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Somaliland: The Former British Colony that Shows Africa Doesn't Need Our Millions to Flourish

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The Summer Time restaurant was buzzing. On the dusty road outside, new four-wheel drive cars fought for space with smart saloons. Inside, waiters in bow ties rushed about serving spicy chicken, camel milk and piles of spaghetti.


Families and groups of friends queued for tables at the entrance.


A father eating with his four sons stopped me for a chat about football. As we spoke, a group of women swathed in bright robes wafted by, talking with cutglass English accents.

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Another "Feel good" "Sadistic" article on the unfortunate suffering in South Somalia, What a rubbish.

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^I don't read Daily Mail but what I know , half of what is in that article is rubbish, and baseless, borrowed from a twisted secessionist, who want to tell the story, that we are good and healthy, and well fed, while south is in anarchy, and famine.


Also, without looking far, one could find a malnourished child in Hargaisa. At the same time, also NOT only North western Somalia is having a relative peace in Somalia. This story is not working.

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^^ It does not matter that the story is working or not. The point is that SL is getting the exposure it craves. ;)

On a serious note, this article has its own agenda and SL is merely a viechle to advance that agenda (i.e. the Mail's opposition to International Aid).

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^^ The SL news seem to come in fantastic bursts. Though it might be, of course, a tory 'leak' to the Mail about the minister's current visit.

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It is also a conservative Muslim country that is pro-Western, retaining a special affection for Britain, which ruled it for 80 years before granting independence in 1960.

special affection......??? THATS WHAT I CALL A HOUSE NIGGER.

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xiinfaniin;736392 wrote:
retaining a special affection for Britain


It's a shame you have such a special affection for the Ugandan mercenaries causing anarchy in the streets of Xamer.

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The tittle is of the topic is Somaliland the Former British Colony that shows Africa doesn't need our Millions to Flourish


In the mean time the world (international community) spends Millions of dollars to keep 12000 negro mercenaries in Somalia his country but moonlight thinks they are his Kin and protecting Sheikh dalxis imaginary throne.

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Waraa ragga go'ayow sida isku dhaama :D . Kalgacal ka wariyaha cadi qoray ee aad u haysaan isticmaarkii tima cadde ka gabyey diida oo waa beenti dhaha :D

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