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An Ambassador From A Sovereign

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An Ambassador From A Sovreign .


Open your heart to receive him .



Imagine, someone knocking on your door late one night, you crawl out of your warm and cozy bed and peek out the door, its a cold night , weather is very bad, windy and dangerous.


You are not sure if you want to open, you dont know what to expect. Who could it be you wonder, walking this late hour of the night? what could be his motive and what does he want from me?


He knocks on your door at a time when you lost trust of all people, including your close family ( Raxim) and decided to cut relations with them, and for that purpose you bought a Caller ID phone, removing your name from the white pages for a fee if you have donated to your poor relatives, it would have bought them food for a week.


He knocks on your door at a time when injustice and oppression is everywhere, in some places, injustice has its own Ministry, its called the Ministry of "Justice', and in the name of justice, a lot of injustice is committed. This brand of Justice is for sale, and those who have money can buy it, and use the Justice they just bought as a means to make more money so they can buy more Justice for their interests.


He knocks on your door at a time when socially, no morals are left to be safeguarded, Steeling/robbing other nations resources is known as National interest, annihilating an entire village is a Policy, hypocricy is known as politics, the art of having permanent interest, not permananent friends as the smart principle. The law, you come to find out the hard way, does not protect fools, the disadvantaged, the poor, so in every deal, you need a troop of lawyers to arbitrate a troop of liars whose hands are in each others pockets while using the remaining hand to form a coalition of the willing to jointly steal others wealth.


He knocks on your door at a time when morality of the sexes is being redefined, men are no longer all men, and women are no longer all women, two new sexes are an accepted reality, and no one knows what is coming next.


He knocks on your door when Somalis are a collection of suspicious tribesmen, each one bent on dispising, suspecting and hating the other tribe, while each one of them is in bed a worse enemy with a catastrophic interest in their division and anarchy.


He knocks on your door just when you wanted to be delivered to safety.


He is an Ambassador from a Sovereign.


Unlike world sovereigns whose sovereignty is questioned by B-52 Stealth bombers hovering over their heads (are there any sovereigns anymore?). This Sovereign, sees the perception behind this birds stealth and might. A sovereign who has absolute power over all things and full undisputed ownership of all you see or dont see, hear,touch and smell.


A Sovereign who wil always have it His way, no one can change His plans, nor influence His decisions.



His Ambassador, is not Chauffeur driven in a late Model Mercedes Benz, nor on a Stretch Limo with a bar and a Giacuzzi, He is not interetsted meeting the rich and the influential, He prefers, the poor and the downtrodden for friends ( Axibbu al masaakiina wa jaalisuuhum).


He came alone, to your life to show you His Sovereigns kind message for your happiness, to demonstrate to you the message practically in person as a Husband, father, leader, teacher, warrior, peace maker, Judge, businessman and a friend.


He tells it as it is, no official lies, no split personality,


He is a model of all that is good, He was honest in character, brave when dealing with his enemies, fair when negotiating with his adversaries, forgiving when he had the upper hand and prudent when he fulfilled his obligations, he was a model parent, raising His children with love, not violence, caring about his neigbors, playful with his spouses, and above all, a very likeable person, like the powerful blackhole in space , no one who've ever met him could help but admire Him.


He, came to your life in the form of collection of his life's story and collected sayings, ( Jawaamic al Kalim)


He is Muhammad Salla Allah Caleyhi Wa Sallim


Please open your door, and let him in your life,


Enjoy eating with his Sunna way, emulate him in all of your endeavors


The way you dress


Theway you deal with people


The way you earn a living


The way you treat friends, family, neighbors and spouses


" Laqad kaana Lakum Fi Rasuulillahi uswatun Xasanah, liman kaan yarjullaha wal yowmal aakhir"


Truly, There was a good model (to emulate) for you in the person ( and life) of the Messnegr of Allah, for those who aspire for meeting Allah and (are ready) for the day of judgemement.



Nomad bro and sis.



How much of His

do you (emulate)apply?






2005 eNuri Softwaano Series

Iron was meant to corrode, not our perception

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How much of His Character do you apply?


This is a query that’s worthy of a quite and deep pondering! Let me do jsut that and see what I come back with.

Much thanks brother.

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The verdict is in:


Emulation is a weighty word, which when compiled threw a NoSuchClassFound Exception in Xiinfaniin’s deeds (applications).


Disappointment, in its zenith! It sure is.


I am conducting a careful debugging in my system as to why my application doesn’t recognize this word. Is it a mere syntactical error or a more serious bug that require revisiting the structure of my system? I hope it's not the latter! Nur any help here, brother?

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Dhan walba ood ka fiiriso,nabi Muxammad (scw) wuxuu ahaa shaqsiyad ammaan huwan; a face like his couldn't lie!


