for the CDC and travels around the world.I'm sure Turkey has a world class education....

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