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General Duke

SNM elders merchants arrive in Unionist Somalia [Garowe] did they go through immigration?

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Xaaji Xunjuf;736376 wrote:
Piracy is a problem not only for somaliland but the whole region and Somaliland government will not stop fighting against thugs and other criminals who are committed to piracy. The Prisons are not fake they are real there is another Prison under construction right now in Somaliland by the end of this year it will be finalized the Dutch Government along with the EU are funding it.

Xaaji Xunjuf, horta gabaygii aan kuu tiriyey maxaad uga soo jawaabi weydey :D :D.


Xabisyadan xun xunkaa ood dhisaysaan waxaan ka baqayaa in kharaasinadu idinku carooto ood ganacsiga iska xayirtaan ninyahow :D

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Lool Xiinfanin is funny he said that we should just let the pirates do their thing and wait till Somalia rises up from the ashes.

In the mean time Somaliland coast guards and other countries in the horn should just sit still and and wait for sheikh dalxiis and Cabdi cawar to build a navy to protect their waters against piracy.Well the world is not going to wait for Somalia or it's illegal clan enclave in garowe who are very much involved in piracy activities as duke explained earlier.

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xiinfaniin;736379 wrote:
Xaaji Xunjuf, horta gabaygii aan kuu tiriyey maxaad uga soo jawaabi weydey


Xabisyadan xun xunkaa ood dhisaysaan waxaan ka baqayaa in kharaasinadu idinku carooto ood ganacsiga iska xayirtaan ninyahow

War gabaygi waan ka jawaabay laakin waaidigi so rogaal celin wayey wali waan sugaya inad hadana tix yar so dhigtiid sidaadi,,,


As for ganacsiga war maanta warkan so dhigay maad eegtiid ganacsigi magaladaa berbera oo heersare marayaa, tuugta wala xidh xidhaya Madaxweyne Siilaanyo khudbadi u barlamaanka u jeediyey manad dhegeysan.

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A_Khadar;736383 wrote:
Don't you love successionists dream;)

In the context of the legal working group Denmark and Somaliland have had a very fruitful cooperation. I look forward to continue the dialogue between our two countries

Lene Espersen, Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs.

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Xiinfaniin uses solid reasoning and the logic is on his side on the piracy issue: piracy is a problem no doubt but it will only be resolved by a strong Somali government. Piracy is a big industry with Western insurance companies being one of the stakeholders, Somaliland region is an infant in this game, even Puntland which is much closer to the center of piracy activities can not do much either.


As a friend of Somaliland people I would strongly suggest to the Siilaanyo admin to find another platform for region's recognition wishes. Building fake prisons is a hail marry pass, a desperate political attempt to be relevant in the piracy issue :D

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Xaaji Xunjuf;736384 wrote:
Lene Espersen, Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Ya right yet your weekness is begging pirates at the same time to release your own goods..

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It's amazing to see the brotherly affection displayed here. At a time of desperate moment the secessionists obediently paying their dues submitting to their older borthers, unionists from Koonfuria and all the while the big brother is welcoming with warm reception. As always.


Great Staff indeed!

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'Tolka in Garoowe' has a leverage when it comes to piracy issues, Oodweyne :D


Marka usheeg raggaaga inay aayar u ganacsadaan, oo aysan Faroole ku dayan.


Waa kaftan

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Taleexi;736414 wrote:
Slowly but surely Somalis are coming back together for reviving the union.

So true, the secessionists contribution to Somaliaonline, by reporting news concerning Puntland, the TFG and their enclave is cause for great celebration. You wouldn't see these many Djibouti's or other different nationalities posting like this.

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Thankful;736427 wrote:
So true, the secessionists contribution to Somaliaonline, by reporting news concerning Puntland, the TFG and their enclave is cause for great celebration. You wouldn't see these many Djibouti's or other different nationalities posting like this.

Taleexi talked about Somalis and their imaginary union and thankful responded and talked about Somaliland proving that Somalilanders are the only real Somalis.

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General Duke

SNM elders & merchants arrive in Unionist Somalia [Garowe] did they go through immigration?

I see this as an own goal article, there is nothing to gloat about innocent passerby being robbed at gunpoint.

Duke you can do better my friend. Mise idinkana ictiraaf khaldan baad ka raadineysaan somaliland.

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You’ve used SL’s pirate prison as an excuse for the pirates when discussing the hijacked SL fuel. Two questions:


1. Are you serious?

2. Are you condoning the act or just saying you understand?


Ps claiming Somalia (or PL) has the power on the piracy issue because of such acts only highlights the insecurity in Somalia/PL and how it is not likely to change anytime soon. In other words, you’re corroborating one of SL’s salient points with regards to breaking away.


Pps Stop trying to make this incident seem like SL had it coming and worry about the ramifications it will have for ordinary people who will inivitably experience higher fuel and food prices as a result (in SL AND PL). The importers of fuel and food will now factor in an additional risk.


Ppps do I detect a hint of acceptance towards piracy?

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