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4.5 compatible love life

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Part II


This man of God doesn’t mince his words. What he says is a revelation. “And listen to me, my Muslim sister; listen twice and thrice. When the heaven’s bliss finally calls, you will languish in the innards of Jahanama.” He wept vicariously. “Didn’t I tell you: drop the baby you are bathing, stop cooking the food you are cooking for guests you respect, fast-track your time in the washroom, … and run fast, fast towards the caller, if your husband calls you for carnal duty”.


“For what you mistake for a man’s voice, is indeed, the voice of the creator. Far behind the irate face of your man, is the fury of Allah.” Sheikh Abdulhalim, the young mullah, stopped briefly to wipe the saliva that was now forming white clouds on the corners of his mouth. He sighed.


Maybe that is what went into the heart of Khayrto the night Uburo was conceived. The only night I and Khayrto made love. Maybe she misunderstood ‘your man’ to mean your man, not your husband. In fairness, the sheikh was vague about that.


Wait. There was something else. Dahraan, her friend/hair-dresser and Ruqiya, the half-crazy roommate of Khayrto, were with her, when I made an unusual decision, which was to agree to accompany Khayrto and see where she lives. For six months, we would meet, talk, dine, sit in a car and listen to music. She says she doesn’t like music. Somehow she sings with every song I play, without missing much of the lyrics. That evening, as I walked into the one-room home of Khayrto, which she shares with Ruqiya, Dahraan was with us. After we sat for a while, the two ladies said they are leaving us alone, ostensibly to go and see a sick person. I reacted angrily. I sensed what they were thinking about. They want to leave me and khayrto in the same room when we are not married? I didn’t hide what I felt.


“I am sorry, but I can’t stay. I have to go. Also I don’t think it is a good idea for the two of us alone to be left here. It is not allowed. The Shariah is clear on that.” I said.


The girls looked devastated and embarrassed. “We didn’t mean anything bad. We honestly wanted to go and see a friend next door who is sick, while you talk your issues here.”


“Still, I and she can’t talk here. It is not in our culture and religion.” I was firm.


That is how Khayrto and me went into the car and agreed to talk there. And then it happened in the car. In hindsight, I know it was the correct decision not to agree to be in her room. The whole idea of sitting in a room with a woman you are not married to makes whatever that happens later premeditated. It compounds the crime of adultery.


“O!ya Allah, how did this happen? Why did we go beyond the usual soft touches?” The religious Khayrto wept. She asked if God will ever forgive us.


“Why not? What option does he have?” I retorted, not to ease her, but with firm belief. “No one planned this. It is spontaneous. Also do you think, in a world where Alshabab kills a man for smoking a cigarette; in a world where those who deliver a tonne of grain to hungry Somalis ask for hundred thousand dollars to do the delivery, and yet call themselves ‘humanitarians’; do you think God will remember the small matter of a sudden outburst of corporeal passion between two of his slaves? No, God is not for small things. He is merciful, he is big.”


Khayrto felt calm. But vowed this moment will never happen again. She stayed true to her word. I don’t bother her as well.

But, the big foible Khayrto has is her endless penchant for clarity. I feel bothered.


“When are we going to be wife and husband? Why don’t you define our relationship? What is the timeline?” She asks, almost always.


It is not her problem. It is the affliction of a society that is bent on defining love in matrimonial terms that contributes to her confusion.


I tell her forcefully when it gets too much. “Why are you worried about timelines? Why are you preoccupied with titles and definitions? Is there a doubt I love you? Is there a doubt you love me?”


In reality, it is not because I endorse the anti-Islamic way of cohabitation between a man and a woman that I am resisting the marriage. It is because it is not feasible for a single father of five other children to sleep outside his house with another woman, leaving alone the children he is the sole parent for. And also because if only Khayrto agrees to re-adjust her mindset, this is already a marriage which is thriving.


