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Detain Injustice, Not our Fathers

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Detain Injustice, Not our Fathers

By Muhammad Al-Shareef


Article taken from


Dear brothers and sisters. My father, Helmy Alshareef, was imprisoned in Egypt (or detained, as they wish to call it) after Hajj this year. Subhan Allah, he’s 63 years old! In the airport, they said they would only question him for a few hours, which turned into days, which turned into weeks. For 20 days my father was denied a lawyer, denied communication with the Canadian consulate, and denied permission to tell his family where he was and what had happened to him.


A rally joined to champion his plight. CAIR Canada was first to help; joining ranks was Amnesty International. The news media ran the story across Canada on Saturday. By Monday, a coalition of Muslims across the USA and abroad gathered together to bombard, with emails and phone calls, any who stood in the way of my father’s release. The negative, sensational stories began appearing quietly, but by early Tuesday, my father had been released. Those stories looked foolish and were overshadowed by the moment of joy.


In the past 20 days, I have contemplated a great deal over the plight of the detainees. “Let my people go!” I would hum to myself. And then it dawned on me: “Let my people go!” was the call of Moosa, alayhis salam. For what reason? To facilitate the release of the detainees of that time: Banee Israa’eel. And then I was like, “What’s up with these Egyptians? Even from ancient times they have had a passion for detaining people!”


And so I opened the Qur’an and began reading again and again how Moosa, alayhis salam, rescued the detainees, Banee Israa’eel, from Pharaoh. And in today’s Khutbah, in sha Allah, I would like to share my reflections with you.


But before I begin, you are probably asking yourself, “Why does this concern me? My family has never had such trouble and I think it’s best if I just went home and closed my window shades.” The problem, dear brothers and sisters, is that the issue will not go away by us merely closing our window shades and canceling our membership to Islam. Like Bosnia and Chechnya before, they will knock down our doors and pull us out. We must define ourselves or else others will define us. We must stand up for our rights, together and unified, or else we collectively will have no rights. Even if we do not accept these challenges, people with evil intentions will impose them on us.


After 9/11, our Muslim communities disassociated with anyone who was accused of the T word. We would defend, defend and support, until some dubious person accused that Muslim of the T word. Then, we abandoned those people as if they had just been diagnosed with the plague. And thus began the very ancient strategy of ‘divide and conquer’.


Reflection One: Go to Fir’own!

Allah ta’ala tells us in the Qur’an:

[Go, both you and your brother, with My signs and do not slacken in My remembrance * Go, both of you, to Pharaoh. Indeed, he has transgressed.] Surah Taha, 20/42-43


Moosa, alayhis salam, after many trials (his salvation from the baby murders, his upbringing in the home of Pharaoh, his mother being the only one able to nurse him, the killing of the Egyptian man) Moosa had now found asylum in Madyan. He was married to a most righteous wife, his father in law was one of the most blessed in-laws one could have, and life had returned to normal.


When he was told of his mission to save Banee Israa’eel, why didn’t Moosa, alayhis salam, just say, “Why do I have to go? It’s not my problem.” Why didn’t he say, “I should not be associated with them?” Why didn’t he say, “So long as I close my window shades, the evil of Pharaoh will go away”?


All the gifts of Moosa, alayhis salam, were given to him by Allah and it was all a test. Allah was preparing Moosa, alayhis salam, for the return to champion the cause of Banee Israa’eel.


As Allah ta’ala says in the verse right before this: [And I produced you for Myself!] Meaning, Allah had already selected Moosa, alayhis salam, and made him strong in body and character according to the requirements of the mission.


And so I reflect: So many of us have been saved from the trials that are afflicting our brothers in this country and abroad. It is not acceptable for us to say, ‘it’s not my problem.’ No, with all our talents and with all our voices and with all our unity, we must stand up to champion the cause of anyone who is detained unjustly. Let Injustice be detained, not our Muslim brothers and fathers!



Reflection Two: Placing trust in Allah

Allah tells us how Moosa reacted when given the mission. He reacted by making dua for the tools he would need in order to fulfill this responsibility:

[(Moses) said, “My Lord, expand (i.e. relax) for me my breast (with assurance) * And ease for me my task * And untie the knot from my tongue * So that they may understand my speech * And appoint for me a minister (i.e. assistant) from my family - * Haroon, my brother * Increase through him my strength * And let him share my task.


And so I reflect: How often, at times of trial, do we forget to turn to Allah in sincere and constant dua. We remind each other of making dua—true—but in reality, how consistent are we in praying for justice and praying for the tools we need to be victorious? The more we focus in our dua, the more determined and focused we shall be in driving towards victory.



Reflection Three: media distortion of the truth

When Moosa, alayhis salam, made his plea to Pharaoh to release Banee Israa’eel, Pharaoh argued with him. He argued about the oneness of Allah and he argued about their forefathers. None of this moved Pharaoh and he laid bare his version of Moosa’s mission.


[He (Pharaoh) said, “Oh Moosa, have you come to us to drive us out of our lands with your magic?] What? Is that what Moosa, alayhis salam, was there for?


