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Thank you Kuwait for your kindness and generosity, Somalia will be forever grateful to you

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Somali PM lauds Amir's generous offering



Published Date: August 16, 2011


KUWAIT: Somali Prime Minister Dr Abdiweli Mohamed Ali lauded yesterday the generous offer of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah to the Somali people, saying that such sentiments reflected the righteous nature of the Kuwaiti people. Head of Kuwait's Red Crescent Society's (KRCS) Delegation to Somalia Dr Musaaad Al-Enizi, in press statements, said the Somali official stressed that Kuwait has always provided assistant to Somalia during its darkest hours.


The Prime Minister, according to Al-Enizi, also expressed his satisfaction towards the swift procedures that enabled the speedy distribution of the $10 million worth of Kuwaiti relief aid, affirming that such aid would ease the pain of Somalis who are suffering from harsh drought that hit the Horn of Africa.


With reference to KRCS efforts, Al-Enizi said that the society members were continuing to distribute relief aid in an organized manner to people living in the capital Mogadishu and refugees who came to the city seeking help. - KUNA

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Kuwait relief mission first to arrive in Somalia


Mon, 2011-07-25


KUWAIT: Kuwait Red Crescent Society's mission was the first to arrive in Somalia to offer humanitarian relief aid to the drought-hit Somali people, Head of KRCS mission to Somalia Musaed Rashid Al-Enezi told Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) Sunday.


KRCS has started its work in Somalia with sending two planes loaded with 20 tons of aid immediately following the UN appeal upon instruction from His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah.


His Highness the Amir has pledged 10 million American dollars in aid for the Somali people, who are suffering from malnutrition and famine as a result of the worst drought to hit the nation in 10 years.



The mission was warmly welcomed by the Somali people and government, Al-Enezi said, noting that Somali President Sharif Sheikh Ahmad has received KRCS mission and hailed His Highness the Amir's initiative.


"The charitable work of the state of Kuwait is not strange to a country that used to offer all help to Somalia and all Arab nations," he said.


Last week, the UN declared that two regions in the south of the war-torn country were suffering from famine. Hundreds were dying every day across the Horn of Africa region, the FAO said.


The United Nations issued an appeal of aid to address what it is calling the worst food crisis in Africa in 20 years.


Nearly half of Somalia's estimated 10 million people face a food crisis and malnutrition rates there are the highest in the world.


Source : KUNA

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NBK airlifts first consignment of emergency aid to Somalia


Published August 14th, 2011 - 10:50 GMT




National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) contributed in airlifting the first cargo plane of emergency aid, foodstuffs and medical supplies as emergency relief for famine-stricken people in Somalia. The aid flight comes as part of a large-scale emergency donation campaign launched by NBK through all its branches and channels in collaboration with the Fundraising People’s Committee and Kuwait Red Crescent Society.


The Kuwaiti military cargo plane, carrying the aid, foodstuffs and medical supplies provided by NBK headed to Mogadishu Airport Monday. The distribution of this lifesaving humanitarian aid for the famine-hit people in Somalia will be coordinated through Kuwait Red Crescent Society and other international emergency aid organizations and authorities.


NBK marked the launch of its large-scale philanthropic and fundraising campaign by donating USD 500,000 to help the people in Somalia suffering from the famine. A special NBK account number (1000354951) has been set up to channel donations in collaboration with the Fundraising People’s Committee. NBK also mobilized all its branches and channels including Call Centre 1801801 and Watani Online (WOL) at to receive donations, in addition to the various internal initiatives carried out by NBK employees and their families to raise emergency aid funds.


NBK's prompt and positive action was also manifested in providing assistance and support to the concerned philanthropic and charity organizations and associations that worked to give a helping hand to the Somali people during this crisis, notably the Fundraising People's committee and Kuwait Red Crescent Society.

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Kuwait Red Crescent ready to assist Somalia


Published Date: July 19, 2011



KUWAIT: Somalia's Ambassador to Kuwait commended Kuwait's role in assisting Somalis across the African country, suffering from malnutrition and famine as a result of drought. Ambassador Abdulkadir Sheikh Amin made the comment in a statement shortly after meeting representatives of the Kuwait Red Crescent Society yesterday.


He said the Kuwaiti aid organization had expressed readiness toward providing urgently-needed assistance to drought victims across Somalia, during discussions between both sides. Amin described the current living conditions of drought victims in his country as detrimental.


He also underlined the need for the international community to act fast in coordination with the Somali government to transport as much as needed of humanitarian assistance in order to tackle the worst drought to have hit the region in ten years.


For his part, KRCS chief spokesperson, Abdulrahman Al-Aoun expressed the organization's readiness to supply relief assistance to the victims, including food and medical aid and tents.


The UN World Food Program has estimated that around 10 million people require food aid in the country, due to the extreme wave of drought and heavy armed conflict, he said. Also, according to UNICEF, as close as two million children are affected by malnutrition and are in desperate need of this aid.

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UN head thanks Amir for Somalia aid



Published Date: July 28, 2011


KUWAIT: United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon called His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah on Tuesday evening to express his gratitude for Kuwait's immediate response to the appeal for aid for the drought and famine-stricken Horn of Africa, particularly Somalia.


During the call, the UN supremo also hailed HH the Amir's directive ordering a fundraising campaign to alleviate the suffering of those affected by the horrendous drought in the troubled region.


On his part, HH the Amir expressed Kuwait's tremendous sympathy for those struggling with both drought and famine in the Horn of Africa, vowing that Kuwait would continue to perform its humanitarian duty towards the people there and join with the international efforts to alleviate their suffering.


HH the Amir also voiced a wish that international efforts would be stepped up to address the tragic crisis in Somalia and elsewhere in the Horn of Africa.


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kuwa carabta ama cadaanka caaya madax ha laga gooyo.Aduunkii oo dhan baa inoo soo gurmanaayay 20yrs, hase inagaa waxba noqon waynay.

ala yaa somali gacanta ii geliya.

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