Yes, she lives alone, and I never sleep in her house. Yes, her family is not aware she has a baby girl, because the baby is with me, and yes, we meet every day. The only thing is we agreed not to do Zinna again. That abstention is what is making this marriage a unique one; one which will never fade away into a boring union. For long time of my life, I understood responsibility alone and never knew love. And responsibility was never enough to keep my families together. Now I know love. I also know responsibility and love cannot possibility live together. There ought to be an element of recklessness and adventure about this thing.


But something else is complicating the whole matter.


.....Part 3 to continue

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War bacad al ciid ka dhig. This, whilst very entertaining and interesting, is also a tad heavy on a hungry belly and a mind that's attempting to remain sombre.

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Part III


What else does Abdi Omer know, other than throw big waffles in big meetings to sound intellectually profound? Last time in the middle of a workshop about datasets, a purely technical one for information managers, he stopped browsing the internet –which he was busy doing all day inside the conference room, and said, “Have we considered the gender aspect in the determination of the P-codes?” I can see the presenter and the junior information experts bamboozled. The other time in a discussion about contingency planning for a drought scenario, he threw something like “and we should seriously look at the conflict implications of this natural hazard and put in place adequate mitigation mechanisms.” Isn’t he talking about peace-building and community sensitization? Workshops and researchs? All to eat money! And now he is busy spoiling the mind of Khayrto, whom he came to know through me.


In his infinite fondness for big words, he tells her she is the only concubine in the 21st century. You can only be either a wife or a concubine, he tells her. "The choice is yours". And by the way, one time she almost believed his lie about her being emotionally abused by me. And yet he knows how much I love her. Isn’t this the apogee of all lies and hypocrisy? For the name, he says he is fifty years old, but his deeds are like that of a teenage boy who has seen his light water only twice through masturbation.


Again, anger leads me off my issues. The mullah is million times more enlightened than this friend by name, enemy by deed old man. I heard his wisdom by my own ears. “Muslim sister! how long do you keep depriving your man in the name of Ramadan? Who told you, you will break your fast if you touch your man, …cuddle, caress even. Who said this can only happen after the Maghreb prayers and not during the day?”


"Let me educate you. Did you hear of the dry orgasm?” I will come back to the unforgettable lesson of this man of immeasurable knowledge.


The maid is also adding complications. Always smiling with a broom in her hand, washing kids she did not carry in her belly, begging them patiently, kindly, when they refuse to eat. And even keeping their pictures in her cheap phone.


,,,, See you after the Eid, gentle reader.

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Dear Abdikhadar,


I am not the devil said to be released in the month of Ramadan. It is because the month gave me some time to tell my stories due to reduction in work load. Your suggestion and that of Ngonge is well noted and is accepted.


However, I think I need to react to the baseless allegations Xinnfanin has been peddling in this forum in my absence. Ordinarily, Xinnfanin's allegations would not have warranted a serious response. But it has only dawned on me now that a good number of the new crop of SOLers are not privy to my political philosophy and stance on Somalia. Consequently, young patriots such as Oba Hiloowlow and many others might take the wrong understanding about my person. As they say in Ethiopia "ye miyaadig lij aytlaah" (May a growing child not hate you), it is wise to avoid this curse.


I therefore strongly deny any association with the so-called state of Azania. Let it be know that I oppose this state for the sole reason that it contradicts my vision for Somalia. I can only accept it as a temporary entity that will dissolve once the militant anti-humanity juveniles by the name Alshabab are uprooted. Let it be clear to the fish-eater, who pillories my nationalism from the ant-hills of Bossaso, that it is not me whose two wives are both from within 90 kms of Bari. :D Xinnfanin is better advised not to throw stones. As can be gleaned from the story posted above, I have proven my nationalism with my love life and do not have to be associated with any illusory clan entities that are imagined by delusional pseudo-intellectuals.



