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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland govt sends a delegation to Somalia to deliver Humanitarian assistance

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Somaliland: Wefti Wasiira Oo Mucaawino U Qaaday Soomaalida U Qaxdey Xeryaha Qaxoontiga Oo Dalka Kenya Oo Si Diiran Loogu Soo Dhaweeyey Magaalada Nairobi.





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Wafdi Ka Socday Soomaaliland Oo Uu Ka Mid Ahaa Abwaan Hadraawi oo Muqdisho Lagu Soo Dhaweeyay


Wafdi ka socday maamul goboleedka Soomaaliland oo ka koobnaa ganacsato Odayaal iyo Abwaaniin ayaa maanta ka soo degay garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde ee magaalada Muqdisho.


Abaare 11 barqanimo ee maanta ayaa waxaa garoonka caalamiga ah ee Aadan Cabdulle Cismaan “Aadan cadde” waxaa ka soo dagtay diyaarad sidday wafdi ka socda maamulka Soomalilanda kaas oo ka koobnaa Lix xubnood oo isugu jirta ganacsato, odayaal dhaqameed iyo Abwaaniin uu ka dhex muuqday Maxamed Ibraahuim Warsame “Hadraawi” iyadoo xubnaha wafdiguna uu horkacayay gudoomiyaha rugta ganacsiga ee maamulka Somaliland.


Wafdiga ayaa waxaa garoonka ku soo dhaweeyay mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka gobalka Banaadir oo uu hogaaminayay guddoomiyaha gobalka Banaadir ahna duqa magaalada Muqdisho, Mudanayaal ka tirsan baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. odayaal dhaqameeydyo haween, barbaarta gaashaaman, fannaaniinta qaranka iyo ururada bulshada rayid ka ah.


Xubnahan ka socda maamulka Soomaliland ee deeqda u wada walaalahooda Soomaaliyeed ayaa markii ay ka soo dageen garoonka diyaaradaha waxay mid mid u gacan qaadeen dhamaan dadweynihi ku soo dhaweeyay garoonka, iyadoo fannaaniinta hobolada Waabarina ay halkaasi ku soo bandhigeen heeso ay ku soo dhaweeynayaan wafdiga ka socda maamulka Somaliland.


Guddoomiyaha rugta ganacsiga ee Somaliland ahna hoggaamiyaha wafdigan Xasan Axmed Cawad oo saxaafadda kula hadlay garoonka ayaa ka warbixiyay socdaalkan ay ku yimaadeen Magaalada Muqdisho waxa uuna sheegay in ay ka damqanayaan abaarta heyso walaalaha Soomaaliyeed ee ku sugan koofurta Soomaliya.


Sidoo kale guddoomiyaha maamulka gobalka banaadir ahna duqa magaalada Muqdisho Mudane Maxamuud Axmed Nuur Tarsan oo ku soo dhaweeyay garoonka wafdiga ka socda Somaliland ayaa sheegay in uu aad ugu faraxsanyahay gargaarkan ay keeneen walaalaha reer Somaliland.


Waa marki ugu horeysay oo wafdi ka socda maamulka Soomaaliland soo gaaran magaalada Muqdisho iyagoo socdaalkooda ku soo beegay gar gaar ay u wadaan dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ay saameyeen abaaraha ba’an ee ka taagan dalka iyagoo sidoo kalana qorsheynaya in gargaar kan la mid ah ay gaarsiiyaan dadka Soomaaliyeed ee qaxay xeryaha qaxootiga ee dalalka Kenya iyo Ethiopia.



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Guddoomiyaha rugta ganacsiga ee Somaliland ahna hoggaamiyaha wafdigan Xasan Axmed Cawad oo saxaafadda kula hadlay garoonka ayaa ka warbixiyay socdaalkan ay ku yimaadeen Magaalada Muqdisho waxa uuna sheegay in ay ka damqanayaan abaarta heyso walaalaha Soomaaliyeed ee ku sugan koofurta Soomaliya.


Sidoo kale guddoomiyaha maamulka gobalka banaadir ahna duqa magaalada Muqdisho Mudane Maxamuud Axmed Nuur Tarsan oo ku soo dhaweeyay garoonka wafdiga ka socda Somaliland ayaa sheegay in uu aad ugu faraxsanyahay gargaarkan ay keeneen walaalaha reer Somaliland.

Waahwaah ,,,, :D

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Somaliland Delegation Deliver Aid to Famine Hit People in Mogadishu


Posted on 25/09/2011

Mogadishu — A Somaliland delegation led by prominent poet has arrived in Mogadishu to deliver aid to famine stricken families in conflict torn capital on Saturday.


Members of Benadir regional administration led by Mogadishu mayor Mohamed Ahmed Nur Tarzan, some of Somali MPs and famous singers have warmly and cordially welcome the Somaliland delegation at Mogadishu international airport.


The Mogadishu mayor said that he was very pleased to see and welcome the Somalilanders spearheaded by Somalia’s well-known poet Mohamed Warsame Hadrawi, thanking for their visit to Mogadishu and their sympathy with their starving brothers and sisters in Somalia.


Speaking to the media, the famous poet Hadrawi said that he was very happy in visiting Mogadishu to help famine victims.


The spokesman of Somaliland delegation Mohamed Shukri Jama said that Somaliland people have sent 13.5 tonnes of food aid destined to assist the famine displaced people in the capital.

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Mogadishu mayor Mohamed Ahmed Nur Tarzan, some of Somali MPs and famous singers have warmly and cordially welcome the Somaliland delegation at Mogadishu international airport.

Aaheey ,,, :D

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Somaliland in first humanitarian mission to Mogadishu


Posted on 03/10/2011 i


HARGEISA – A humanitarian delegation from the Republic of Somaliland donated relief aid for 9,000 drought-displaced families in the Somalia capital, Mogadishu, during a visit on 30 September, the first such visit since the region declared unilateral independence from the rest of the country in 1991.


“We plan to distribute food for 9,000 families and medicine for four hospitals,” said Hasan Abdi Awed, chairman of Somaliland’s Chamber of Commerce and leader of the eight-member delegation. “The food we are distributing will last the beneficiary families for one month.”


Awed said the Somaliland government had announced in late August that it would participate in the international efforts to provide humanitarian aid to Somalia, which has been hit by famine and drought across most of its south-central regions.


Mohamed Shugri Jama, a spokesman for the delegation, told a news conference in Hargeisa before the visit: “We collected about US$700,000 donated by the people and the government of Somaliland, and we have split into two delegations, one will be in Mogadishu distributing the food aid there, while another will go to the refugee camps [in Dadaab] in Kenya.”


Receiving the Somaliland delegation at the Mogadishu international airport, the governor and mayor of Mogadishu, Mohamed Ahmed Nur Tarsan, said: “We are glad to receive the delegation from Somaliland, which is here in response to the humanitarian crisis. It is not the amount of their contribution that matters but their empathy is more important.”


Somaliland, in the north of the country, is a former British protectorate that joined Italian Somaliland to form the Republic of Somalia in 1960. In 1991, the northwestern region declared its independence from the rest of Somalia and has enjoyed relative stability and peace unknown in Mogadishu.

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