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Gudoomiyaha Ururka SSC Xaglo toosiye oo Xilkii laga Eryey

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Shir maalmihii ugu dambeeyay uga socday mas’uuliyiinta ururka SSC tuullada Dharkayn-geenyo oo 75 dhanka galbeed

kaga beegan magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta gobolka Sool ayaa maanta halkaasi lagu soo gabagabeeyay.


Mas’uuliyiinta ka soo qeyb galay shirka ayaa sheegay in kalsoonidii ay kala noqdeen hoggaamiyaha ururka SSC Suleebaan Ciise Xagla-toosiye oo in muddo saddex sanno hayay xilkaasi.


Mas’uuliiyiinta ayaa sheegay in xilka ay si ku meel gaadh ah ugu wareejiyeen guddoomiye ku-xigeenka ururka Cornel Cali Sabarey, iyadoo golaha ururkuna uu muddo lix bilood ah xilka sii hayn doono.


Guddoomiyaha golaha sare ee xeer dejinta ururka SSC Maxamed Cabdi Ciise Kayd oo Warbaahinta la hadlay ayaa sheegay in xilka looga qaaday guddoomiyihii ururka sababo la Xidhiidha, kaddib markii uu xilka gudan waayay muddo dheerna uu dalka ka maqnaa.


Maxamed Cabdi Ciise Kayd ayaa sheegay in 13 -ka xubnood oo uu guddigu ka kooban yahay ay isku raaceen in xilka laga qaado guddoomiyaha ururka, haatanna wadaan deddaallo lagu doonayo in sare loogu qaado waxqabadka ururka.


Guddoomiyaha golaha sare ee xeer dejinta ururka SSC ayaa xubnaha guddiga ku guubaabiyay in ay xilkooda si waafaqsan sharciga ururka u gutaan, shacabka taageersan ururkana ka codsaday in ay laba jibaaraan taageerada ay ururka siiyaan.

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Maxaa ka jira in Xaglatoosiye Xilka laga qaaday Maxaase ka soconaya Dharkayn-geenyo

xubno Khusuusiga ka tirsan oo Garoowe iyo Buuhoodle ka yimi ayaa bilaabay Olale ah in ay Burburiyaan Hogaanka SSC kuwaas oo ku doodaya in xilka laga qaado Xaglatoosiye maadaa uu shaqo gudasho samayn waayey balse arinku uu yahay in loo balan qaaday Masabyo yar yar oo ay Garoowe ka helayaan

Xidhiidh dhinacyo badan taabaya oo ay Allssc la samaysay Dharkayn-geeyo qaar ka mid ah Xubnaha KHusuusiga, Sii yahay Gudoomiyaha Khusuusiga SSC iyo waliba Xoghayaha Arimaha Gudaha ayaa noo xaqiijiyey in aysan jirin in rasmi ah oo Kalsoonidii loogana noqday Xaglatoosiye iyo wax kulan ah oo dhacay, waxana dhamaan Mas’uuliyiintani noo xaqiijiyeen in uu jiro Mooshinkaas oo uu daba ka riixayo Cali Sabaray iyo ragg kale uuna horyaalo Golaha KHusuusiga

Saraakiisha Ciidamadda SSC ee fadhigoodu yahay Dharkayn-geenyo ayaa gadooday kuwas oo kala diray Kulan maanta dhici lahaa waxana wariyayaal jooga Dharkayn-geenyo ay Allssc u sheegeen in xaaladu kacsan tahay taladuna ay iminka gacanta ugu jirto Saraakiil ciidan

hadaba marka aad dhagaysato Waraysi Xargaga Online la yeelatay Gudoomiyaha Khusuusiga Maxamed Cabdi Ciid waxa kuu soo baxay in wali aysan dhicin wax kalsooni kala noqosho ah, waxana uu sheegay in ay dib uga soo gudbiyana Go’aamadda shirka, uuna socdo shirku balse Wariyaha Waraysiga qaadayey ayaa Afkaga ugu Riday in Gudoomiye Kayd uu Yiraahdo xilkii baanu ka qaadnay Xaglatoosiye taasina ma ahan wax sharci ah, waxana uu Kayd sheegay in Xubno Maqani ay ka qayb qaateen Kalsooni kala noqoshadda taasi ma ahan wax sharci ah oo ay Telephone kuna soo xidhiidhee, waxana warar lagu kalsoon yahay Allssc u xaqiijiyeen in labadda xubneed ee Telephone uga qayb qaatay shirka ay yihiin Maxamed Casse iyo Cismaan Xaaji Cali oo Hargaysa jooga

