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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland government to deport all illegal immigrants from the country within 30 days.

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If they come back they will be deported again,, anigu kan ngonge baan la yaaba he is giving them ideas, and yes the president has a somaliland passport he was born in somaliland so was his father and his grandfathher even black adam was born in somaliland.

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loool@Black Adam, we wait NGONGE to respond to Xaaji xeyraan, inuu Xaaji waalanyahey horta laba Cali is weydiin meyso

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^^ Racist move. Picking on the weak move. WRONG move.


Xaaji X, dadka iska daa ha kaa nooladaan ninyaho. They've been in SL for years and their presence (or otherwise) made no difference to the state. A poor person is a poor person is a poor person. It makes no difference if he's an SL native or an Oromo who has lived in SL all his life.



If Siilaanyo has an SL passport (which he should lakin ii mad fahmin), do all the qurbajoog who have flocked to SL ever since he's been elected have ones? Do YOU, does Norf? War the Oromo polishing shoes in H town SHOULD have more rights than you and I have. At least they are contributing to life in the state (good or bad). Naga daaya cunsorinamadan qaawan yaa naas.

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^^Another fake post huh? You can always count on this dude to go against the grain.He probably agrees with the news, but just types a bunch of bs constantly. SMH

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^^ Did I not tell you to stay out of my way, little kid? If I pick on you you'll only cry off about my age again. And, no, I don't agree with the news. I think it's foolish and needless. SL does not have the ability to stop immigrants from sneaking into its territory and therefore all this gesture politics talk of deporting people is nothing but a waste of time and resources. Now are you man enough to counter my points without employing your usual girly habits of saying "OMG this dude is soo fake, etc, etc"? Bal car wax la kaalay, ciyaalkaad tahay cun. Bring it, child, bring it I say. :D

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NGONGE;744407 wrote:
^^ Racist move. Picking on the weak move. WRONG move.


Xaaji X, dadka iska daa ha kaa nooladaan ninyaho. They've been in SL for years and their presence (or otherwise) made no difference to the state. A poor person is a poor person is a poor person. It makes no difference if he's an SL native or an Oromo who has lived in SL all his life.



If Siilaanyo has an SL passport (which he should lakin ii mad fahmin), do all the qurbajoog who have flocked to SL ever since he's been elected have ones? Do YOU, does Norf? War the Oromo polishing shoes in H town SHOULD have more rights than you and I have. At least they are contributing to life in the state (good or bad). Naga daaya cunsorinamadan qaawan yaa naas.

you don't understand these oromos are not skillful people they run around in H town begging at the Mosques, and they only few words they know of Somali is Yaa allah wax siiyey ,, Maalin anagu hargeysa joogna ayey qolya oromo yidhaheen yaa allah wax siiyey and than some people replied Tujaarta reerkayagu ilaahay wax siiye , Well president Siilaanyo lived berigi Somaliland British Somaliland la odhan jiray , oromo mala beryaha maba jirin cidi ba ma maqlin. So isagu ingriiski na wu haysta ki Somaliland na wu haysta. Well you can go to Somaliland and registered your self as a native of Somaliland and a citizien of the republic even if you are from Jamaica. As long as you are Somaliland native. Ask Jb he knows

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Oromos and other immigrants do all the labor work where the locals are sitting around and chewing. Yaa kugu yidhi waxbay baryaan ma ciyaalka yaryar baad aragtay ??

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Guddoomiyaha Togdheer oo Dadka Soo galeetiga ah ku wargeliyay inay ka baxaan gobolka


September 5th, 2011


Burco (Somaliland.Org)- Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Togdheer Yaasiin Maxamed Cabdi,ayaa maanta markii u horaysay Dadka soo galeetiga ah ee ku dhaqan degmooyinka gobolkaasi ugu baaqay inay sida ugu deg dega dega badan uga baxaan gobolka oo ay ku noqdaan wadankoodii.


Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Togdheer , oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaaalada Burco waxa uu soo saaray go’aan uu ku fulinayo go’aankii ay xukuumadda Somaliland ka soo saartay shalay Dadka soo galeetiga ah.


