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Unsustainable Somali population growth

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In 1960, the population of Somalia was roughly around 2.8 million. Now the population stands at 11 million and growing by 450 000 people every year.


Surely you can see that is unsustainable. Take for example the recent famine, we all see in press and media reports about young mothers with seven starving children who can do nothing to feed their children. If they had adopted birth control and family planning, the famine would not have such an impact.


Somali's birth rate is one the highest if the world and it does not have green pastures and fertile agricultaral land like Britain and therefore cannot feed its people. Somalia also does not have a functioning government who can invest heavily intro irrigation, infrastructure and education.


Don't you see why the rest of world is turning a blind eye to Somalia because of actions like these?

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^Apparently, changing weather patterns, deforestation, prolonged conflict, lack of viable government, and poverty are not contributing factors..a mother with seven kids must be the problem.


looooool@green people...God bless them.

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Poor people with large families are not poor because they have large families but they have large families because they are poor. If you are poor and have few children, you are more likely to remain poor [particularly in old age] and you may still lose your few children. Furthermore, if you are poor, you are less likely to have access to birth-control.


You see, children are only an economic burden up untill the age of ~6 after which they are seen as an asset in two ways. (1) Children will work i.e. tend the animals, beg etc. and thus provide livelihoods for the family more than the parents alone would be able to provide. (2) In old age, those children that do survive, and the idea of having many children is that at the least some will survive, will provide for and care for the parents as there are no social security systems to fall back on.


Take a typical nomadic Somali family for example. without many children to look after your livestock, are you more or less able to rear and grow your livestock?


It is a known fact and this has been proven by statistics worldwide, that as people become more affluent, they have less children.

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So you believe in the so called family planning? do it your self and see the disadvantages. one being having 2 kids. one dump and the other one deaf.

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yahya007;738479 wrote:
So you believe in the so called family planning? do it your self and see the disadvantages. one being having 2 kids. one dump and the other one deaf.

The less kids you have, the more wealth you spread around.

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Che -Guevara;738377 wrote:
^Apparently, changing weather patterns, deforestation, prolonged conflict, lack of viable government, and poverty are not contributing factors..a mother with seven kids must be the problem.


looooool@green people...God bless them.

It is not a mother with seven kids, it is the whole population group who are having too many children. These kids are going to grow without education and 'lack of viable government' and continue the circle of poverty.

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OdaySomali;738402 wrote:
Poor people with large families are not poor because they have large families but they have large families because they are poor. If you are poor and have few children, you are more likely to remain poor [particularly in old age] and you may still lose your few children. Furthermore, if you are poor, you are less likely to have access to birth-control.


You see, children are only an economic burden up untill the age of ~6 after which they are seen as an asset in two ways. (1) Children will work i.e. tend the animals, beg etc. and thus provide livelihoods for the family more than the parents alone would be able to provide. (2) In old age, those children that do survive, and
the idea of having many children is that at the least
will survive
, will provide for and care for the parents as there are no social security systems to fall back on.


Take a typical nomadic Somali family for example. without many children to look after your livestock, are you more or less able to rear and grow your livestock?


It is a known fact and this has been proven by statistics worldwide, that as people become more affluent, they have less children.

Children still need to be fed, clothed and educated.

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Alderman;738541 wrote:
Children still need to be fed, clothed and educated.

And one's ability to do this depends purely on the number of children one has?


There might be a marginal benefit in having fewer children [if you are already relatively well off] but you are overstating the likely impact. Technically speaking, children are affected by poverty but they are not the cause of it; thus there is no guarantee that you will be wealthier by having fewer children and nor is there a guarantee that you will reduce the affects of poverty [let alone the causes of poverty].


In other words (1) by reducing the population you may increase GDP per capita but overall GDP remains the same and (2) by reducing the population you might actually reduce GDP (lower productive capacity, fewer consumers etc.) and hence GDP per capita.

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family planning suubiya faqriga iyo gaajadaad ka baxeysaan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

soomaaliya cida baddan oo labo ama hal dhalay ayey abaaruhu ku dhaceen ayagana ma suubiya ayaan leenahay .

maltes theory walee dad badan oo aaminsan ayaan arkaa .

ma ogtahay reer galbeedkii family planning bilaabay ayaa hada dadka lacag ku siiyo ilmaha si loo dhalo .

dunidada musiibo rabbaani wey ka dhacdaa sida dhulgariirka ,volcanada ,gaajada ,daadadka waxaas oo idil waa musiibo rabaani ah qof istaajin karana malahan , bal fiiri falastiin soomaalida wey ka dhalma badan yihiin ayagoo gaajo laga sheegayo ma maqashay .


mar walboo dhalida eey badato waxaa bato waxsoo saarka iyo hurumarka , dunida mar walbuu dadkeeda soo bato horumarkeeda wuu lasocdaa , ilmaha dhalanaya irzaaqadiisa oo qoran ayuu dunidan imaanayaa , hal koob cabitaan oo dheeri ah ma cabayo , cunto aanan u qorneyna ma cunayo ,waxa aad cuneyso waa inaad aamintaa iney tahay wax Alle kuu qadaray marka uurka hooyo aad ku jirtay sida xadiithka arbaciinu nawawi ku qoran .


balse wax kuugu qasbayaa ma jiraan inaad 10 ,3,8 aad dhasho , balse waxaa xaraam ah inaad tiraahdo family planning ayaan suubsanayaa sababto ah irzaaqad uma hayo , oo adigan irzaaqadaada ma qof gacantii bey ku jirtaaa.


waase laguu ogol yahay inaad ilmaha sanadaha u dhaxeeyo aad kala fogeysato sida fiican waa in ilmaha la nuujiyaa 2sano sida aayada albakhra v 233 eey noosheegeyso . laakiin tan ma ahan inaad tirahdo 2 cunug bas inta kale qarash uma hayo ,xaaraamnimada arinkaas Alle wuxuu quraankiisa kusoo celceliyay '' ch 25 v 68 , ch 17 v 31 .

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There is no colleration between the recently drought in Somalia and having large family. If somebody makes happy for having one or two children, it should be his/her choice , but we should not make fun of these families who suffering because of the calamity.

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When disaster hits a country, Whether it is famine, drought, hurricane or depression hits the economy. Humans tend to produce more. in order to survive. its a fact. Its shown in studies that western countries give birth to more children when their economy is in depression. or if they have their own family problems. If Somali are having a lot of children then I'm more than happy. it only means my people and its culture is still living. Birth control doesn't necessarily give one happiness. and when i think of western countries that have a very little population of their ethnic group i feel sorry for them! to out numbered by immigrants is just ...

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somalia is not poor; it can feed itself & export food if it falls to the right hands!!! proper gov't.Add that to the oil & gas known exist.

It's a man made disaster....majority of us will live to see anotha bright day..Insha alla.It's amazing how the death toll haven't reached a million in 20yrs,comparing for example, Congo...5million dead last 10yrs.

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