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Gaas says Somaliland part of Somalia

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Somali Prime Minister Prof. Abdiweli Ali Gaas said in an interview to the BBC that: " We believe that Somaliland is part of Somalia and just the same as Puntland to us, there will be a timing when we will talk on how to make that unity firmer."

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Gaas: Somaliland waxay ka mid tahay Somalia


27 Sep 27, 2011 - 6:32:51 AM




Ra'iisul wasaaraha Somaliya Prof. C/weli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa sheegay in Somaliland ay ka mid tahay Somaliya, isagoo xusay inay rajeynayaan in dowlad ahaan ay diyaar u yihiin inay la hadlaan si looga hortago in Somaliya ay kala go'do.


Prof. C/weli Gaas ayaa hadalkan ku sheegay wareysi uu siiyay BBC -daa laanteda afka- Somaliga isagoo sidoo kale ka hadlay howlaha xukuumadahoryaala mudada sanadka ah ee ay shaqada hayso, wuxuuna si aad ah uga hadlay musuqmaasuqa oo uu sheegay in dunidu ay ku eedeyso dowlada Somaliya.


"Somaliland waxaan u aragnaa inay ka mid tahay Somaliya, waxay noola mid tahay Puntland, waxaana imaanayso xili aan kawada hadlano sidii loo adkeyn lahaa midnimada" ayuu yiri Prof. C/weli.


Ra'iisul wasaaraha Somaliya wuxuu sheegay in xiligan aysan Somaliya kala go'i karin siyaasada dunidana ay tahay in la ilaaliyo midnimada dalka oo uu sheegay in dhaqaale ahaan iyo siyaasad ahaan aanay kala go'i karin.


Dhanka kale, wuxuu hadlay howlaha horyaala xukuumada mudada halka sano ah oo ay shaqeynayso, wuxuuna sheegay inay doonayaan in Somaliya ay yeelato waji ka duwan midka hadda, isagoo sheegay inay mudada yar ku sugayaan amaanka oo dhan ayna isku xirayaan gobolada dalka.


"Waxaan noo qorsheysan in halka sano oo aan shaqada hayno aan dalka ka saarno Al-shabaab, sidii aan uga saarnay Muqdisho oo kale, markaas kadibna aan sameyno inaan isku xirno dowlada dhexe iyo gobolada dalka oo dhan, lana sugno amaanka" ayuu yiri Prof. Gaas oo intaas raaciyay inqorshahooda ay ka dhabeyn doonaan.


Sidoo kale, wareysiga wuxuu ku sheegay inay ka go'an tahay inay la dagaalamaan musuqmaasuqa isagoo sheegay in dunidu ay arinta si aad ah ugu cambaareyso DF, wuxuuna xusay inay u muujin doonaan xiliga ay shaqeynayaan ay muujin doonaan dowlad-wanaag.


Ra'iisul wasaaraha Somaliya ayaa noqonaya mas'uulkii ugu horeeyay DF oo sheega in Somaliand ay ka mid tahay Somaliya, iyadoo Somaliland aysan weli helin wax aqoonsi caalami ah tan iyo markii ay ku dhawaaqday gooni u goosashadeeda 20-sano ka hor.



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^^ The world is unsure. Every new PM has to remind the world that this issue will be dealt with soon. Alas, they all leave the job before addressing it. Lets hope Gaas doesn't get to light a match. :D

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^^ We all know. But we knew it when Gedi said it, when Nur Cade said it, When Sharmarke said it and when..oh! I forgot the name of the previous prime minister (Horn's cousin, what was his name again?)..anyway, him. So now we have Gaas saying it. It's the stock reply to an issue that is never tackled, and rightly so.

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^^ I hear it's part of the charter of the Union Of Former Somali Prime Ministers. This is why that guy that Abdullahi Yusuf made PM for a couple of days has never been admitted to this Union (poor guy had no time to say it). :D

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^^I am not sure what you mean it was never tackled. You guys are quietly coming back to the fold. The question is no longer whether you are coming back. It is how; 1) join when the transition ends , or 2) partake in the conference and argue your case there.


Ask those in the know, NGOINGE, and they will tell you

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^^ Who would you say is in the know? Siilaanyo? He told me (via a couple of fifth cousins, a third cousin, a talkative eedo and a very connected in-law) that SL is never going back. He also told the world at every opportunity he got.


Gaas should have told the interviewer off and changed the subject.

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