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Turkish Doctors arrive in Bosaso Puntland's commercial capital

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After treating and seeing 1213 of which 85 were surgical operations in Gaalkacyo Puntland's second largest city, the Turkish team of Doctors now arrived in Bosaso, Puntland's largest city and commercial capital.

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Dhakhaatiir ka socota dalka Turkiga oo Boosaaso soo gaaray


Dhakhaatiir Turkish ah oo beryihii u danbeeyey howlo caafimaad ka wadey degaanada Puntland ayaa goor hore oo saaka ah soo gaarey magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari.


Wefdigan oo ay garoonka diyaaradaha kusoo dhoweyeen Madax katirsan muumulka gobolka iyo kan degmada , Arday , cuqaal , hooyooyin iyo dadweyne kale oo aad u tira badan ayaa isla durbadiiba markii ay cusbataalka guud ee magaalada Boosaaso tageen si toos ah u bilaabay adeegyo caafimaad oo ay dadka si bilaash ah ugu qabanayaan kuwaas oo isugu jira Baaritaano , daaweyn , iyo qalliin.


Boqolaal qof oo kamid ah dadweynaha ku dhaqan magaalada Boosaaso iyo degaanada ku xeeran ayaa soo buux dhaafiyey hareera cusbataalka kuwaas doonaya inay ka faa’iideystaan adeegyada ay dhakhaatiirtani sida bilaashka ah u qabanayaan inta ay magaalada Boosaaso ku sugan yihiin.

Wasiirka Wasaarada caafimaadka Puntladn Dr.Cali Cabdilaahi Warsame oo isagu wefdigan dhakhaatiirta ah horkacayey islamarkaana Cusbataalka Boosaaso gudihiisa Saxaafada kula hadlay ayaa ugu baaqay dadweynaha inay si habsami leh uga faa’iideystaan howlaha caafimaad ee ay dhakhaatiirta Turkishka ahi bulshada u qabanayaan.


Dhakhaatiirtan oo kasoo kicitimay dhinaca magaalada Gaalkacayo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug ayaa intii ay Gaalkacayo joogeen ku guuleystey inay qaabilaan 1213 bukaan kuwaas 85-kamid ah qaliimo kala duwan lagu sameeyey , ayaa sidoo kale inta ay magaalada Boosaaso ku sugan yihiin fulindoono adeegyo caafimaad oo kuwaas dhigooda ah.


Horseed Media

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YAAY!;) May god reward them for their actions.


They treated a relative of mine in Galkacyo few day earlier who come from Bacadweyn and for that I would like to say Thanks to the Turkish doctors. It is not their first visit in Galkacyo, in fact, they have been there numerous times before. A lot of Puntland hospitals have great relationship with the Turkish doctors which is a positive.


It is wonderful to see all the developments and projects going in Puntland lately. It is refreshing.

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Yes sister Atirisho, the Health Minister is doing a good job and the government a bigger as well in assisting with the whole logistic/security/organising aspect, wonderful to say the least and good for treating your relative who came all the way from Bacaadweyn may allaah reward those doctors and all the people who gave a hand, the Health Ministry with all related agencies and the Turkish State as well who did it cost free and for muslinimo and brotherly sake alone.

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Well Bacadweyn isn't really far from Galkacyo but still they are wonderful. thanks


Usually, the patients they treated were sent to either Nairobi or Addis Abbas since the hospital in Somalia don't have the equipment needed to perform certain surgeries or because of lack of doctors.


Not only are they doing this for Somalis, but they also awarded scholarship to Somali students to study aboard which is by far the greatest thing they did for us. “Give me a fish and I eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime.” They can keep coming back to Somalia for all eternity to treat Somali patients but giving the Somali youth the education and the tools to succeed and become sufficient and self reliable is far great gift they gave us. So I say kudos to them ;)

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