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Which Somali song moves your heart??

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Excuse me not posting any videos. Qabla-Youtube generation baan ahay. But I like these lines from Siciid Mire Xaydar:


Walow daylo aad tahay,

Oo hadana la dhaqankiyo

Dhunkashda ku wacan tahay

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Me, I love my original fanaano. Don't listen much to contemporary stuff. The two songs that most move me...


Baxsan & Samatar - Kala hadhimeyno (Warning: this song is LOUD! make sure your headphones are in if you are at work or something.)





And my favourite fanaanad ever Khadra Daahir. It was difficult to choose between this song and 'Afka lagama sheegto'. Essentially any Khadra Daahir song moves me!



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*Blessed;745840 wrote:
^She's nothing on Magool's cover. That's my all time favourit song.




So feeling this song right now. Gabadhani way ugu cusubtahay. She's quiet good, love her whole demeanor.

Oooh..priceless voice.. She is really good.. never heard her before too....

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I listen this song lately.. I liked it n donno why..





Inkastoo naqdiga iyo

Niyadayda kugu qoray

Inkastoon ku naadshoo

Kugu soo noqnoqon jiray

Markii aad nasteexiyo

Naxariisba gooysay

Naftu kaa galgalatay

Naftu kaa galgalatay


Anigoo nacayb iyo

Naxli aanu igu jirin

Naso waan ku daayee

Nabsigaygu kuma helo

Nin xun eebe kuma bado

Nabaadiino inan yahay

Kolay Nooli kulantee


Hadii aan naruuriyo

Shalay idhi naqbaad tahay

Maantana nalbaad tahay

Iyo nuurka aragtida

Nasab gaariyaa tahay

Qof naf loo quudhaa tahay

Hankaad naaga dheertahay

Hankaad naaga dheertahay


Anigoo nacayb iyo

Naxli aanu igu jirin

Naso waan ku daayee

Nabsigaygu kuma helo

Nin xun eebe kuma bado

Nabaadiino inan yahay

Kolay Nooli kulantee

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as for old singers even thou anu ad uma jecla..hiba nura bal hesaheeda ka war doona..Especially mid la dhoho hargaysa (since i dnt wanna upload any song or get the danbi for u folks listening to it too..idinku youtube ka raadsada ama just write the names lol)

the lyrics go somin like this..waligaaaaaa haba baydhabaydh ama balad kale qabo waad imaan bartii iyo baradii hargaysiyo halki ayunu barigi ku wadaagnay barashee..



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Lol@alliyah.. ur really funny.. idinku raadsada aa.. That song u mentioned of Hibo's is classic.. I love it too.. But lately I am more into less jecalyl and calaacal heesho..

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Saalax Qaasim iyo Hiba Nuura "mar baan is iraa kuf oo kac" yaa haya. Iyo Sayid Khalifa's Dumarka/hablaha.


Val, Baxsan and Xassan's kala harimayno is one helluva classic song. What a lyrics.. Waxay tiri:


Hilbaheebaa isku yaalloo

nafteenu waa hal qura'a oo kala harimayno illeenne

hog haddii aad ku dhacaysooo

ani uun baa kaaga horaynee...

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Alliyah since you like hibo.. this is the one I love most..


She sung this song and many others before Sudaneses audiance in Sudan.. They loved Wabari band i heard..


Sasabiyo samir waan ka quustoo waa inaan sal gaadhee..

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Showqi thanks ill check it..never heard that song althou i seen it on utube wen im listening to hibo nura.


A khadar I know that song I heard it before..thanks as well.



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Showqi I listened to your song like three times..hadalkiina wa dhuuxi kari wayey lol. If possible walaal type the lyrics tooo..



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