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The Limits of Vuvuzela Genocide

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:D :D @Professor'ka uu kula daba galay waa bahdile iska celi


War heedhee niman war hayn weeye waxaa sida yiri; adna kuma yaqaan, anna ima yaqaan ninka waxaa kuu hadlay.


NGONGE waa nin casiir oo marka xaajadu kululaato, kaftan dhabluhu si fiican iskugu dhaco ama waa la waayaa meel uu jaan iyo cirib dhigay, ama taleefanaduu dansadaa.


Laakiin tabtiisa waa la yaqaan, ee markaad wacayso teleefoonka gabar lahjad xamaraawi ah leh u dhiib oo iska hormari

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AYOUB;745762 wrote:
The issue is Pro. Abtigiis is an Ethiopian who is putting words on Somalilanders' mouths. He should've asked why Somalilanders wanted to break the 1960 union with Somalia and we could've a had mature discussion. What we have here is no more the usual guilt-ridden calaacalkii hadhaagii

Professor-Toleed Ayoub,


Let us start with the basics. Let us assume I did put words into Somalilanders mouths. Let us assume I am a stranger who doesn't understand the rocket science of when and where the break of union with Somalia started. Let us assume all Somalilanders who joined Somalia in 1960(not one clan) want to break that union. Can you now take the podium and give us three or more reasons why? And if you don't come back to either atrocity, cunto-gooni doonimo, or anarchy in South Somalia, I will call this for you. I thought I have addressed each of these reasons in my arguments here. If you explain the break of the union outside this frame, I will hold my hand in mouth with awe!




Kaftan'ka tir dee, waa la inala joogaa hadde. Sowka Ayoub meesha soo dhexgakay anigoo rabaa inaan is gacal-cuno. :D :D :D

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In Central Manila, Philippiness, in that fiercely catholic but equally corrupt country, stands a big church. It is located in an area where prostitutes push shoulders with priests, and embryos of discarded fetus crowd the sewage. At the highest tip of the church, a black writing on a white board reads "christ is the anwer". Locals passed and nodded to this sacred message until one clod morning, vagrants who drunk too much local beer climbed to the top of the church and in unmistakebly drunken ink put the following next to the word of god: "What is the question?" I am not sure if these rascals were so blasphemously ingenious or if they have watched Bill Rutkoski's critically-acclaimed solo show with the same title.


Ayoub may tell us the answer is 'break of the 1960 union", but my question is 'to which question?" To the question of building tolerant and democratic society? To economic prosperity? To clan purity? I await the question more than I long for the answers.

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"Somaliland" has been one-clan driven failed project. What amazes many Somalis, notwithstanding, is how Puntland itself emulates the political fearures and the delusional dreams upon which that shaky edifice was built merely on the basis of the anarchic condition in the South and the foibles of the transitional government leaders. I've even heard PL diaspora in secret forums urging their members to watch painstakingly the policy track & actions of the separatists.


I do sincerely believe PL also shares a big part of the problem and is therefore complicit in the erosion of Soomalinimo. It also inspires and advocates for the balkanization of our homogeneous society. God Forbid!

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Abtigiis;745767 wrote:

Let us start with the basics. Let us assume I did put words into Somalilanders mouths. Let us assume I am a stranger who doesn't understand the rocket science of when and where the break of union with Somalia started. Let us assume all Somalilanders who joined Somalia in 1960(not one clan) want to break that union. Can you now take the podium and give us three or more reasons why? And if you don't come back to either atrocity,
doonimo, or anarchy in South Somalia, I will call this for you. I thought I have addressed each of these reasons in my arguments here. If you explain the break of the union outside this frame, I will hold my hand in mouth with awe!


Aaah, so you don't want me to mention the anarchy nor the social economic benefits Somalilanders would gain on top of the genocide. Oki. :)


Like I've said over and over again in SOL; the unification of Somaliland and Somalia was meant to be the start of unification of all Somali territories. Since that failed (if we take Djibouti and NFD somalis stance in to account ) and even Somali Ethiopians like yourself support the ONLF which fights for independence not unification with Somalia, then the Somaliweyn project is redundant.


The people of Somaliland have the same self-determination rights as Ethio-Somalis, Djib-Somalis or any of the five (not to be confused with 4.5 :) ) Somalis. What gives you and the other Ethio Somali *that right and not Somalilanders?


It's 20 years since SL declared its withdrawal from the union with Somalia and it has been vindicated. The people of Borama celebrated the withdrawal as much as the Burcaawis. You and cheerleaders clannish can't deny that.


Things have changed, and even patriotic Xiin's Puntland deports Somalis from south Somalia when it suits her. Somali Bantus have abandoned the failed republic. Others called in alqaeda, amisom, and other mercenaries. Look at the whole picture and Somaliland makes a lot of sense. What kind of unity is it when Xiin's Pirate*land (even before finding the illusive oil) can deport me anyway? *:) Let's not even talk about *dodgy Ethio Somalis like yourself.


Got to go, be back later Inshallah

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Ayoub wait till abtigis comes in and says that Pudhlayn is not on the right track of Somalinimo but they should be rewarded for working with MrShDalxiis. And that actually Abdi iley is the one who reflects pure Somalinimo or was it the Admiral. Abtigis loves his own self determination but he is denying others that same right maybe its because some people take what belongs to them with their Guns and some just will continue to sing with saado cali O'gadeniya way xoroobi.