Notice that Moosa, alayhis salam, was not given a chance to counter the accusation before Pharaoh pronounced, [Then we will surely bring you magic like it, so make between us and you an appointment, which we will not fail to keep and neither will you, in a place assigned.]


And so I reflect: In this war of words, it is not about lies – it is about half truths and the ‘spinning’ of the truth. Whoever makes the media their source of ultimate truth has indeed failed in their estimation. They have misled themselves long before others mislead them.


Allah demands from us to seek out the truth and to question our sources. Prepare yourselves with third-party knowledge and ‘challenge’ the false interpretations.



Reflection Four: The game of fear

In the days of my fathers detainment, I was surprised to learn of so many cases of others whose families confided in me. ‘Don’t tell anyone,’ it would begin, ‘but such and such and such and such family member of ours were detained.’


Why have you not gone public? I would ask. Fear of angering those governments. Fear of community shame. Fear of public condemnation. Fear upon fear upon fear.


In the story of Moosa, alayhis salam, I realized that it is OK to be afraid. It is something natural. Allah ta’ala told us that even Moosa, alayhis salam, was afraid:

[And suddenly their ropes and staffs seemed to him from their magic that they were moving (like snakes * And he sensed within himself fear, did Moosa.]


But Allah ta’ala taught Moosa, alayhis salam: [We (i.e. Allah) said, “Do not be afraid. Indeed it is you who are superior.”]


And so I reflect: in this game of fear, we need not shun this emotion. Rather, we should respect it and channel the power that it gives us to a feeling of confidence—a confidence that it is we who have committed nothing wrong. It is we who have been treated unjustly. And if there is anyone who should feel fear, it is those who have transgressed the commandments of Allah.


My brothers, do not be afraid.



Part ii: Victory in the end will always be for the believers

Dear brothers and sisters, when Allah ta’ala sent Moosa, alayhis salam, to Pharaoh, He reminded Moosa, alayhis salam, of all the ways he had protected him in the past. Just like Allah protected him in the past – do not be afraid – Allah has the power to protect you today and victory in the end will always be for the believers.


Musa and his people were followed by Pharaoh and his henchmen. The latter’s intent was nothing less then the total slaying of the former. That day the sea parted, that day Banee Israa’eel was saved, and that day Pharaoh was drowned – a lesson for every believer until the day of resurrection.


Allah’s Messenger, sal Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, “This is a mighty day (the 10th of Muharram). It is the day when Allah saved Moosa and his people and drowned Pharaoh and his people. Moosa fasted this day in thankfulness to his Lord, and so we too shall fast it.”And in another narration, Rasul Allah, sal Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, “(fasting this day) expiates (the sins) of the past year.”


Normally, when people look at the horrific acts of Pharaoh, they would only naturally want to reply with the strongest of words. As common knowledge goes, only toughness can be met with toughness. But this is not the wisdom Allah sent Moosa with:


[Go, both of you, to Pharaoh, indeed he has transgressed * And speak to him with gentle speech. Perhaps he may be reminded or fear (Allah).]


This is a characteristic that the believer should never be without – the characteristic of gentleness of speech. When egos blind the tyrants from the truth, only gentleness will help them see through the fog and guide them aright.


Let us not forget that the magicians, who in the morning were the most wicked of people, were on their way to highest level of paradise by nightfall. And their blessedness was recorded in the Qur’an to be recited till the day of resurrection. If Pharaoh’s magicians repented and became who they became, let us not lose hope in guiding people to Allah.


Ibn Abbas, radi Allahu ‘anhuma, narrates that Rasul Allah, sal Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, “Jibreel said to me: ‘O Muhammad, if only you could see me on that day pouring dirt into the mouth of Pharaoh, (for fear that after all he did, he would beseech the mercy of Allah) and that mercy would embrace him.’”


And as Rasul Allah, sal Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, “Whoever was denied gentleness (with others), was denied all goodness.” [Muslim]


In those times of Fitnah, Moosa, alayhis salam, taught his people how to remain firm. And today, as we live through these times of Fitnah, let us recall his teachings:



One: We will overcome with patience and seeking aid from Allah.

[said Moosa to his people, “Seek help though Allah and be patient. Indeed, the earth belongs to Allah, He causes to inherit it whom He wills of His servants. And the outcome shall always be for the righteous.] A’raaf 7/128


Two: We will overcome with faith in Allah, placing our firm trust in Allah

[And Moosa said, “O my people, if you have believed in Allah, then rely upon Him, if you are indeed Muslims.] Younus 10/84


Three: We will overcome through our supplications to Allah.

[so they said, “Upon Allah do we rely. Our Lord, make us not (objects of) trial for the wrongdoing people * And save us by Your mercy from the disbelieving people.”] Younus 85/86


Allah ta’ala recorded all of this in the Qur’an and this Monday (the 10th of Muharram) we shall fast to remind us of the lesson – not just the ritual – of standing firm in the face of injustice.

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