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Alpha Blondy

What are Somalis doing to help the famine victims?

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Practically nothing!


wake up Somali people and do your bit to help alleviate the pain and suffering of your people. Its embarrassing that we still depend on hand-outs, food aid and outside help.


media coverage is akin to that of the great Ethiopian famine. its indeed worrying and the induced political situation isn't helping.


if we can raise money for that pathetic white elderly couple (the chandlers) held captive by pirates , I'm quite certain we can raise some awareness in our small community groups, social events and conferences. lets organise ourselves and try to at least make a difference.


Please donate whatever you can to the various aid organisation. inshallah.

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It's not only Somalia but Kenya and Ethiopia as well as parts of South Sudan. But the vast majority of the affected people are Somalis.


Dadkaan Allah Subxaanahu Watacalaa ayaa ugargaari kara, ee Allaah haloo baryo, haloo duceeyo roob doonna haloo sameeyo inuu ilaahay siiyo Roob iyo Barwaayo. There is nothing humans can do but that's not an excuse to withhold with little we can do to help them.


I agree with you, we should be more generous with donations and other forms of contributions to help ease the plight of our people.

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^^^ Laakin sxb, true, it is as well in Ethiopia and Kenya, but only dhulka ay Soomaalida dagto bas is happening the famine, it is sad, and that is why no world attention is being received, to hell with them as if they have done anything for Somalia and Somalis, it is only us who are to blame for not doing enough or not making contribution.



Ps: Would be good idea if LST sets up a donation button on SOL which will show how much was donated etc, and for those Solers who want to donate can do so there, the money donated would be directly sent to Dagahaley, Ifo, and Xagardheer as they all have major Hawaala System, there are honest and trusted people in those refugee camps who can distribute whatever money is being donated.


Pss: Maybe this needs different topic, I mean the donation button idea

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Sadly, I don't think we have a very philanthropic mindset like some other cultures do. That said, we do support each other in different ways.


Doing something to help doesn't have to be a grand gesture, it's simple

- donate as much as you can afford to an organization you trust

- spread the word about the famine to friends, classmates or colleagues

- someone mentioned that about a workplace giving program..that's a great idea!


also be very careful when you're donating to unfamiliar every crisis, countless 'organizations' come out of the woodworks and cannibalizes would-be donations. Even if they have good intentions, the money is eventually wasted because they don't have the resources to do what more established organizations can do on the ground. As much as people hate on big orgs like unicef, you can't deny how much they are helping on-site.


Last thing... don't try to be a hero...this is not the time for self-promotion or attention seeking... We don't care about your wonderful new organization or your plan to visit the camps to see what's happening. donate or get the eff out of the way.

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We are doing what we can in our area. My simple formula is anything helps even sharing the word or just increasing the money you send back home since it will circulate in one way or another.

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There's a lot of ololo on FB - I hope something tangible comes out of it. Don't forget you can send money to relatives or people you know directly in the affected areas, that will probably have a higher impact than diverting through NGOs. Also, as someone mentioned, Unicef and UNHCR are already doing a huge job on the ground in Dadaab.


I wonder if canned and other long-lasting food as well as bottled water can be collected and shipped through existing organisations?

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Thanks Alpha for starting this thread. It is good to remind one another that we should donate as much as we can.


My heart almost stopped looking at the malnourished boy who's drinking the water from the blu cup. subhanalah..


lets pray for them and do what we can too.



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