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Faroole’s Nuanced Somalia

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What Gheele wants is clear to me: a bit of Puntlanders bashing to satisfy his fondness of a bit of banter. I will oblige his liking at some point, but my mission here is to highlight Faroole's warped view of Federalism. And Faroole is not a mere individual. He represents a government and its functionaries. So, criticism of him is also directed at those who share his political philosophy including Gheele T.

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xiinfaniin;746180 wrote:
^^Waryaa Gheelle Prof. Abtigiis hawl culus buu ku jiraa, nimankan wareeray buu tacliiminayaa.

War ninka tolka dagaal buu ku jiraa ee dhabarka xabad ha kagasoo ridin. :D

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Abtigiis you misunderstand Faroole. You could accuse him of anything, bad temperedness, dictatorial tendencies, nepotism but secessionism is not one of them. I don’t know how much of his public speeches you listen, but he always talks the Somalia of the old with nostalgic way, calls for unity in every opportunity, that would not come out from the mouth of a man who wanted to cut Somalia into pieces.


What does he stand for? United federal Somalia, where each part takes its fair share of the wealth and have a say about its own internal policies. He is fearful that past mistakes will be repeated. He talks Somalia of the old ignoring his region and dubbing “ Gaari waa” and the “unreachable land” and accumulating all Somalia’s resources in one city i.e. Mogadishu. That to me is not bad as a negotiated settlement could be reached on how Somalia should structure itself (central or federal) and how resources should be shared.

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Xiinow awoowe, federalism or not, what ever agreed system future Somalis is to be governed on, must not be based on the one city system we have accustomed in the past. The centralized system has been tested and failed us. It's the mother that bore the current mistrust among Somalis and the grievance; political and economic marginalization of some segment of the society. So, federalism may not be the answer, but the good Prof. needs a lot more to convince those who have little trust in what previous system of government Somalia had in the past. A mere slogan will not will not cut.


How can a society that is already segregated on clan line be best governed with out repeating the mistakes of the past, is the question that should be asked? How would you convince for example, the Northern secessionist to come back to the same system that abused them? Unless there is something else under his sleeves, I doubt what the good Professor is advocating is the answer for our ills.


Xiinow, you have said in other thread/page that people will flock to the south once the long awaited peace rains in the land. How so? Is the southern's fertile land the only wealth the land can over? Can you elaborate your "wealth" analogy a bit more?


Abti, oo maxaad Xiin iyo aniga noo kala reebtay? :)

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Gheele, oo xinn sideen isu kiin raaciyaa, kol kaliya Professor miyaad i tidhi? :D :D


Xinn waaka kula hadlaye dhabarjabinta joojii waad aragtaa meeshaan rer-aqoonsi- doon kala maraynee? :D

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Abti, soo anigii kuu hiilliyay sheekadii Xiin kugula dagaalay, Xbashiyadii deeqsiyadda ahayd. :) Waar Xiin waa oday(not age wise) oo xikmad miiran ah, lakiin ninku meesha u ka soo jeedana waad ogtee war hooy magaca Prof kuu ku hodin ;)

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^^:D :D


I was meaning to pen an article about Federalism and how it is incompatible with Somalia. If I were, the gist of my objection would be that Federalism 1) does not solve the problem it is purported it would solve, 2) it makes clan based politics systematic, 3) it facilitates foreign intervention, and sets Somalia up for another political strife, and 4) IT DISADVANTAGES entire communities hence goes against the very spirit of reconciliation whose name it is often invoked.


Markaan waqti helo baan madasha jalbeebin doonaa awoowe

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Abtigiis is posting this corner of the forum something to wrap our hands around. That does not mean he is always right or wrong or have a sinister motives. The man just put up something on the dirrin for discussion. That’s good. Put your magnifying glasses and rip his write-up apart. Just refrain from accusation of sinister motives on his part solely because he aired his views.


Faroole is a fair game folks. Remember the old Somali adage "Nin xil qaaday, eed qaad.




He is the head administrator of a clan construct that is Puntland. Puntland is created -- with deliberate speed I may add -- in part because of the collapse of the central state. Puntland supporters are straight on this. It is clan construct and it will remain so until a unitary, central state gets reinstituted. Reasonable folks understand the necessity of putting peaceful and recovering zone in place for clan constituents that share common lineage and inhabit in an area that is geographically contiguous.


