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Somalia : A Government at Work

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SL needs to realise its not just about seeking international recognition and that there are other issues needing attention.

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They havent even left Muqdishu yet. Not even able to reach Afgooye or Jowhar, after 7 years of TFG and 10.000 African AMISOM troops. This film is an insult thinking Somali people will buy this, Its a joke.


I understand its a PR product from the former Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullahi Omaar and the former Minister for information Abdikariim Hassan, made for the donors.

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^^Carafaat iyo secessionists-ka kale mind your own business '' dal jaara baynu nahay'' aa meel kasta lasoo taagantihiin hadana PL that, Xamar that aa la so taagan tihiin,, isku xishooda nimanyahow,,

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Aboow Oba,


Cid iga jecel ine Somalia nabad noqoto ma jirto oo dawlad ka dhalato. wallahi taa iga qaado. Laakinse walaal anigu uma maleeniyo(waan jeclaan lahaa) ine tan la yiraahdo TFG ine tahay tii Somalia u keeni leheed nabada loo haraadsanyahay, wexe dadka ka dilisaa rajo walba.

Iminka 7 sano ayaa lago soo wareegay marke dhismatay, wexe biloowday waxqabad markii u dhamaan rabay mashruuci lacagta ee ku qadanisay. Markaa yee u shaqeeysaa wallaal? ma dadka mise dalal kale?


Filmkan iminka aad arkisid oo kale horey ayaa loo dhigay, dad badan wexe galinisaa rajo. Hadhoowna wee burburinisaa rajadii dadka. Marka anigu waxaan leeyahay uun ka daayada dadka filimaantan.

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Carafaat;747436 wrote:
Aboow Oba,


Cid iga jecel ine Somalia nabad noqoto ma jirto oo dawlad ka dhalato. wallahi taa iga qaado.

Dee u soo ducee uun................:confused:


Its about time. Al-Shabaab is gone, and Somalia is ready to stand up.

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