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Crisis in Puntland. Cause and solutio?

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The regional goverment of Puntland has lately been plagued by multible fightings and crisis situations.

Clans are fighting the very same army of the authority which they are part of. There seems to be similarities

between the diffrent conflicts. What is the underlying cause for these problems and how should it be solved?


Is it all about Faroole's lack of leadership or are there deeper underlying causes?

How should this be solved?


Please share your ideas.

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Puntland is not in crisis, if anything it seems that it has finally turned a corner in getting the recognition by the UN & the tfg to be part of the discussion to end the national political transition. Sharif's visit to Garowe, and Farole's participation in Mogadishu conference mark new level of engagement. The fact that next phase of national conference is scheduled to be held in Garowe signifies Puntland's relevance in the eyes of the powers that be.


It is true that Galkacyo is a sore point for Puntland admin both in political and security terms. Political because the political ownership of the city is not well settled yet; security because of the sheer geography of being Puntland's southern gate. Clans are not fighting the authority nor disputing the legitimacy of Puntland admin as such. What happened in Galkacyo was a failure on the part of Puntland admin's security apparatus. The PIS thing once again prominently featured in the dispute...the violent resentment manifested in the Garsoor confrontation is against what is perceived to be an illegitimate spy organization, and NOT necessarily against Puntland admin.

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The PIS is no longer, President Faroole split it into the Puntland Intelligence Agency (PIA) and the Puntland Security Force (PSF). President Faroole sacked the former PIS head and put in his own men. It was the PSF that was involved in the fighting in Gaalkaayo and thus the Puntland government is ultimately to blame. For many in Gaalkaayo their anger is directed towards the Puntland government particularly Col Khalif Isse Mudane. Now, I am not saying their anger is justified; however, there is one side in this conflict that is blaming the Puntland government. Just look at the website Raxanreeb they named President Faroole man of the year for 2010, and after this conflict they have become the new Galgalanews. So using the now defunct PIS as scapegoat is no longer possible.


There is something more concerning. Over 50 people were killed during the conflict in Gaalkaayo. The Puntland admin is saying that they were fighting Al Shabaab. So the question I have is this – is the government stating that Al Shabaab is now capable of entering Puntland controlled area’s with large amounts of fighters and engage in open combat against our troops? That they no longer attack people through assassinations and other cowardly attacks or hide like Atam in the mountains; but can actually roam the streets of Gaalkayo and fight us? Since the war in the earlier 90s North Gaalkaayo has never allowed enemies to set foot in its territory. In fact, enemies couldn’t even get into south Gaalkaayo during the ICU days, forget about Puntland areas.


If this is not a sign of crisis, then I don’t know what is.

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Acronyms wont matter as long those in the intelligence work follow no due process. PIS or PIA the fact remains the sort of renditions that take place in Puntland where suspects are snatched and murdered was and still is the root cause. Also in Galkacyo, things always take a clannish turn , and this was not the first time a tribal militia clashed with the government. It happened in Cadde's time while he was present in the city. What is new here is the scale, and the scale does not change the nature of the conflict. Big or small, the conflict has never been a one against the government as such. The admin sat themselves up for failure...and that is what they got. I am happy for the course correction by the admin.

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I agree! Cadde was in the city and so was Abdullahi Yusuf.


I believe the government has limited resources and can only do the best with what they have. I am not going to start pointing fingers.


As well, there is definitely a clannish side to this conflict and from what I am hearing, one groups (globally) is still furious about what happened.


President Faroole stated that this conflict had nothing to do with tribe and was a result of Al Shabaab. So basically al Shabaab can enter Garsoor neighbourhood in Gaalkaayo, Puntland and confront our troops?


To me this is very concerning.

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There is no such thing as Al Shabab in Galkacyo -- at least in the context of this event. What happened in Galkacyo was unfortuante event and should never happen again. Al hamduLilaah elders are knee deep in resolving the misunderstanding. Hope they succeed in their task of adjudicating btw querraling sides.


Faroole failed. His security personnel -- trigger happy -- traspassed their boundaries. They acted as if they are the judge, jury, and executioner. No-go in clan-based society. It appeared as if they are in charge of every decision made, and they have the power to detain or kill whomever they choose.

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Galkacyadaa gubanaysa

ee Xiinfaninkii u gurman lahaa

Faroole gondaha haysto

Ayaan eerso idhaa?


Mark kalena, waa kii lahaa


Peace caravan waan kugu arkaa goor iyo ayaane,

It turned the corner'na waan kaa maqlaa adoo gowsyo cadayne

Politic afuufoow maxaa aaho kugu aasan?