Akhriste marka aad Dhagaysatid Waraysigan waxa kuu soo baxaya in Ragg Hindise uun wata ay telephone-ka wada hadleen kuwaas oo aysan jirin wax talaabo ah oo ay qaadeen


Cali Sabaray oo ah Mujaahid Diir adag kaga jiray Halganka SSC waxa uu ka dayriyey Shirkii Khaatumo oo uu sheegay ay dhaqaalihii ka xanibtay sidoo kalena waxa uu sheegay in Xubnihii tagay ee falaagadda ka noqday SSC ay is yiraahdeen waa la idinka Dulmooday balse ma sheegin waxa uu isaga iyo kooxdan la socda ay yeeli doonaan, Xageese loo socda oo looga dulbooday? !

Hogaamiyaha SSC Xaglatoosiye oo aanu damacnay in aanu xidhiidh la samayno ayaa noo suurto gali weydey balse waxan idin balan qaadaynaa in Masuuliyiinta Joogta Dharkayn-geenyo iyo xaglatoosiyeba aanu waraysiyo idinka soo qaadi doono daqiiqadaha soo socda


Fiiro Gaar


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Wa hagaag Gacmay Gone Keyse Gone , Xaglatoosiye Gone Cismaan Xaaji Cali Gone., kooxdi nabadidka waxa ka so hadhay odaygi Cali sabaray isna wabu iska dalaana:D

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Xaglo toosiye oo xilka qaadis lagu sameeyay islamarkaan lomagcaabay hogaanka SSC COl.Sabaray(Daawo+Video)

Qaar kamid ah golaha khusuusiga ssc oo maanta shir jaraaid ku qabtay degaanka dharkayn geeyo oo ka tirsan gobolka sool, ayaawaxay kaga warbixiyeen shirrar maalmahan dambe kaa socday degaanka dharkayn geeyo


Mukhtaar xirsi oo kamid ah xildhibaanada khusuusiga islamarkaana saxaafadda u qaabilsan ayaa wuxuu ka warbixinayaa xil qaadis lagu sameeyay hogaamiyihii ssc saleeban axmed ciise xagla toosiye oo ay ku sheegeen inuu guddan waayay waxyabihii loo doortay wuxuu sheegay in hogaamiye kuxigeenka ssc loo doortay inuu noqdo hogaanka sare.

Hoos riix kana daawo Vedio maqal Iyo muuqaal ah


Cali sabarey oo horey u ahaa hogaamiye kuxigeenka ssc oo maanta qaar kamid ah xildhibaanadda khusuusiga sheegeen inuu yahay hogaanka sare ee ssc sheegay inuu qaadi doono talaabooyin badan wuxuuna cambaareeyay shirkii khaatumo dhawaan ka dhacay london wuxuuna ugu baaqay in dib loo dhigo shirkaasi

kala qeybsanaan ayaa imanaya xili uu socdo qaban qaabo shir mudo la waday kaas oo daba socday shirkii khaatumo ee london ka dhacay kaas oo ay ka soo qeyb galeen jaaliyadda ssc.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;736197 wrote:
Wa hagaag Gacmay Gone Keyse Gone , Xaglatoosiye Gone Cismaan Xaaji Cali Gone., kooxdi nabadidka waxa ka so hadhay odaygi Cali sabaray isna wabu iska dalaana:D




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Objective and the cause of the entity is there and alive - Replacement of the leader I see it as a progress.

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Another Reer Nugaleed welcoming the replacement of the clan Jabhad leader i am not sure how this will end up knowing the internal dispute with in the garaad clan. This is the First time in the modern History of rebellion that there is a such a big political gap between the clan rebel leaders and the so called Khusuusi.


