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Alpha Blondy

Guess what? I'm getting married!!

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*Unsolicited advice: *Wait two years before you bring kids to this world. *By then you will get to know her very well. *Guur xumaada waa masiibo gaar ahaan marka caruur la isu dhalo. *Make it work brother.


Baashi, a lot of people say that and I have agreed with it at some point. But, now when I think about if qofku yahay qof masuuliyad qaadi karin ilmaha ama dhal right away ama dhal three years later the truth of him will come out thenn..yacni when its all fun everything is nice and dandy. It is only when responsibility adds up that u gonna see someone's true i dnt really think having a kid right away or two years later makes much ofa difference...intaadba guursan ka fiirso..waxa layidhi ilmahaga favour waxaad u sameen karta uun when ur choosing the spouse..later on waa too late! wixi aad hooyo ama abo uga dhigto haduu xunyahay yacni bari bay kuso noqon..nt that im saying u can be perfect..u can make a mistake even after u strived to choose the right i mean try your best..once ur married get kids as soon as possible..they are a blessing..and if he turns out a jackass and someone really tried their best then hey it was meant to be!



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The Zack   

I didn't leave out the last part of the verse for personal reasons. fa in khiftum allaa tacddiluu fawaaxidatun, I left it out because it applies only to those who fear of practising injustice :D, not to the commoners.


By the way I know this wadaad lady that divorced her husband of 5 years because he promoted her to spot #1. Gabadhaan listens to lots of muxaaadarooyin and what is funny is she skips every part of the wacdi that talks about polygamy. I just find that hilarious. Adoo kale weeye lol.

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lol@ promoted to number one..?? awal number one miyana and only should I add...


anyways polygamy waxba kama shegayo aan ku danbaabin laakin for some it doesn't work and that's all there's to it.


tan kale yaa taag u haya in markasta reerkaaga lasoo qaado lugugka sheegi ma tii if u got expired or something lol~~..not to mention naa heblo ii waran ..asxaab am good..naa away kii...kii tii buu ku maqanyahay..balo ma adiga iyo caruurti kaliya mesha ku bas beelay wa dhib thank you! he needs to be in his house 24/7 or bacda madow!


anyways, i gotta sleep it's like 12:30 am ..tasbaxuu cala khyr!



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You too, Alliyah and Zak, are having too opposing fears and desires and each one of you is presenting the the part of that Ayaah that more favors to his/her wishes.


Alliyaha freaks out and worries so much about her future mate may do polygamy where Zak is more inclining to polygamy but just thinking about when/ where and he is arming himself to that adventure.. Good luck to u both..


Alliya ma maqashay easy to say but hard to do.. Bacda madow banaanka ama iska sii qulqul isn’t that simple marka xaaladaa aad ha ugu fogaan you never know. Just an advise

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^lol im not worried at all, wax polygamy ka hadlaya maba arag oo lodkeyga ah...most of them are happy to find that one perfect sister no worries at all. I AM JUST answering the topic Zack brought forward, and that it is not an option at my end...


bacda madow might not be easy..but eww i would never share a husband..thats one of things that just disguest me personally! regardless of what islam says abut it..i have my personal opinion and I am entitled!..of course i will not stop a guy from getting two or three or four wives by all means..I just have noin to do with ittt..:D



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Alpha Blondy;744348 wrote:
Congratulations are in order for my wedding engagement . I met a local girl who has satisfied my requirements. A date hasn't been set but the planning is under-way. Join me in this joyous occasion and send me your congratulations and warm wishes.



Its off!


the chances of marrying a local girls are minimal now. I feel a sad sense of shame even contemplating such a ludicrous idea.

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Alpha Blondy;746975 wrote:
Its off!


the chances of marrying a local girls are minimal now. I feel a sad sense of shame even contemplating such a ludicrous idea.

kacsi is dangerous adeer, i know. i still think my idea of illicit affairs with the maid is very good. inshallah mid yar oo ka faidaysan kartid baan ku rajaynayaa

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^I guess wuxu uga jeeda xita local girls oo sharci doona haday xita diideen wixi lugu diidu qaba :D


bt guys stop being hard on him :)..calaf lama seego ! it wasnt meant to be!



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^I thought he said it is off, so what does it matter LOL plus skin color is only skin deep..not to mention how nowadays girls abuse creams and what not u would have a hard time differentiating who is light and who isn't :P (obviously ull eventually find out..hopefully she is what u think of her lol..imagine waking up in the morning naa balayadan madow maxay tahay tii cadeed meeday kaftan bas)



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