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Eid present to Zack

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War zack,


Inkastoon ninmakan amxaarada cadow nahay, hadana waynu ku soo dhex koraye, bal heestan ila dhagyso.


I wish to invite you as an Eid gift the timeless "tizita" (memory) song, this time adapted by Micheal Belayneh, my favourite ethiopian singer by a million mile. Teddy Afro and even Tilahun Gessesse will not steal a stage where Miki features.




Qine new Tizita,

Zema new Tizita

Tibeb new Tizita,

Hiwot new Tizita,

Zooraw ye minooruut

Ye nafaqu leta



Memory is poetry

Memory is lyrics

Memory is art

Memory is life

One you look back and live

When you feel nostalgic



For once let me be honest. I feel nostalgic about those days!!!!

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War ilayn horaa loo yiri; deriskaa mar ku dayo, mar ka darow marna ku diin - Show amxaaro yaryar uun baad ahaydeen. Jokes aside, Tizita lyrics, if I may have the liberty calling it that, transcend across boundaries and cultures.... And I as well feel nostalgic my days back home as a child.

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The Zack   



Welcome back Xaaji, its been quite a while. Thanks a bunch for the gift, waayo waayo baad isoo xasuusisay wallee. Galaas muuziqaa la yidhaahdaa waligaa laba heees oo uu Gessesse leeyahay ama Maxamed Maxamuudkii caanka ahaa maka qaadday LOL. Qolyahan iskuuladii Siyad Barre kasoo baxay gabayo umbaa sanka lagaga gelin jiray baan maqaalo igu ah. As you said inkastoo qolyaha xabashida ah xabbad naga dhaxeyso, the fact that their music rocks can't be denied. Music-na boundaries malaha saxiix.

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You are right, Tizita is sung by almost every Ethiopian singer. It is amazing Tilahun, Aster, and all the good ones have done their renditions. The original singer was an old man by the name Ketama whose lyrics was more about love, society inequality etc etc, but good in his own ways. But Tizita was popularized by a women singer called Bezawark Asfaw. She surpassed everybody and most ethiopians actually remember Bezawak and Tizita tiogather. They think these two are inseparable.


However, I must confess no one has done better than Micheal. It is not about the music and the beat. But the lyrics are very, very powerful.


Hiwoti naa tesfa

Minyooti naa iwnataa

Siraa naa agaataami

Nuroo naa itaa fanta

Manfasi naa siga

Ya tawaagu letaa

Alfaw ya miyaa geetubet

Tibeb naw tizita


Life and hope

wish and reality

Work and coincedence

Living and destiny

Body and soul

the day these all quarell each other,

it is the what transcends

And you wear with honour

Memory is an art

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The Zack   

Abtigiis;741991 wrote:


Mid axmaar ah baan u maleyn inay leylatul qadar kayga duulaan ku tahay oo skype iigu soo tuurtay heestan.

:D :D :D Is ilaali ninyahow. Meheri (on the air meher) and keep skyping her si ayna soonka kaaga burin, haddey kugu kacdana Ciidda fur LOL. Usaa qoonjoo nesh indhee?

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Betam, betam qonjo walaahi.


Zack, war axmaar meherkeeda ilaahay igu ma qabane, bilaa meher baa loogu xiri waa cadow'e, way banaan tahay! :D :D


Waxaan ku idhi waxay yidhaahdaan ma taqaan markay ku af garan waayaan "Somale gimeel inji yet fiqir yawqaal" (somali geel mooye xageey jacayl ku taqaan!!!). Somalidu serious ma aha ayey wada aaminsan yihiin.


Xalimooyinkeena maalinkii oo dhana xinaysan haddana mar walba dhabarkaa i xanuuni odhan way ka hawl yar yihiin laakiin.


Tinaant naachin ba zaare astawishe

Ba zemen qulqulat yehualit fasishe

Ka falagniat garaa sir dharishe

Hiwot tin ka minchiwa tataan tamalishe


Remembering yesterday as today

I rode down the time slope

Reached at the bottom of the mountain I wanted

And drank life from that same source, once more

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Heesta Xalimo Khalif Magool ee tidhaa "Geeluba ragaadkii, lugta uu u rrixay, ugu roortay qodaxduye" ayaan a friend of mine in Univesity u macneeyey markaasku yidhi, "so, your songs are like the adventures of Huckleberry Finn". :D :D

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LOOOOOOOOOL@BIlaa meher baa. "Aw maa malakat aymaanukum" miyaa? Yacni Ghaniima weeye xabashida gabdhaheeda.


P.s. January baan usocdaa meeshii ninyahow.

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Abtigiis;742005 wrote:
Heesta Xalimo Khalif Magool ee tidhaa "Geeluba ragaadkii, lugta uu u rrixay, ugu roortay qodaxduye" ayaan a friend of mine in Univesity u macneeyey markaasku yidhi, "so, your songs are like the adventures of Huckleberry Finn".

Ma literal translation? :D :D :D

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Ila soo socodsii. Aniga 2007 baa iigu danbeysay.


Haa, literal translation. :D :D qosol kuu ku dhuftay waa la ogaa. Laakin I also told him that some of their songs when I transalted to Somalis way i dharbaaxeen saying how can you tell us this is a song.


Like this one:

Bombu fiqrish, bi fanadhaa

La'anchi biye gabahu idhaa


When your bomb love exploded,

I got into trouble


kkkkkkkkk. Waa bilaa macni soo ma aha. Somalidaa ka xigmad badan in many ways.

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What a sad Somali 'Abtigiis' saying hes Ethiopian, real sad to be part of the small small minority who actually does that who really are Somali.


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Xageey ku qoran tahay Ethiopian baan ahey, by the way? Not that i find it offensive, but anyway?


kala sar art and politics, Leezu.

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The Zack   

Abtigiis;742008 wrote:
Ila soo socodsii. Aniga 2007 baa iigu danbeysay.


Haa, literal translation.
:D qosol kuu ku dhuftay waa la ogaa. Laakin I also told him that some of their songs when I transalted to Somalis way i dharbaaxeen saying how can you tell us this is a song.


Like this one:

Bombu fiqrish, bi fanadhaa

La'anchi biye gabahu idhaa


When your bomb love exploded,

I got into trouble


kkkkkkkkk. Waa bilaa macni soo ma aha. Somalidaa ka xigmad badan in many ways.

Suugaanta Somalida baa ka xigmad badan baan qabaa sidaad sheegtay hase yeeshee mar mar bey ayaguna macno sameeyaan sida heestan Ina Kasaahun AKA Teddy Afro uu qaaday..


Libe meshenefun, endaynegrat segga


Weratim alefe, kiremti’na begga


Ye’hoden meCheneq, fikre mech gebat


Tisiqalech esua lijinet yizuat.

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