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Manager of Small Emirati Oil Tanker Says Vessel and 17-man Crew Freed Unharmed

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DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Seventeen crew members of a small Emirati oil tanker captured by pirates this month off the coast of Somalia have been freed unharmed along with the ship, the vessel’s manager said Thursday.


The MV Jubba XX was reported captured on July 16 as it made its way from Umm al-Quwain in the United Arab Emirates to the port of Berbera in the breakaway northern Somali province of Somaliland.

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No ransom was paid, though pirates did steal money, clothes and other belongings from the crew, al-Khair said. The brigands also made off with the vessel’s satellite phones and other communications equipment, leaving the crew with just a regular Somali mobile phone, he said.


An official working for ship owner Jubba General Trading Co., Sayyad Alawi, confirmed the tanker had been freed.


The UAE-flagged Jubba XX was carrying less than 4,000 tons of refined fuel when it was hijacked off the coast of Mukalla, Yemen. Al-Khair said its crew included four Somalis, along with sailors from Sri Lanka, India, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Sudan, Bangladesh.


It is expected to dock later Thursday in the Somali port of Bosasso before continuing its journey to Berbera, al-Khair said.


Piracy has grown in recent years off the coast of war-ravaged Somalia, which is now being gripped by a devastating drought. The Horn of Africa nation has not had a functioning central government for more than 20 years.


Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;737178 wrote:
Faroole is a great pirate negotiator nato should've hired him

You should thank him if he or anyone else released it after your mighty navy/costal guard can't do nothing about to save the tanker..

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Xaaji Xunjuf;737192 wrote:
A khadar and his love for his pirates ;)cousins its so cute

Is that all you can respond to.. ;);) Nothing new about your clanish attitude.. The Somali proverial phrase that perfectly applies to you is "Af xumo nabadna way kaa kaxaysaa colaadna waxba kaagama tarto.."

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A_Khadar and his love for pirates seems odd to say the least. While his trying to defend pirates in SOL. His uncles are crying on the ground and complaining about the pirate adminstration.



“Faroole Wuxuu Yiri Baarlamaanka Halaga Saaro Hadii uu Ka hadlay Xaalada Sool” Dhegayso



GalGalanews:-Ibraahim Axmed Guure oo ka Tirsan Maamulka SSC State ee ay Diriska Yihiin Puntland ayaa ka hadlay Qorshaha Puntland ee ahaa Soo celinta Sool waxa uu sheegay inuu 11-sano ahaa Xubin ka Tirsan Baarlamaanka Puntland kadibna uu Xilkaasi ku Waayay markii uu u dooday Shacabka Sool ee Mandheera iyo Hargaysa Lagu Xid xidhay Maxaabiistoodii.


Ibraahim Guure ayaa Tibaaxay in Puntland ay ahady Dallad lawada Hadhsan Jiray oo ay Dhisteen dadka deegaankaasi hase yeeshee Nidaamkii loo dhisay ay la Leexdeen Masuuliyiintii soo Martay Haba ugu Liitee buu Yiri Madaxwayne Faroole oo Gabi ahaanba Bur Buriyay Pl Buu Yiri.


Masuulkan oo hadal ka Jeediyay Xaflad loo qabtay Maamulka Raascaseyr State ee Deegaanada PL looga dhawaaqay ayaa ku dheeraaday in Shacabka Cashuuraadka ay Bixiyaan aanay Waajibkeeda ka Helin Maamulka Jira oo qaarkood la xidho, la dilo ama Hantidooda la Buubo


“Xubintii Baarlamaanka waa layga saaray Markii aan dhowr Jeer Mooshin keenay a ah in Shacabkii aan u dhaartay ee Sool aan iri war waxa ha loo qabto war Sool Hala soo celiyo Taasi waxay Keentay in Baarlamaanka layga saaro Soo taasi idinma Tusayso in Shacabku Dilmanyihiin oo Sidii la Doono Laga Yeeli karo Soo Taasi Markhaanti Kama ah in Hashiiskii PL lagu dhisay 1998- La gees Maray”Ayuu Yiri Guure


Axmed Guure wuxuu ka mid ahaa Laba Xubnood Gabi ahaanba laga saaray Baarlamaanka Puntland dhawaan kuwaasi oo ka soo Jeeday Gobolka Sool, Waxana Xubnahaasi loo Cuskaday Xeer lagu sheegay inay taageereen SSC oo ah Mucaarad.

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