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Xaaji Xunjuf

Dunida waxa ugu liita

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^Ameen, taasi walaga duceystaa inadeer - thats the ultimate wasted life, I say. May Allah guide us all..amiin

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ameen to that too... .when I saw the shelves of my uni library shake yesterday ayaan ilaahay ka ducaysanayey ilaahow I will change for the better bal one more chance..saaka baa so kacay mise waa isla bartii lazy aaliya lol...seriously inshallah fooa baan salada ka joojin..



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Few nights ago in the masjid, during Tarawih half time, this gentlman, very god fearing fellow, was giving a short lecture. He said that he isn't a scholar but wanted to share with us and remind us the grave. He said he chose to wash/clean when a person dies and he washed and participated barrying hundreds of muslims in our town. He added the reason he chose for doing this as his primary job is to always remember the grave and where the ultimate destincy is awating for all of us.. God, I really cried when he went on talking about the grave and what is waiting for everyone..

Anything when you do or see that reminds you Aakhiro? me is the fire..

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Carafaat;818120 wrote:
dunida waxa ugu liita nin aan ogeyn ina la jacelyahay.

This is soo true it hurts :D


Dunida waxa ugu liita kii hooyadii dayaca.

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Naxar Nugaaleed;818136 wrote:
qofka isku mashquuliya Dunida waxa ugu liita lol

Naga daa yaakhey naxar adna


Seddex baa dunida ugu liidata

1 Nimaan soomin

2 Nimaan salaadin

3 Nimaan saka bixin..

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