
SSC Conference Khaatumo2: The final part.

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Tukaraq,(Lasanod Online)- Kulan ay maanta yeesheen gudiga qaban qaabada shirweynaha khaatumo2 iyo qaar kamid ah isimada SSC..



ayaa wuxuu ka dhacay degaanka Tukaraq.


kulankan oo looga hadlayay sidii loo qaban lahaa shirka khaatumo2, islamarkaana go'aamada kasoo baxa loo taageeri lahaa ayaa waxaa hadalo kooban iyo warbixino ka soo jeediyay xubno katirsan gudiga qaban qaabada shirweynaha khaatumo2.


Waxaa kulkan goob joog ka ahaa 3 isin iyo wakiil Garaad, iyagoo sheegay in isimada maqana ay wakiil ka yihiin, isimada joogay ayaa kale ah:


1. Garaad Saleebaan Garaad Maxamed


2. Boqor Cabdillaahi Axmed Dabagooye


3. Ugaas Faarax Dheere


4. Wakiil garaad- Sulub Cali Gaas


Kulankan oo maalmahanba la sugayay qabsoomidiisa maadama la sugayay isimada kale iyo Garaad Saleeban Maxamed oo hore u codsaday inuu dhigo gogosha shirka khaatumo2, ayaa si rasmi ah galabta loogu dhawaaqay in degmada Taleex ee gobolka Sool noqoto magaalada martigelin doonta shirweynaha khaatumo2.


Waxaa sidoo kale iyana dib loo riixay maalinta la qabanayo shirka oo hore lo shaaciyey inay noqoto October 14, tasoo hadda oo lagu beegay 5 bisha November ee sanadkan.


Warbaahinta Lasanod Online waxay hadii Alla idmo idiinsoo tebin doontaa maqal iyo muuqaal xafladii maanta lagaga dhawaaqay madasha shirka.




Xafiiska Wararka Laascaanood


Laascaanood Somalia

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Saaxdheer,(lasanod Online)- Garaad Jamac Garaad Cali ayaa si buuxda u taageeray madasha Shirka Khaatumo2 loo iclaamiyey..



ee magaalada taarikhiga ah ee Taleex..


Garaad ka oo hada ku sugan Magaalada Saaxdheer ayaa Taageeray Go’aanka Gudiga Qaban Qaabada 15 Xubnood iyo gogoshii Garaad Saleebaan Garaad Maxamed ay u wada Garteen In Shirka Beelaha SSc Khaatumo2 Lagu Qabto Magaalada Taleex.


Garaadka ayaa hoosta ka Xariiqay in Maanta loo baahanyahay Midnimo, waajibna ay tahay in dhamaan Bulshada SSC ay kasoo qayb galaan Shirkaas aaya katalinta Bulshada SSC ee Khaatumo2. Dhincayada layka taago si looga ilaaliyo cadowga ku wada fashilka.


Waxaa Sidoo kale uu Garaadku ku baraarujiyay Bulshada SSC inayan dhig u dhigin fidnada Cadowgu Buunbuuninayo oo uu doonayo inuu ku kala fogeeya Bulshada SSC, si ay ugu fududaato inuu dantiisa ku fushado, kuna sii nagaado Deegaanada SSC.


Garaadka ayaa sheegay inu shirkaa la tegayo niyad furan iyo qalbi saliim ah, dhamaan isimada iyo ergooyinka imanya shirkaasina ay kusoo talo galaan inay ka tashadaan waxa danta u ah beelweynta SSC oo qudha.

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Xaaji, you do understand that Taleex in under the control and sphere of influence of Puntland. And that the Garaad who picked the location is working for Puntland?


So, I really dont expect much from the outcome anymore. This conference will be comparable with the Boocame Conference.

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Carafat-puntland,somaliland or even ssc group has nothing to do with this conference.But they are all invited obviously.Just wish them success.

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Carafaat;748163 wrote:
Xaaji, you do understand that Taleex in under the control and sphere of influence of Puntland. And that the Garaad who picked the location is working for Puntland?


So, I really dont expect much from the outcome anymore. This conference will be comparable with the Boocame Conference.

Carafat, would you have supported if LA had been decided to be the host city?

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Gheelle, its not important or relevant what I think.


But what the SSC public on the ground think and what they expect. Just check the video's I just posted. People seem to be very dissapointed with the Garaad's and dont have a lot of trust or confidence in their political judgements. And their support for Puntland is very much critized.


That;s why many think this Conference should not be hosted by the Garaad's or they should take the lead. Because since recently the Garaad's are intervering in the organisation of the Conference.

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Carafaat, if I am mistaking you for someone else, I think you were open to the idea of LA being the venue of the conference. If you held that opinion, then LA would had been chosen, don't you think that would have generated the same protests from segments of SSC as the ones you have posted? Also, you have alluded that there wont be any fruitful outcome from the conference since it will held in Taleex, should we take that as irrelevant opinion of yours then? :)

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Chill all out. Conference is on a right track so far. Rag baa howshan ka danbeeya and it will go as they planned with help of Allah. Many dug Trojan holes arleady but conference organizers made available all possible anti-Trojans to treat.. The venue is irrelevent to the succeed or fail. Everyone supported now for Taleexi's hometown and I am sure he is going too..


Alle khayr ka dhamayeeyo..aamiin.. Haloo soo duceeyo.

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