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AYOUB;745785 wrote:

Aaah, so you don't want me to mention the anarchy nor the social economic benefits Somalilanders would gain on top of the genocide. Oki.


Like I've said over and over again in SOL;
the unification of Somaliland and Somalia was meant to be the start of unification of all Somali territories. Since that failed (if we take Djibouti and NFD somalis stance in to account ) and even Somali Ethiopians like yourself support the ONLF which fights for independence not unification with Somalia, then the Somaliweyn project is redundant.
The people of Somaliland have the same self-determination rights as Ethio-Somalis, Djib-Somalis or any of the five (not to be confused with 4.5
) Somalis. What gives you and the other Ethio Somali *that right and not Somalilanders?


It's 20 years since SL declared its withdrawal from the union with Somalia and it has been vindicated. The people of Borama celebrated the withdrawal as much as the Burcaawis. You and cheerleaders clannish can't deny that.


Things have changed, and even patriotic Xiin's Puntland deports Somalis from south Somalia when it suits her. Somali Bantus have abandoned the failed republic. Others called in alqaeda, amisom, and other mercenaries. Look at the whole picture and Somaliland makes a lot of sense. What kind of unity is it when Xiin's Pirate*land (even before finding the illusive oil) can deport me anyway? *
Let's not even talk about *dodgy Ethio Somalis like yourself.


Got to go, be back later Inshallah

Good point. Somaliweyn idea also incooperates the idea of a union with Djibouti, Somali region or ONLF or NFD. Some tend to forget what the blue flag stands for.

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I am not sure Xaaji Xunjuf and Carafaat but Ayoub knows his argument is quite shallow and has no depth. Whatever the original aspirations for greater Somalia were the birth of Somali Republic in 1960 was never contingent upon the realization (or securing) of other missing three region. To say that the Republic should be dismembered because she failed to bring the other three regions into the fold of greater Somalia is hadal quus ah oo la rabo in qadiyad daciif ah gaashaan loo dhigo...

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The people of Somaliland have the same self-determination rights as Ethio-Somalis, Djib-Somalis or any of the five (not to be confused with 4.5 ) Somalis. What gives you and the other Ethio Somali *that right and not Somalilanders?

Same goes to Awadal, SSC so this argument isn't going to help..

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^ I did ask people not to confuse 5 Somalis (check the star on the blue flag for clues) with 4.5 Somalis.*


xiinfaniin;745805 wrote:
I am not sure Xaaji Xunjuf and Carafaat but Ayoub knows his argument is quite shallow and has no depth. Whatever the original aspirations for greater Somalia were the birth of Somali Republic in 1960 was never contingent upon the realization (or securing) of other missing three region...

You cannot be serious. Are you saying the star on blue meant nothing? The wars against the Ethios? Unless Somalilanders and Somalians had different ideals regarding the unification, your comment back-up Abtigiis' deleted duplicity allegations.

xiinfaniin;745805 wrote:
To say that the Republic should be dismembered because she failed to bring the other three regions into the fold of greater Somalia is hadal quus ah oo la rabo in qadiyad daciif ah gaashaan loo dhigo...

She didn't fail to bring the other 3 or any of them. She failed. Nothing symbolises this than Djibouti sending peace keepers to Mogadishu.

Why should Somaliland be held for trying to create Somaliweyn in 1960 especially by Ethio Somalis like Abtigiis or Somali-deporting Puntlanders.


Nite nite.

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xiinfaniin;745805 wrote:
I am not sure Xaaji Xunjuf and Carafaat but Ayoub knows his argument is quite shallow and has no depth. Whatever the original aspirations for greater Somalia were
the birth of Somali Republic in 1960 was never contingent upon the realization (or securing) of other missing three region
. To say that the Republic should be dismembered because she failed to bring the other three regions into the fold of greater Somalia is hadal quus ah oo la rabo in qadiyad daciif ah gaashaan loo dhigo...





You cant be serieuz. You should read the draft consitution of the former Republic which was put to a referendum 1961.

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Come on people ,,, do u really have to discuss the Somaliland issue with the "Hadhaagii" as Ayoub would say ?? :D


Look at the other thread, the African Union is discussing about Somaliland recognition ......

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Abtigiis;745767 wrote:
Let us assume all Somalilanders who joined Somalia in 1960(not one clan) want to break that union. Can you now take the podium and give us three or more reasons why? And if you don't come back to either atrocity,
doonimo, or anarchy in South Somalia, I will call this for you. I thought I have addressed each of these reasons in my arguments here. If you explain the break of the union outside this frame, I will hold my hand in mouth with awe!

What? Anarchy, death and destruction (which you acknowledge) isn’t enough to call for a sececession? How about, erm, let me see, we were not given free school meals? There! Case closed.


Instead of prancing around it would be good of you to address the points I highlighted previously (about the RIGHT to make such a decision under the circumstances in those days. I hope you can without the song and dance routine).

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Xaaji Xunjuf;745788 wrote:
Ayoub wait till abtigis comes in and says that Pudhlayn is not on the right track of Somalinimo but they should be rewarded for working with MrShDalxiis. And that actually Abdi iley is the one who reflects pure Somalinimo or was it the Admiral. Abtigis loves his own self determination but he is denying others that same right maybe its because some people take what belongs to them with their Guns and some just will continue to sing with saado cali O'gadeniya way xoroobi.


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