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Dubai Burj Khalifa: Ramadan Fast 'Lasts Longer High Up'

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Faarax-Brawn;739825 wrote:
But you can take the elevator down in secs and break your fast on the first floor?

That high, elevator would take longer than seconds if floor stops added, it could take more than minutes.. 2 minutes is not much.. I thought hour or more when I read the title..

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A_Khadar;739840 wrote:
That high, elevator would take longer than seconds if floor stops added, it could take more than minutes.. 2 minutes is not much.. I thought hour or more when I read the title..

All things constant, i dont think it will take more than 2 minutes.

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N.O.R.F;739888 wrote:
G to floor 124 takes about 90s seconds

What about the other way round? from 124 to G?- is it not faster? Eitherways, It will save me a good 30secs LMAO

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what about being and hearing the Athan at ground floor, and then shootin ur floor to eat! even if still not iftar @ top, Does that count!


Similar to the story a guy who left NZ for States to find out that if he follows the calender in US, he has to do one more day, will he be allowed to break fast? or fast 31 days!

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