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Madaxweyne Siiraanyo Oo Maanta Soo Guryo Noqday Sheegayna in Mashaariic badan uu Qalinka Ku Soo Duug

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Carafaat;741528 wrote:
Reading these reponses by SOL members, one could ask who the real opponents of Somaliland's economic development are?


For sure it aint the Chinese nor the Ethiopians.

The sad thing is; these opponents of Somaliland are telling their worse case scenarios stories as starving Somalis are walking hundreds of miles to Somali regions already occupied by Ethiopia and Kenya. This reality (repeated over the decades) makes it hard even to given them the benefit of the doubts, let alone take their brotherly concern serious. When the outcries are lead by known anti-SL folks it becomes counter-productive because it complicates the jobs of legitimate scrutineers of these kinds of deals within Somaliland (as the quote above clearly shows).


PS I do have some serious concerns about this supposed deal, and will be watching the debates to follow with interest. In the mean time, I'll share this poem by a nomad who was concerned by a road building project during the colonial times.


Qoonsada ~ Maxamed Xaashi


Gabaygan Maxamed Xaashi wuxu tiriyay 1948 waxii ka dambeeyay, wado ay ingiriisku ka samaynayeen Galbeed (oo Harar iyo miyiga somali galbeed isku xidha) oo u fudidaynaysay isticimaarka Ingiriiska iyo kii Ethopiaba maamulka Galbeed. Maxamd Xaashi soomaalidii wakhtigaa jirtay ayu in badan kala dardaarmay wadadaa oo aw yidhi Somaleey waa in lays hor taago Wadaadaas, gabayo kale oo aan kuwan ahayna wuu mariyay. Markaas ayay cidina dhagaysan wayday oo ay ka guri wayday. Sabab iasgu meel fog ayuu ka hadlaayay, oo ah bari ayay wadadaasi Xabashi ka faaidaysan doontaa, oo maamulka dhulkeena u hawl yaraynayaa.Markii laga dhagaysan waayay Maxamd ayuu gabaygan aw ka tiriyay oo cabasho iyo calaacal isku jira ah.


Wuxu yidhi:


In dhaweydba wataan qarsaday qiimihii gabaye

Abadkayba goortaan qabtaan , qurux u yeelaaye

Qaafada horteedaiyo shirkaan, qun ugu sheegaye

Bal qiyaasta caawana , halkan uga qurmaynaayo

Qof weeye laba gaal haday talo qorsheeyaane

Hindigay qafaasheen baryay qaran ahaayeene

Qarni ma laha isaguba marku qaatay keenadiye

Waa kii Suways qabsaday qamac dhareereede

wax horteen sidaa loo qaribay, boqol quruumoode

Qoonsada halkaa waxa ku jira qabar laxaad weyne


Qooto iyo Taleex baa la simay qaydkan seeraha'e

Sidii qaalima booliya dhulkii waa la qaybsadaye

Isba qiil banays buu u yimi qoortan dooga lehe

Wuxu ka qabtaba daayoo wuu idin qalayaaye

Qoonsada halkaa waxa ku jira qabar laxaad weyne


Qusnsuligaa la dhigay ceelkan Harar,qiil kalaa xigiye

Waxba yaanu ii kala qararin qoolashaan dhayo'e

Marku geed qaloocsamba waan sii qandhanayaaye

Qayrkay haday toban yihiin qodob ma riixeene

Quluqulaha dhexdiina mar baa..............?

Qoonsada halkaa waxa ku jira qabar laxaad weyne


Jarmalkii qabiiliga ahaa qawmuun baa u baxaye

Isagaba qasaarii la baday quusyoo samirye

Waa waxii qatalay reer India quuso la'aantaase

Idinkuna qab laydin dhigaad moodaysaan quruxe

Markan qawl yidhaahdaba anaad i qabsanaysaane

Waa qarsoomo iyo yaab afkaad qadhim i siiseene

Qoonsada halkaa waxa ku jira qabar laxaad weyne


Murtidaad qalooc u rogteen qararna loo yeelye

Waa qiilo galinoo dhulkaa laysu qoonsadaye

Aan ku baro qiyaamaha ninyaw kii qaalin kaga maalay

Qayrkii ka hadhay waxad tihiin qaday habeenkiiye

Qacadaan anigu eegay baa indhuhu qaraf ka duulaaye

Qoonsada halkaa waxa ku jira qabar laxaad weyne


Qoomiyad ninkii garanayaa ima qilaafeene

Hadii aw gaalku i qabsado oo qoorta iga gooyo

Qawl nimaan la laabanaynin oo quusan baan ahaye

Dadkii se aan u qayliso is lahaa qaasi nimadooda

Quful baa ku jabanoo ma oga qoonta iga taale

Qasaaraha ninkii ogi hadu qaban lahaa taase

Quruuntan Alaa garan kolkay qaadan waanada'e

Qodaxdaa xanunuukeedu waa qaamud kugu maqane

Ha qoslina taas dhawaan baa qaxar ka joogaaye.


