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Young Somalis Seeking Dialogue

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While media attention on Somalia seldom strays from terrorism, piracy, and a 20-year-old civil war, those problems are among the least pressing for young Somali-Americans, according to participants in a weekend conference in Boston.


The issues most relevant to them, they said, don’t make headlines: the strain between Americanized youths and their Somali parents, the barriers of access to American society, and the stereotypes that plague them as black Muslims.


“The goal is to get the Somali youth galvanized and get them to take a hold of their futures,’’ said Abdinasser Egal, 32, of Cambridge, who helped bring the Somalia Diaspora Youth Conference to the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center in Roxbury this weekend.

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So what does it mean? They dont wanna learn Somali and about their culture and instead integrate and loose their culture and adopt American culture?

Why would they want to adopt American culture instead of their own? This is proof of Americanized people and America brainwashing the people.

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