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Xaaji Xunjuf

Heavy Blast rocks garowe several casualties

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Qarax ka Dhacay bartamaha Garowe.

Posted by pi on August 1st, 2011


Garowe(;- Wararka naga soo gaaraya magalada Garowe ee casimada Dawlada Puntland ayaa ku soo waramaya in uu ka dhacay qarax aan la ogayn cida loo gaystay iyo wax uu ahaa.



Goobjoogayaal ku sugan Garowe ayaa u sheegay in Qaraxa uu ka dhacay goob wado ah 2 ruuxna ay ku dhinteen 2 kalana ay ku dhaawacmee, Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in Qaraxa uu sabab u ahaa askari ay banbaanada gacanta(FI) ay si lama filaan ah uga qaraxdey, bale qaraxa oo hada dhacey awgeed ilaa hada xaqiiqda rasmiga ah lama helin balse faahfahin intaa dheer marka aan helno ayaan soo gudbineynaa. Garowe

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SOMALIA: Bomb explosion rocks Puntland capital amid 13th anniversary celebrations


The explosion occured as the region celebrates the 13th anniversary of its establishment in 1998.

GAROWE (RBC) Heavy explosion was heard in the heart of Garowe town, the capital of Somalia’s semi-autonomous state of Puntland as the region celebrates the 13th anniversary of its establishment in 1998.


The explosion which is likely a hand grenade was heard in the centre of the town where thousands of people marched today to celebrate the 13th anniversary of founding the state as part of Somalia federal government.


At least one person was killed and two others wounded in the blast, the head of Puntland mine-group Abdiasis Aw-Salad told RBC Radio.


He said the security forces begun urgent investigation on the blast as he declined to give further details.


The explosion occurred only hours before Puntland President, Abdurrahman Mohamed Farole was due to address the people at special ceremony in the presidential palace in Garowe.

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A hand grenade is not a "heavy blast." I'm glad this made you smile though, everyone deserves to be happy.

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Timur;738002 wrote:
A hand grenade is not a "heavy blast." I'm glad this made you smile though, everyone deserves to be happy.

It killed people that small blast of yours ,, where did i smile though AUN to the people who lost their lives.

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