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Shirka, Garowe or Mogadishu? Culumada say who cares about location? Sane minds at last

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Majmaca Culumada Soomaaliyeed oo ka hadlay shirka wada tashiga


Muqdisho : (Sh. M. Netw) Majmaca Culumada Soomaaliyeed ayaa ku baaqay in aan la isku qilaafin halka lagu qabanayo shirka wada tashiga Soomaaliya xili maalmihii u danbeeyay ay soo baxayeen warar is qilaafsan oo ku aadan halka shirkaasi lagu qabanayo.



Iyadoo la isku qilaafsanyahay halka lagu qabanayo shirka wada tashiga Soomaaliya oo ay qaban qaabineyso Qaramada Midoobay ayaa waxa ka hadlay shirkaasi Majmaca Culumada Soomaaliyeed oo ka digay inaan la isku qilaafin halka uu ka dhacayo shirkaasi.


Gudoomiyaha Majmaca Culumada Soomaaliyeed Sheekh Axmed Cabdi Dhicisoow oo la hadlay Idaacada Shabelle ayaa sheegay inaan loo baahneyn in la isku qilaafo goobta lagu qabanayo shirkaasi oo uu tilmaamay in Umada Soomaaliyeed ay u tahay fursad loo baahanyahay in laga faa’ideysto, isgoo ku baaqay in shirkaasi loo madaxbaneeyo Xukuumada Soomaaliya halka lagu qabanayo.



Wixii ka danbeeyay markii Madaxwynaha Maamulka Puntland uu shaaciyay in shirka wada tashiga Soomaaliya lagu qabanayo Magaalada Garoowe ee xarunta Maamulkaasi waxaa soo baxayay warar is qilaafsan oo ku aadan halka shirkaasi lagu qabanayo taasi oo ay siyaabo kala duwan uga hadleyn qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada.

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Who cares does not really give out any locations. For this shir to occur it has to be hosted in somethere, the question is where? Unless they really don't care that too.

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Why are they wasting their time arguing over the location of the meeting? Is that really more important than the agenda. Sickness.

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Gudoomiyaha Majmaca Culumada Soomaaliyeed Sheekh Axmed Cabdi Dhicisoow oo la hadlay Idaacada Shabelle ayaa sheegay inaan loo baahneyn in la isku qilaafo goobta lagu qabanayo shirkaasi oo uu tilmaamay in Umada Soomaaliyeed ay u tahay fursad loo baahanyahay in laga faa’ideysto, isgoo ku baaqay in shirkaasi loo madaxbaneeyo Xukuumada Soomaaliya halka lagu qabanayo.


It means, Garowe, Mogadishu, under a tree it does not matter. We need to come together.

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Indeed.. Let somalis by themselves with no anyother person even so called observers meet and have talk.. I am sure they will agree with something.. Allow suuro geli.

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War aynu dalkeena ku wada hadalo hadayba arini marayso waa sheeko dahab ah ee abshir dhaha. Hadday ka fursan waydo Taleex baan gogol idiin dhigayaa - Hoolal waawayn ma hayo balse hilib iyo caano geel iyo fardo fuul baan idinku soo dhowaynaynaa.

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