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Return 'home' surreal after Somalia sojourn

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His first day back to work was a bit surreal.


Less than two months ago, he was prime minister of Somalia. He battled terrorists, pirates and warlords. He addressed dignitaries from the United Nations.


Now, Mohamed A. Mohamed is back at his old job at the state Department of Transportation downtown, back to his little cubicle with a window overlooking Swan Street.


A few photos of him as premier were tacked to his wall by colleagues, the only visible reminder that these last nine months weren't a dream.


"It's a different feeling when you're heading a whole nation and you come back to your normal life," Mohamed said. "It's a little awkward, to tell you the truth."


Mohamed, 49, a Somali native who resettled in Buffalo more than 20 years ago, was forced out as Somalia's prime minister in June, ending his remarkable months-long odyssey as abruptly as it began.


He returned to his job at the DOT on Thursday, as he tries to settle into his old life as civil servant, husband and father living on Grand Island.



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"It's a different feeling when you're heading a whole nation and you come back to your normal life," Mohamed said. "It's a little awkward, to tell you the truth."


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Valenteenah.;739512 wrote:
Would he need to go back to a civil service job if he had pocketed millions? Mise millions in shillings ayaan ka hadleynaa?

looooooooooooool ,,, it is probably just a cover dee hadii kele sow ku caddaan mayso :D

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Val-Yes in shillings and couldn't pass it through the Homeland Security of the load of dirty moneys. It's refreshing he settle back to his old life instead of joining the legions of Somali 'politicians'.

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Haday dhab ka ahayd wadan kan jeclay, Waxaan umalaynayaa wadan kuu joogi lahaa oo cawinlahaa dadka masakiminta ah kulu kushaqeeyo xataa volunteer, then he would been hero. Too bad he has no sympathy for dadka masa kiminta ah oo dhibatonaya. Dantiisii gaarka ahayd ayuu kawayey Somalia waana iskaga sotagay.

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Dhuujiye;739607 wrote:
Haday dhab ka ahayd wadan kan jeclay, Waxaan umalaynayaa wadan kuu joogi lahaa oo cawinlahaa dadka masakiminta ah kulu kushaqeeyo xataa volunteer, then he would been hero. Too bad he has no sympathy for dadka masa kiminta ah oo dhibatonaya. Dantiisii gaarka ahayd ayuu kawayey Somalia waana iskaga sotagay.

^ And would you pay his bills and raise his family if he would do that?

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