And the never ending internal bickering which will eventually lead to more division, things that cause the division are simply the majority of the clan elders not supporting the jabhad, the diaspora are getting tired of the endless ssc songs and the majority of them stopped sending their hard earned money.


On the other side you will have ssc leadership signing peace deals with the Somaliland government as we have seen in widhwidh (shirki Guleed). Some say bribery caused some of the defection of the khusuusi leadership. Even if that was the case the leadership of the khusuusi do not have the feeling that there is an occupation in their region, but are merely looking for representation with in the Somaliland government.

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Oodweyne with all due respect the Oodweyne community does not have the same traits as the garaad folks in any shape or form. Why would i say that one might ask. Because the level of division, political confusion and animosity that exists between the garaad sub clans is far greater than what existed between the Oodweyne community in their entire history.

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Oodweyne;736467 wrote:
^^ I am not talking about the division or even the deep animosity that exist within the "Garad Community". But, I am talking about the "traits" of how difficult it's for the community (both "Oodweyne's community" to a larger extent the "Garad Community") find it to reach a political consensus.


For, example, I for one know that I can't in full confidence speak for the Oodweyne community of Erigavo, or for that matter in Hargeisa's side of that community; because of that sub-community that is part and parcel of the larger community, will probably insist, that, they do not sit at the back of the class, and let their Burco's cousin (i.e., Oodweyne's side) to make decision for them. This is what I am talking about.


Which means, I know, Buhotle's folks will say, forget about Las-Anod making a decision for us; and similarly, Erigavo's folks of the garad community (i.e., Naleye Ahmed) will probably say, over our dead body will the folks of Buhotle/howd or even in Las-Anod will make a political decision for us.


This sort of great difficulty in reaching a political consensus (across the regions and cities) in which one community (like mine and Garad community) are disperse into, is what I am talking about.


But, I agree with you, that, the "sub-clannish hatred" and the "bitter animosity" that exist within the "garad community". And, in that context, there is a long line of a "historical chain" that connect today's reality to the time, in which the Garad community were divided over the cause of what Mad Mullah was about and what to do about it. Which in turn, made it difficult for this "bitter division" to be brought to an end even at that time, just as it is difficult as it now is, indeed...



That is true. Although it's only because they have their own traditional leaders elected for the Eastern Oodweyne community, Were's the Western Oodweyne community(Burco, Hargeysa, Hawd) have their own traditional leaders aswell. Because remember somewhere in 19th century the Eastern section elected Sultan Ducaale Muse to represent them and free from the influence of the larger ( Burco - Hargeysa, Hawd clans). So it's natural for communities to elect people from their own very area that they think represents them best. Other than that they all have the same political view as in (Somaliland). Which is a good thing that unites them in a common goal.

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I don't think there is deep hatred with in the garaad clan but there is just internal competition like all the Somaliland clans its just they take it a step further. if we look back in history before the rise of the Mullah the king makers of the garaad clan were mainly from (fiqifuliye sarmaanyo xudun ) Community the cali duulanes afxakames and Sicid qamaxs.


During the years of the Mad Mullah there was a shift of power towards the Buhoodle Community the Cali dhuuxs the Ismacil mires ducaale fagaases the Cali garaads eventhough he was from laascanood but shares a common lineage with the Buhoodle folks and During the civilian goverment in the sixties the Buhoodle Community was still the dominant group.


And during dictatorial regime of General Siyaad bare the likes of Axmed selebaan dafle and the Ilma Ali shires became the leaders of the Garaad clan, another Shift of power for 21 years. And after the collapse of the state they are still bickering now internal feud is not necessary and not even possible if you are facing a common enemy. But i can conclude that the Garaad clan believe that there is no occupation in their region thus they continue their internal clan struggle.


Also i don't see the comparison between the oodweyne folks and the garaad clan other than living in the sool sanaag regions together,, the oodweyne Community is better organized Clan wise. And politically they are far better organized eventhough they live spread throughout Somaliland.

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