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Somaliland: The Former British Colony that Shows Africa Doesn't Need Our Millions to Flourish

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Taleexi;736411 wrote:
War meel walba juqeeya madaxbanaanidani dhalanba weydaye!

Madax banaanidu 1991 bay dib u so laabatay mala warba u ma haysiid maalinti Calanka dib loo taagay

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Taleexi;736415 wrote:
Dee dhowr calan baa la taagaye ma ka tolkaagaa dadka kale ku dirqiye - Aragaanee

Maya calan qudha uun ba la tagay beri hore kaasina wa calanki Qaranka tagaan maanta Calankasi na wa calan aan dhicin

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It really is confusing when you see somebody who gets angry and very passionate about any association between SL and the British, but, who in the same breath supports all those dark godless bantus roaming around Xamar, killing and causing havoc to the locals who have no power and are unable to keep them in check.

Why worry about the white man when today you are going though the darkest chapter worse than anything in history.


@Oodweyne, Me thinks Xinn might be the admin or the back room Pirate, incomparisom to our frontline hands on Pirate by the name of Duke. In the Pirate state it's not a crime to rob a ship that does not belong to you, nor is it to blackmail a government on life support, for what little charity it receives in donataion to keep it alive.

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Taleexi;736422 wrote:
Calanka Swastika xitaa waa lagu qori karaa cross-ka - Fal denbiyaadkaana xalaal kama dhigayso.

Marka ma waxad leedahay calanka Somaliland intad ka masaxday tawxeedki baaad cross ku xariiqday loool

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