Right Honourable Abtigiis

Son of Tolka

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^Barwaaqooy, did you hear about the prodigy by the name Hussien Yussuf from the heartlands of Hawd.?When Ethiopian adminstrators barred him from entering into a hall where important meeting of elders was about to take place, he asked why? He was told he is a young man (tinish sew in Amharic); the meeting is for big men ( tiliq sew). He composed these famous lines:


" Tiliq sew unbaad leedihiin, (Amxaarooy) sidaad noogu timideene

Tinish sew xagee lagaga tegi, soow wax tari maayo!"


Now, a rendition of that would amount to something like:


Newbies xagee lagaga tegi,

Soow Nomad noqon maayaan?


But the real issue is should I have gone on holiday both by mouth and spirit when the mendacious fish-eater maligns my name? Or as Khayrto would have said in her vernacular, " maa isku aamuusaaye, ariireey?" :D :D


Even my favourite songs have changed from "todobaatan jeer baan, soo toosay xalayoo" to "ma hunduraaw, ma hirgalaaw, adi le hortay roogte"...:D

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Newbies xagee lagaga tegi,

Soow Nomad noqon maayaan?


War abitigiis xigmaad baa kaa buuxda.. I am noticing a new language you have mastered also.. The above statement toward's Xiin needs its own thread me

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Welcome back A&T!


I read the first part only, very interesting...But as I read NG and A_Khadar's responses to the other parts, xoogaa waan baqay! Ilgur baan ku aqrin bacdal afur...

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Part IV


I still recall the first day I cheated on my wife. I recall the guilt, the excuse, the blame game. With each act of infidelity since, my love for my wife grew. Each shameful romp of mine sent her to a higher pedestal and she grew in stature, in dignity, against the diminished frame of my tumbling character, my dying personality. I respected her for her loyalty, for her integrity. Were it not for the fact that I also learned another vital lesson in my bed-jumping expeditions that followed, the guilt alone would have sufficed to stop me from committing more sins, would have checked me from marinating myself in interminable disgrace. In those journeys of dark debauchery, I learned that not all women offer the same thing. Indeed, sleeping with different women is like visiting different tourist destinations. Each place offers its own unique pleasure, has its own magic.


So, I refuted the false contentment among couples, the wrong feeling that one has what is needed in life if he has a wife or if she has a husband. I realized such delusion curtails one’s quest for real pleasure, real thrill. It sets limit to human body’s unremitting longing for newer things, newer body in this case. It halts the fascinating anxiety of discovering what you haven’t known before, the excitement of the conquest.


The guilt of infidelity, of knowing I do harm to someone else, is lessened by the realization that I am fair to all parts of my body. If my face needs a cream, it gets it, if my stomach asks for food, it gets it. And the stomach doesn’t always ask for the food at home. Likewise, my loins don’t always ask for what is theirs by law, by custom, by religious formality. They do urge for change, they do demand the forbidden. And I always believe it is an act of nobility to do justice to your body, to care for it, and to treat it like your child. To give it whatever it needs that you could give it.


But not all those reasons are why I keep cheating. It is because it renews my love for my wife. It is because it keeps my families intact. Well, I mean, before other complications led them to fail. Which is why I won’t marry Khayrto! I can’t do what I did to my past wives to her. I can’t love her out of sympathy; I don’t want to embrace her for redemption. I want to have a living love, which is why I said this relationship will work and will not end in bitterness like the past ones.


Unfortunately, Khayrto for all what her wisdom is worth, has the blood of an Eve. She is a woman, and with it can’t escape the foibles of women. She is getting impatient. Which is why I sought Mullah Abduhalim’s wisdom and he didn’t disappoint. If I knew what he told me, I wouldn’t have needed a sin to sleep with women I need. All I needed to do was call a Sheikh and do a Nikah. And move to the next beauty a week later without causing a frown in the face of the Almighty. If the Mullah is right, in fact, I may have caused a smile in the mouth of the creator, for marriages are sacred and the heavens get happy when we ritualize our carnal indulgencies. And the beauty of this process is that you can committ to marriage this week, fully planning for a divorce a week later. There is no enemy biggger than ignorance to mankind . How I missed this knowledge all these years my hair were greying baffles me!

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