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Unfortunately, Ayoub, Somalia oo dhan isku mid maaha. Waa runtaa oo aad ayaa loo dhibanyahay in the south but the North is relatively OK. And politics waa politics waad ogtahay, waxba ma bedalaan taas, lol, although I have noticed a lessening of the usual rhetoric from most websites during Ramadan (which tells you just how much lies and fabrications are generated normally!).


Anyway, I can't speak for anyone else here but I actually care about reer Somaliland and don't wish them any harm. Ideological opposition yes, withdrawal of political support yes, harmful or ill-feeling no.


This particular 'deal' and Silaanyo's capability and conduct in general, these things definitely bother me. Don't know if your concerns are similar to mine, but I'll tell you it's in really bad form to appear to be angling to profit from boobka dadkaaga (i.e. Ethio's desire for O'gadenia oil). By all means secure investments and expand the port and improve the economy (although in general Somaliland is being developed by its citizens and not by the govt, much like elsewhere I suppose), all great and welcome steps but this Ethio/Chinese deal holds nothing but blood and dhibaato for those involved and it would be better for SL to distance itself rather than campaign to be part of it.

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The whole point is just that mentioned by Val, no harm to somaliland and all somalis everywhere but this exaggerated and so called trilateral deal is NULL. If there was any, Zanawi did his own and his terms yet people of somaliland were entertained Odaygii is in Beijing signing deals, huge projects and Ictiraaf is done deal when in fact he was missing in action (MIA). The part that is mind boggling is if there was any considerable deal in the part of Zanawi and Chinese, why odayga at least meesha loo keeni waayey oo meel uu jaan iyo cidhib dhigay loo wayey..

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Friday, August 19, 2011





HARGEISA (Reuters) - Somaliland has struck a deal with Chinese businessmen to extend its Berbera port as well as TO build a refinery and new roads in the breakaway northern enclave, its president said.

Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo said Somaliland, which declared its independence from Somalia in 1991 but has not been formally recognised internationally, said the new deal would boost its economy and strengthen ties with Horn of Africa neighbours.


In a statement issued late on Thursday, Silanyo said he met businessmen in Hong Kong who are experienced in financing and building infrastructure projects in developing countries as well as Ethiopian leaders during a fortnight-long trip.


He said details of the deal and how the projects will be funded would be disclosed soon.


The projects include the expansion of Berbera Port and pipelines for natural gas and fuel to Ethiopia. A refinery will also be built at the port, as well as a road linking Berbera to Wajale, a town on the Ethiopia-Somaliland border.


Somaliland is helping a global fight against piracy in the Indian Ocean which has turned busy shipping lanes off the coast of the conflict-wrecked state of Somalia into some of the world's most perilous waters.


The Somaliland leader has said in the past his region had no interest in reunification with the rest of Somalia, which is grappling with a famine and is struggling to quash an Islamist rebellion that has hampered the delivery of food aid across swathes of its southern and central regions. (Reporting by Husein Ali Nur; Editing by James Macharia and Jason Neely).


Source: Reuters

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Strange that those who oppose cooperation with Ethiopians (because of the situation in the Somali region) have not raised their concerns when Ethiopia is choreografing the whole TFG for the past 7 years, entering Somalia illegaly on a frequent basis, is organising, training, funding "federal troops" in Dolo, Ethiopia importing 90% through Djibouti port, thousands of Somali's(Ocadeni's?) working for the Ethiopian goverment in the Somali region or when Abdullahi Yusuf was bringing 30.000 Ethiopian troops to Moqadishu.

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^ Carafaat,


We did and continue to oppose Ethiopia's interference in Somalia.


It is strange no one except che has actually made any reference to the real stakeholders in this proposed business deal. Gaaska iyo saliida Berbera laga dhoofin dadkii lahaa ee tobanaan kun kaga dhimatay difaaciisa inay SOL forum qaarkood fadhiyaaan Jacaylbaro iyo Xaji Candhuuf gartaye, inta kale maxay ku iloobeen?


Geel aaadan lahayn, gaawo loo ma cusho! In fact, we are praying this so called deal actually goes ahead. It will be a lottery for we can drag other more powerful parties into this matter and what appears to be a danger may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.


As for Silaanyo, I don't think he is lying when he says he signed tripartite deal with the chinese, and Ethiopia. Heeshiiskii Ethiopianku saxeexeen ayuu hootsa meel yar ka sii saxeexay markii danbe. In turn, the Ethiopian released him from the airport. :D

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I know you oppose Ethiopia interference in your land and in Somalia. And I am against this deal as well.


But actually I was refering to your cousins here in SOL pretending to be concerned with Ethiopian interference or well being of your land/people. While they have supported(some even cheered) Abdullahi Yusuf bringing 30.000 Ethiopians to Moqadishu in creating the biggest massacre Somalia has ever seen, who support Faroole and Adde Muuse for handing over O'brothers to Ethiopia, who support Etiopia's nr.1 officeboy of Sheick Shariif, who support "federal troops" in Dolo funded, trained, coordinated by Ethiopia and a TFG which is Ethiopia's puppet show for the past 7 years and other's who have paraded around with Zenawi's kitchenboy, Abdi Ileey.

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