“Anigoo fulinaya go’aankii xukuumadda Somaliland ee la xidhiidhay inay dalka kaga baxaan muddo 30 maalmood Gudahooda, sidaas awgeed waxaanu faraynaa dada ajaanibka ah ee ku sugan gobolka inay sida ugu dhakhsaha badan uga baxaan degmooyinka Gobolka mudada ka horaysa xiliga kama dambaysta ah ee loo qabtay,”ayuu yidhi Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Togdheer.


Guddoomiyhu waxa uu dada ajaanibka ah ugu baaqay inay iskaga baxaan hobolka intaan tallaabo sharciga waafaqsan laga qaadin.


Dhinaca kale, Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaarada Arrimaha Gudaha Cabdilaahi Xuseen Cigge, (Balaaki) oo ku sugan Magaalada Burco waxa uu sheegay in go’aaankan Dadka Soo galeetiga ah dalka lagaga saarayo aanu saamayn ku yeelanayn Dadka ka soo qaxay Colaadaha iyo qalalaasaha ka taagan wadanka Soomaaliya.


Agaasimuhu waxa uu sheegay in Dadkan dalka laga saarayaa ay yihiin Dadka aanay dalalkooda ka jirin qalalaasaha siyaaasadeed.


Inkasta oo aan la haynin tiro koob rasmi ah, haddana waxay xukuumadu sheegtay in dalka laga saari doono soo galeeti lagu qiyaasay sideetan kun oo qof.

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Jacaylbaro;744421 wrote:
Oromos and other immigrants do all the labor work where the locals are sitting around and chewing. Yaa kugu yidhi waxbay baryaan ma ciyaalka yaryar baad aragtay ??

Dharkay meydhan laakin i can get a Qasaalad Laakin Somalilandishku ba wa maydhan dharka.i am hearing lots of people from the capital of Somaliland are getting a oromo Watch man to protect their houses in Hargeysa , This is no Good let them return to their Country Ethiopia. Koonfuriansku ba meel loo la 'ayahay markasey Qotina inugu so biireen.

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Ngonge, qurbojoog waaxid.


The measure the government is taking is a good one. Not only will they get the chance to clear up illegal immigrants (not refugees) they will also get the chance to finally put together some sort of strategy on how to monitor visas, provide better border controls etc (I’m assuming this is the main reason otherwise it would be pointless) which in turns provides better security. No one said those being kicked out cannot come back with the right paperwork. This is not about rich and poor or who is and isn’t a citizen. It’s about having the right documents. Isn’t what you would want?


Also, this decision will stop much of the ‘tahriib’ traffic through SL to Bosasso (and all the criminal off shoots that come with it). I won’t get into the strain on resources (water, fuel) and the health issues.


Get with the programme warya.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;744420 wrote:
you don't understand these oromos are not skillful people they run around in H town begging at the Mosques, and they only few words they know of Somali is Yaa allah wax siiyey ,, Maalin anagu hargeysa joogna ayey qolya oromo yidhaheen yaa allah wax siiyey and than some people replied Tujaarta reerkayagu ilaahay wax siiye , Well president Siilaanyo lived berigi Somaliland British Somaliland la odhan jiray , oromo mala beryaha maba jirin cidi ba ma maqlin. So isagu ingriiski na wu haysta ki Somaliland na wu haysta. Well you can go to Somaliland and registered your self as a native of Somaliland and a citizien of the republic even if you are from Jamaica. As long as you are Somaliland native. Ask Jb he knows

Are you/were you not a refugee yourself, Xaaji? Granted that you did not have to suffer the indignity of begging in Mosques (or churches) but you did leave your country and were/are a burden on another. So why do you believe it's ok for you to be accepted in all parts of the world but not for an Oromo to live in SL?


Siilaanyo, you and ME are natives of SL but surely a state must judge its citizens in accordance to what they give back and not only according to belonging. I fully accept that Jb is a better citizen than I am (or, probably, you). He is there, earning his wage and spending his money in the country itself. You and I go on holiday. Likewise, the Oromo that cleans my aunties toilets contributes to the country much more than you, I or little AW do.


Ninyaho inaad SL taagerto waan ogaa lakin argtida yar kugo maan ogeen. Fix up, saaxib.

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