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The development of Eastern Somaliland should be a priority.

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The development of Eastern Somaliland should be a priority.

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The development of Eastern Somaliland should be a priority.


It’s extremely disappointing for many patriots inside and outside the country that the current Somaliland government and the Diaspora hasn’t put many efforts in developing the resource rich regions of eastern Somaliland mainly the Sanaag, western and northern Sool (Maydh, Ceerigaabo, Ceelafweyn, Garadag, Bohol, Caynabo districts). Rather the JSL government spends some of its precious time trying to appease nomadic men from Sool region to influence and put a halt to the movements of the anti peace rebel groups known as SSC (So So Cowards) based in the unstable Buhoodle district and in return the government spends much of the nation’s aid for Eastern Somaliland in those politically confused disputed regions known as (Buhoodle, Eastern Sool).


Many of the law abiding JSL citizens applaud the current government’s efforts and egalitarian policy in stabilizing parts of the disputed areas of Eastern Sool and Buhoodle. But the JSL government should not do it on the expense of the patriotic Somaliland communities of Sanaag, western Sool and northern Sool who scarified their lives, their loved ones and wealth defending eastern Somaliland from the invading forces of SNA (Somali National Army) in the 1980-1990s who were loyal to the former toppled Somali dictator MSB.


The patriotic Somaliland people of those said regions are yearning for development of their neglected ancestral lands (government wise) and they shall not tolerate anymore of the aid meant for their regions to be directed elsewhere for inappropriate use under their nose. The vast region of Sanaag (the burial place of much of Somali’s ancestors) shockingly today is one of the least developed regions across the Somali peninsula; there is no single road infrastructure connecting its important districts, port or a paved air strip in a region of 48,747 km2. The utmost condemnation is on the previous Somalia dictatorship government of Mahamed Siad Bare who neglected this region for clannish reasons, the current Somaliland government is also to blame and the regions large Diaspora who seem to invest in Hargeysa, Burco, Bosaso etc rather than their native homelands.


Lastly I call for the JSL government, the regions Diaspora worldwide and all those who love to see the development of eastern Somaliland to start focusing on how to improve their people’s lives and build the forgotten resource rich lands of eastern Somaliland. Investing of the Diaspora and the full support of the current administration in those regions is the key to achieving success in the region and it surely will become one of the most developed regions in Somaliland considering the untapped potential it has.


By Guleed J

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I think this has something to do with this:


Somaliland oo Wafti Culus Sanaag u soo diraysa iyo Puntland oo ku Mashquulsan Garsoor

12th September 2011 · 0 Comments



Hargaysa:-Wafti balaadhan oo ka Tirsan Somaliland ayaa la sheegayaa inay imanayaa Magaalooyinka Hadaaftimo iyo Badhan,waftigaasi waxa Hogaaminaya sida la sheegay W.Gaashaandhiga Maamulkaasi Coll Axmed Xaaji Cadami waxana la socda xubno Reer Sanaag ah oo Siilaanyo Xayndaabkaasi had jeer lagu Arko.


Sida ay sheegayaan warar lagu kalsoonyahay waftigaasi waxay la Kulmidoonaan Suldaanka Beesha Suldaan Siciid C/salaan oo Magaalada Badhan Ku sugan walow aan la aqoon ujeedka ay kala hadlidoonaan.


In kastoo aan la hubin hadana waxa jira warar laysla dhexmarayo Gobolka Sanaag oo sheegaya in 3-million oo Doolar Lacag gaadhay ay wadaan taasi oo lagu Horumarinayo Gobolka Sanaag, Lacagtaasi Xoogeeda ayaa la sheegay in lagu Fulindoono Ceelal Biyood laga qodayo Gobolka Degmooyin ka mid ah sida Badhan iyo Dhahar

Waa markii ugu horaysay oo uu Degmooyinka Hadaaftimo iyo Badhan soo Gaadho W/Gaashaandhiga Somaliland tan iyo markii xilka loo Magcaabay.


Lama sadaalin karo wajiga ay kala kulmidoonaan Magaalada Badhan oo dhawaan Golaha deegaanka ay ka hir galisay Puntland ayna ka Joogaan sidoo kale Ciidamo Ka Mushahar qaataa Maamulkaasi.










By Galgalanews Agency

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western Sanaag and northern Sool (Maydh, Ceerigaabo, Ceelafweyn, Garadag, Bohol, Caynabo districts), why only afartaan tuulo , is this not ugly face of the republic ?

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