:D :D

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Baashi;744816 wrote:


There is no such thing as Al Shabab in Galkacyo -- at least in the context of this event. What happened in Galkacyo was unfortuante event and should never happen again. Al hamduLilaah elders are knee deep in resolving the misunderstanding. Hope they succeed in their task of adjudicating btw querraling sides.


Faroole failed. His security personnel -- trigger happy -- traspassed their boundaries. They acted as if they are the judge, jury, and executioner. No-go in clan-based society. It appeared as if they are in charge of every decision made, and they have the power to detain or kill whomever they choose.

I know this had nothing to do with Al Shabaab. I just believe that the government thought it would be best to blame them without realizing that they were admitting that the terrorist organization can enter Puntland areas and hold entire neighbourhoods. More importantly, by accusing Al Shabaab you are minimizing one (important) segement of societies concerns.


It’s one thing to rightfully blame Al Shabaab for assassinations, bombings and other cowardly attacks. But to say they are openly fighting inside Puntland is ridiculous.

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Thankful;744822 wrote:

It’s one thing to rightfully blame Al Shabaab for assassinations, bombings and other cowardly attacks. But to say they are openly fighting inside Puntland is ridiculous.

Ishaad ka riday awoowe. And that is where Farole was milsed.


Baashi and Aw Tusbaxle soo dhawaada

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^Worst then then the admission of the possibility of Shabaab operating there is the blatant lie that they are fighting when they and everyone knows who is fighting who. Both sides were wrong on this and the garsoor people should not have tried to protect the guy the government was looking for but then that this admin thinks its ok to lie to its people should disturb any stakeholder in this state...

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Xiinfanin is not pointing out the internal difficulties Farooles administration is facing,, faroole has not addressed the grievousness of the Local Raaraascaseyr Community he annihilated them by not sending even a single delegation for talks. His talks or reconciliation attempts with Atam to include Sheikh Maxammad atam in his cabinet also ended in Smoke maybe lack of diplomacy or perhaps he was just not willing to have peace with him. Faroole hasn't achieved anything incredible or worth mentioning, other than the so called Somalia tournament he should become a football tournament organizer.His way to combat piracy ended up in training his navy forces in landlocked Ethiopia in Melez zanaws Swimming pool. Last but not least his admin wanted to capture a single man in galkacyo and ended up shelling an entire neighborhood which resulted a death toll over 30, that was unnecessary .Another problem is most Clans are still armed to the teeth in the semi autonomous region of Puntland this,will cause many problems it will undermine the central authority. Now there is just peace between the various clans in the region and understanding but the situation is fragile no one knows when it can explode.

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Naxar Nugaaleed;744827 wrote:
^Worst then then the admission of the possibility of Shabaab operating there is the blatant lie that they are fighting when they and everyone knows who is fighting who. Both sides were wrong on this and the garsoor people should not have tried to protect the guy the government was looking for but then that this admin thinks its ok to lie to its people should disturb any stakeholder in this state...

You're right Garsoor people shouldn't protect the man the gov was looking for, but I heard there is a reason for their madness. There was an incident before this where a man was taken from Garsoor people and killed in short time without a due process by the security apparatus. So this incident was escelated by that earlier one..

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Xaaji Xunjuf;744832 wrote:
Xiinfanin is not pointing out the internal difficulties Farooles administration is facing,, faroole has not addressed the grievousness of the Local Raaraascaseyr Community he annihilated them by not sending even a single delegation for talks. His talks or reconciliation attempts with Atam to include Sheikh Maxammad atam in his cabinet also ended in Smoke maybe lack of diplomacy or perhaps he was just not willing to have peace with him. Faroole hasn't achieved anything incredible or worth mentioning, other than the so called Somalia tournament he should become a football tournament organizer.His way to combat piracy ended up in training his navy forces in landlocked Ethiopia in Melez zanaws Swimming pool. Last but not least his admin wanted to capture a single man in galkacyo and ended up shelling an entire neighborhood which resulted a death toll over 30, that was unnecessary .Another problem is most Clans are still armed to the teeth in the semi autonomous region of Puntland this,will cause many problems it will undermine the central authority. Now there is just peace between the various clans in the region and understanding but the situation is fragile no one knows when it can explode.

To put Xaaji Xunjuf's habaar in the larger context, one needs to read the whole story

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The latest fighting in Galkacyo, the Ras Caseyr case, Galgala, SSC regions turining to Somalilan, assanisations of elders and politicians in Bosasso, all point to a crisis. In all these cases locals felt disfrenchised with authorities and turned against Puntland security forces.


I think besides failing of security forces, lack of leadership to solve issue's, there are serieuz sttructural causes which have to be sought in the fundenmental structure of Puntland governance and Authorities. Ignoring this. Could Eventually lead to collapse in trust and governance.

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