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Xaaji Xunjuf

Alshabaab wa shayaadin

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Alshabaab is the worst thing that ever happened to Somalis since the existence of the Somali race their Cruelty Is beyond believe their aim is to destroy every little living Somali in the horn of africa. Its gone worse there are more then 3 Million people facing starvation as we speak and these Animals won't allow aid humanitarian assistance to reach the poor affected Somalis in the refugee Camps for what ??????


I can't belief one would let his people literally dry dead because the so called aid money and humanitarian assistance was brought by the WFP and other UN agencies how can a person leave the nature of our humanity and let childeren woman innocent people die because some barbaric lunatic is keeping them hostage?


What did prophet Muhammad salalahu calayhi wa salam teach us what did he say he said The one who looks after a widow or a poor person is like a Mujahid (warrior) who fights for Allah's Cause, or like him who performs prayers all the night and fasts all the day.", Prophet Muhammd salalahu calayhi wa salam said look after the poor what are these Al shayaadin doing they are letting the poor people perish, May allah help our people.

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Jacaylbaro i was never a member of Alshabab nor did i support them


Che Guevara the Amiir Must show humanity and the poor people affected by the drought should be feed ASAP


It hurts my heart seeing all these innocent poor people literally dry dead


ooh Allah have mercy on mankind

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They are indeed the worst thing that happened to the Somali people, they are cancerous and should be eradicated as soon as possible. Unfortunately I fear it might be too late by then. Now there is enough aid available from all over the world to relief atleast most of the people effected by the famine, yet they continue to stand in beween that aid and the poor victims.


Waxay ku leeyihiin dadkan christian bay noqonayaan, and only Somlis are allowed to give aid, and they even harrass those Somalis on a regualr bases. Ma qof gaajo iyo harraad u dhimanayaa christian noqonaya, toodii baa haysta bee? War waxan caqligoodii iyo bini adamnimadoodii aaway?


After this disaster is over,( and it will, god willing)', they should be hunted down one by one like the dogs they are and killed off once and for all, the kids they brainwashed included. Waxan ma daawan karno, qalbi xanuun bay nagu rideen.


Xataa kuwa akhwaanul muslimiinka iyo itixadka isku sheega hala soo qab qabto oo xabsi halaga buuxiyo ileen iyagaa waxan dhalee.

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Jacaylbaro;736065 wrote:
Are u finally defecting from AS ??? ,,,


Soota-soota iskaallo ma maqli jirtey? What is the English version used up North?


Xaaji Xunjuf;736148 wrote:
Bal soo raadiya ku dhe

Dharcadka SOL baa loo xilsaarayaa arrintaas!

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Waa dad caqliga dabada laga geliyey. Sideedaba beryahakan bulshada somaliyed kuwa ugu cilimiga yar ama ugu aragtida gaaban ayaa hor booda diinta. Diintuna waxa ay fartaa qofka muslimka ah in uu labada cilmi ee kala ah kan diinta iyo kan dunida wada barto balse waa dhif in aad aragto wadaad somali ah oo Phd ka haysta maado kale xitaa master Allaha ka dhigee, bachelorna ku darso hadii tiradu yaraato. Tiri inta wadaad magac ku leh bulshada somaliyed oo heer sare ka gaaray labada cilmi, waxaad ogaan in ay faro ku tiris yihiin. Kuwa somaliya joogana waxay ka sii liidtan kuwan ku dhaqan qurbaha yesan waxba baran balse la dhaqanka bulshooyinka ay ku dhex noolyihiin oo wax yar indhaha u furay.


Buulshoyinka kale waaba na yara dhamaan inta aan ka ahayn afghanistanka. Waxaan la leyahay alshabaab ayey hogamiyan kumo jiro mid la oran karo waa u fahansanyahay meesha maanta aduunku marayo. Waxay isugu jiraan wax ka ganacsan jiray suuqa bakaaraha sida kan cali dheere la yiraahdo.


Waxaan ilaa iyo hada mar mar ku qoslaa arin dhacday markii maxaakimtu qabsadeen magaalada jowhar ayaa mid lagu magacaabo Macalin Xaashi oo hada ka tirsan alshabaab ahaan jirayna Xisbul islaam ayaa amar ku soo rogay in la soo aruuriyo dhalinyarada fooda la baxa lagana jaro timaha. Marka uu amarka fulinayo maxaakimtuba bilo ayey jiraan taaso tusaale u ah in uusan fahansanayn xiligaas arimaha doorka u lahaa Maxaakimta iyo kuwa iska licib saqiirka ahaa oo si fudud bulshada gadaal laga sixi karayey iyadoo ubadka wax la baro. Sidoo kale isla sheekh ku sheegaas ayaa markii uu xisbulislam ka mid ahaa ayuu sharci ku soo rogay magaalada muqdisho in ay ragu la baxaan garka mudo 30 cisho gudahood xili kooxda uu ka mid yahay aysan wada xukumin wadanka amaba ay jireen arimo badan oo ka muhiimsanaa in diirada la saaro.

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