UN and Foreign states endorsed this arrangement. They called it a building blocks of future Somali state. With a recovery zone with institutional capacity, blocks get tools in which states can channel aid and other assistance. Managing your neck of the wood in the absence of the legit central state is not an issue folks with enough noodles in their cranium took issue with.


The admin is a different ball game. It just so happen that during Faroole’s leadership some of the clans who founded the state are opting out. Security is getting out of hand in some areas. In this regard the clan construct has either outlived its era or the leadership has failed to articulate a vision that is acceptable to all stakeholders. In either case, Faroole is at the helm and therefore he is responsible - good or ill - what goes in that recovery zone.


I think Abtigiis has a point in critiquing Faroole in those areas I touched upon. Where I disagree Abtigiis is the insinuation that because Faroole is playing clan politics in order to get his constituents their fare share or he is ambitious enough to position himself to lead next phase of the TFG he somehow undermining the state. Granted Somali politics is despicable and dirty and even below decent Allah fearing Somalis. True. But remember whatever emerges out of the ashes of our beloved Somalia that once existed will be achieved through clan machination. Sad but true. In this context Faroole is one of many politicians doing their bid in the name of their clan constituents.


I am with Islamists. Not the type that ravaged the country and maimed innocent civilians. Abtigiis awoowe put your magnifying glasses again and put Islamist -- not the usual suspects -- but the ones that operate under the vision that Somalis are loyal to their religion and will accept political Islam if educated and Islamic tenants are implemented gradually and carefully. I think only enlightened Islamists can cure this clan-is everything-mentality Somali society is cursed with. Lately their credibility has been tainted by folks who claim that they abide Islam but what they practice have no resembles with what the true Islam stand for.

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Baashi;746286 wrote:
The admin is a different ball game. It just so happen that during Faroole’s leadership some of the clans who founded the state are opting out. Security is getting out of hand in some areas. In this regard the clan construct has either outlived its era or the leadership has failed to articulate a vision that is acceptable to all stakeholders. In either case, Faroole is at the helm and therefore he is responsible - good or ill - what goes in that recovery zone.

Good point,


I think after 13 years the clan construction outlived its era and achieved its purpose(creating peace). But a clan construct is nog the right tool to (re)allocate resouces or create justice, which is one main tasks of a goverment. And that is what people want, economic development and fair share of the pie. For this you need strong and reliable institutions and rule of law, that is not associated with clan.


But Faroole inherited the current clan construct, he did not create it. Therefor the blame is not only on Faroole. In order for Puntland to move beyond the clan construct that it is, you need a broader dialogue and consultation among stakeholders, so that everyone is involved.

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Abtigiis;745982 wrote:

Faroole seems to have one goal in mind, which is preservation of power. Other than that it is hard to see any principles that guide him. It is not helpful to dwell more on his dark past as a bank raider

Seriously you have no proof of this, so please refrain from using it in your argument, you are an old man you should be ashamed in adding this sort of rubbish in your topic to validate your warped perception of Farole. Next time, please just write in your title that you don't like the old man and leave it to that. You can criticize the mans policies and his governance, but bringing up ridicules accusations like that makes you arguments and opinions meaningless.

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Baashi;746286 wrote:
Abtigiis is posting this corner of the forum something to wrap our hands around. That does not mean he is always right or wrong or have a sinister motives. The man just put up something on the dirrin for discussion. That’s good. Put your magnifying glasses and rip his write-up apart. Just refrain from accusation of sinister motives on his part solely because he aired his views.

Thanks Baashi. I may even have a sinsiter motive. The problem is there is no way focusing on my motives will advance any discussion. And you rifghtly said, I am hardly always correct. These are opinions of an individual. Infact, with each resposne I get new ideas that I missed and it is very much a learning process for me too. The other thing is letus bring all issues that are normally said in teashops and rip them apart so that they lose any meaning. it is never good to shy away from discussing topics that we know are there but we don't want to touch them. From this, a healthy tolerant consensus or disagreement will come out.




War mana sheegad sanidaa. Ma sheekadii the benevolent prostitue baad daba socotaa. Miida kale ma waxaad leedahay nimanka Xinn igu diraya ee leh wuu ku bahdilay waa runtood? Alla tolaa'eey! :D :D

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