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Somalia Oo ka Mid Noqotay Wadamadii Ka Dareeray Khudbadii Madaxweynaha Iran-(Video)-

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waa wax laga xumaado in madax ka socota soomaaliya eey isaga baxdo shirka xiligii uu axmed najaad uu jeedinayay qudbada ,xitaa sucuudiga oo Iran dunida ugu neceb ma uusan bixin , soomaaliya oo eey macaawino tira badan ka helay Iran iney kaligeed wadamada islaamka ka istaagto isagana baxdo sabab la'aan waaceeb weyn oo usoo hooyatay shacabka soomaaliya .


madaxdii shirkaa ka qeyb galay waxey mudan yihiin in gabigooda laga ceyriyo shaqada ,lana baaro sababta eey uga bexeen shirka iyo in eey lacag ku qaateen arinkaas .

qofka arinka soomaaliya yaqaanana yaab weyn kuma noqoneyso in madax ka socoto dal 21 dagaal iyo dhibaatooyin sokeeye eey ka jireen eey go'aankaan qataan ,waadna dareemi kartaa dadka markeey 21 gadaal usocdeen oo hada mudo yar horey loo soo leexiyay in waxaanoo kale eey suubiyaan .balse dowlada waa iney arinkaan oo kale een loo dul qaadan karin talaabo cad ka qaadaa mudanayaasha suubiya arinkaan .


laga yaabo inaan saxaafda loosoo bandhigin balse inshaa Allah sanadka soo socdo ayaan ka ogaan doonaa in wax laga qabtay iyo in kale .

waana wax laga xumaado in Iran oo reer galbeed wax ka sheegayo aan shirka uga tagno , waxaan filaa inta tagtay ayaa fikir mareykan jeceyl ka buuxay .

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ninka xumaantaas geystay runtii ma matalo soomaaliya naftissa ayuu matalaa , meeshaan oo kalana waxaa looga baahnaa farmaajo ninkaas ayaa wadani ahaa waxaan oo kala oo sharafta soomaaliya hoos udhigaya ma uusan suubiyeen , waxa loo badalayna waa inuu ahaa nin wadankiisa jecel . inta ayar ee udhiman ha iska dhameysto midkaan ,mardanbuusan imaan doonine , marka xigta mudaaharaad xoriyad doon ah ayaa lagu qaadi donaa inta soomaali xalkeeda iyo horumarkeeda kasoo horjeeda , sida Alshabab iyo xitaa TFG kuwa aan danaha soomaaliya rabin .

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The damaged has already been done. But I am hearing that the TFG has privately apologized to the Iranians for their diplomatic gaffe at the UN. God know at what capacity. But hope it was at the Pres office or the PM office level.

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Why are most of you seem surprised?

I would expect these type of thing from this TFG entity which only exists few districts within xamar, and represented abroad by unqualified, Unethical, and corrupt diplomats. Who got these posts through a system of favors, and bribery with no understanding of international affairs.



This reminded me of friend of mine last year who went to visit his ailing mother in Mogadishu, as he got off the plane in Xamar. he was Greeted as part of Customs officer a fellow American and a CIA officers, asking him 'why r you here"?. He had to convince them he was there to visit him mom whom he had

not seen in years.


these so called leaders in Somalia waa qashin, almost 99% of them waa qashin, sanka ka qabsada....and has been last 20 years. very few have interest beyond their own or their qabiil for somalia...

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The Foriegn Minister is denying this act ever took place. "We were all sitting down listening to the speech. I don't know where the Western media got this information" is what he is quoted to be saying.


So this may all be a misinformation at the highest level. We shall wait for more clarification from the TFG.

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They have waited this long just to come up with "we were sitting there" lines? There was a rumor that they have already apologized. If it was a typo or misinformation by the media, then they ought to be making some noises.

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Not really much of a story. Neither Iran nor the West is really going to pay attention to the walk out of some Somali diplomats. Dont' panic, people. :D

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The prime minister is saying that there were delegates from the island of somoa sittting next to them who walked out.It was a case of mistaken iddentity.

