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Xaaji Xunjuf

Galmudug president caalin opposes the new cabinet of cabdi cawar

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Somalina;735794 wrote:
Inta kale xagey ka iman ama aad adigu ka sugi? ma Hawdka mise NFD?

4.5 ayaa wasiirada lagu qaybsadey, kii qeyliyana ha qeyliyo wuu aamusi doonaa after 1 hour.

Lools awoow maanta mid ba maqaal qoray 18 wasiir ba la dhisay bu yidhi was 18ka beelood eeh Somalia hadanu iska dhex weyney ma nihin 18ka beelood eh Somali ugu mudan eeh waxanu nahay dad aan jirin lool

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Two facts:


1. Galmudug's history traces back to the Hobyo sultanate

2. The so called president of this (some say a vassal state of Puntland ) have their own representation from Dr. Gaas's new cabinet.


Therefore such veiled expression of discontent coming from Mr. Caalin is a script from the dump Shariifs and their agent to justify the wrongs against the main populace of Sanaag , western Bari and Haylaan regions a.k.a the Maakhir rrgions.


Somalia is gone for good unless it be saved from the dump Shariifs.

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^Sheriif is out to get you. The new pm is out to get you. This Galmudug too is out to get you. Let me see. The whole world must be out to get you. Have you been diagnosed recently with paranoia disorder by any chance?


Nin weynoo ku ooyaya My Clan hadaanan la siin wasiir, Somalia is gone, gone, destroyed, gone for good.

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Mr. Jacfar, I am here to articulate the real sentiment of the people of Maakhir as you can simply peruse from the press statement released today and published by a number of sites.

However , what I am NOT is someone who blindly supports Mr. Faroole and his irrational outbursts , which he did so many times if Puntland's demands are not met. A corrupt self-styled leader of a certain clan enclave who came out on air and ordered the uprooting of a whole community under the false pretext of fighting 'terrorists' !


You should be truly ashamed of yourself.

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I thought you were here telling us how the TFG and the Somali Government, Sheriifs, the pm, Galmudug, were all out to get your clan, by not appointing a post to your sub-clan? Now Faroole is in cahoots with them? Out to get tolka too?

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:D However you take it. You sure demonstrate a poor comprehension of the specific things considered in here.

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