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NGONGE, I would say let us first make sure it wasn't wild Inna Beddel (Abtigiis's abtiyo) who decided to go to the washroom right in the middle of the walkout. Talk about mistaken identity. :D :D


PS: The good thing is there are cameras everywhere and I am positive this is on tape.


War Deg Deg ah:- Xafiiska Ra’iisalw Wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo beeniyey warar sheegaya in Waftigii Soomaaliya ay ka baxeen shirkii New York xiligii uu Madaxweynaha Iiraan khudbynayey


Copenhagen( Xafiiska Ra’iisalwasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa ku tilmaamey war been abuur ah war sheegaya in Waftigii Soomaaliya ay ka baxeen shirkii New York markii uu Madaxweynaha Iiraan khudbada bilaabey, Xafiiska Ra’iisalwasaraha ayaa hoosta ka xariiqey in waftiga Soomaaliya uu san ka qayb qaadan wadamadii ka baxey shirka, sida ay qoreen qaar kamid ah saxaafada Soomaalida.


Wadamo ay kamid yihiin Mareykanka ayaa isaga baxey shirkii Golaha Abniga markii uu Madaxweynaha Iraan bilaabey khudbadiisii, xiligaas ka dib ayaa suuqa la galiyey in Ra’iisal wasaaraha soomaaliya uu isna ka baxey shirkii, warkaasi wuxuu ahaa mid la been abuurey, Ra’iisal wasaare Cabdiwali Mohamed Cali Gaas ama xubno kamid ah waftiga Soomaaliya kama aysan bixin shirka sida naloo cadeeyey.


Xafiiska Ra’iisalwasaaruhu wuxuu hoosta ka xariiqey in Soomaaliya iyo Iiraan xiriirkoodu yahey mid soo jireen ah hadana uu meel wanaagsan marayo.


Xasuusin:- Waxaan idiin soo gudbineynaa Wareysi ku saabsan beeninta warkaan, ee kala soco


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Gheelle.T;747734 wrote:
Is this even true? The video doesn't show Somalis walking out of the hall, and sfgate and huffpost aren't reliable source. Bring us something tangible to believe. There is no reason why Somali diplomats should walk out of the speech of Iranian president(friendly nation). Warkaan ha lagu noqdo.

Well said bro. According to reliable sources and I don't have to share who they are in public this information is baseless. Thelle.T has mad a good point no proof in the video too. One has to be very careful about what we read on Somali websites as most of them are garbage.

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^^Thanks for the update Abwaan.


Abdiweli waa nin miisaan weyn oo macquul ah. I just can't fathom a circumstance under which this seasoned technorat would walk out on Iran's president.


Waxba nagaama gelin haduu Ahmedinajad dowladaha reer Galbeedka dhaleeceeyo. Sheekooyinkaas nama khuseeyaan iyagayna u taallaa.

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Raisal-wasaaraha Somalia Cabdiweli Max'ed Cali ayaa wareysi uu siiyay laanta Af-Soomaalia ee VOA wuxuu ku beeniyay in Somalia ay ka mid ahayd dalalkii ka baxay markii ay socotay khubaddii madaxweynaha Iran ee golaha guud ee QM.


Cabdiweli wuxuu sheegay in isaga iyo wafdiga Soomaalida ee uu hoggaaminayay ay goobjoog ahaayeen oo ay dhageysanayeen khudbadda Axmedinejad.


Qaar ka tirsan warbaahinta ayaa qoray in dalal gaaraya 30 dal oo ay Somalia ka mid tahay ay ka baxeen khudbaddii uu Axmedinejad taasoo si ay ugu dhaliilo dalalka reer Galbeedka, gaar ahaa Maraykanka. C/weli wuxuu sheegay inay dhici karto in saxaafaddu ay magaca Somalia ku khaldaan magacyada dalalka kale ee kabaxay markii ay socotay khudbadda madaxweynaha Iran.


Raisal-wasaare C/weli wuxuu wareysigan uga hadlay kulamadii ka dhacay QM ee looga hadlayay xaaladda siyaasadda iyo abaaraha ee Somalia.


Wareysiga oo buuxa qeybta hoose ee qoraalkan ka dhageyso.

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