Waxaase asaga kasii muhiimsan farriintuu xagga sare ka siday; hanuunkii loo sii dhiibey ee loogu tala galay in insaanka lagu bad-baadiyo.

Hadba sida hanuunkaa aad u raacdo waxay cabir u tahay inta nabi Muxammad(scw) agtaada ka le'egyahay.


Anoo taa tixraacaya, kana duulaya su'aashii gunaanadka u ahayd mawduucan uu sh. Nur noo soo qoray ayyaan isku dayey inaan qiimeeyo bal inta aan hanuunka ka heysto. Tani waa natiijadii ii soo baxday:


1- Caqiidada: yes

2- Xalaasha : yes--way iska sahlanyahay inaad xaalaasha doorato.

3- Xaaraamta: waa adagtahay inaad xaaraanta iska ilaaliso: here lies my problem; inaad ku noolaato in the heart of midwest baa waxay sahlaysaa inaad xaaraan ku dhacdo. Shiddada ugu weyni waxay iga heysataa mucaamalaadka aan la leeyahay dadka, hay'adaha, iyo dawladda.


4-Cibaadaadka: Salaada fajri-ga baa iigu daran. Waxaase iigasii daran Zakada and keeping track of my accounts (I have to do that to know exactly what portion of my assets I should be paying Zakat on).


5-Xajka: I am getting lazy every year that's waa wax khilaafsan Sunnada.


Next Time: I will take a close look at my akhlaaqiyaat.


Nur, to say many thanks to you doesn't really convey my appriciation of this peace. Xayyaaka- Allah.

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Walaal Xiinfaniin ( Supersonic )


May Allah bless you for your positive remarks, actually, when I posted the thread, I was talking to myself, then t occured to me, why not pose the question to Nomads so we can all evaluate our selves, because, when we evaluate ourselves, we can peek itno our motives and actions better than other observers.


As Muslims, Prophet Muhammad SAWS is ultimate example to emulate, Our success is measured on how much of his Sunnah do we apply to our life, indeed, a provocative question for all of us, which was your concern.



Walaal Xiinfaniin, Alllah noo wada sahlo sidii aan nafteenna aan u bari leheyn iney sunnada ku dhaqanto. Amin



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Originally posted by Nur:

Coming soon to a monitor near you:


Rich God, Poor God.




Walaahi qalbiga ayaan kaaga duceeyaa ninyahow, ilaahay waalidkii ku dhalay iyo adigaba janadiisa alaha ku arzaaqo, aamiin.


Hurdada naga kici, ilaahey haku xifdiyee!

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Alle U Baahne walaal


Allah kaa aqbalo ducada, mararka qaarkood waan ka quustaa Jannada markaan xasuusto sida Alla noo karaameeyay iyo sidaan ugu caasinno, haddana waxaan xasuustaa, inaan laga quusan naxariista Alle, maxaa yeelay faasiqiinta oo qura ayaa ka quusta naxariista Alle.




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The only example I follow correctly is that of the Aqeeda. Many bumps and crooks on all other things. May Allah guide us all.


Waa nasiib inaan ku dhalanay diintaan, ooy nasoo gaareen kitaabkii Illahay iyo sunnadii nabi Muxamed sallalaahu calayhi wasallam, laakii waa naa siib darro inaanaan sidii sharafta lahayd ee naloosoo gaarsiiyey aanaan u qaadan.


Nur, thank you brother, i appreciate all that you remind us all the time. Illahay hakaa abaal mariyo.

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The Paradox Of Our Tme

By Dr. Bob Moorehead


12/06/08 "ICH" -- -- The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints; we spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy it less.


We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time; we have more degrees, but less sense; more knowledge, but less judgment; more experts, but more problems; more medicine, but less wellness.


We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too seldom, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.


We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We've learned how to make a living, but not a life; we've added years to life, not life to years.


We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor. We've conquered outer space, but not inner space; we've done larger things, but not better things.


We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul; we've split the atom, but not our prejudice.


We write more, but learn less; we plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait; we have higher incomes, but lower morals; we have more food, but less appeasement; we build more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever, but have less communication; we've become long on quantity, but short on quality.


These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion; tall men, and short character; steep profits, and shallow relationships. These are the times of world peace, but domestic warfare; more leisure, but less fun; more kinds of food, but less nutrition.


These are days of two incomes, but more divorce; of fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throw away morality, one-night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer to quiet to kill.


It is a time when there is much in the show window and nothing in the stockroom; a time when technology has brought this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to make a difference, or to just hit "Skip Ahead"...

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Best days on earth are here once more, remember to make a lot of dhiker ( Takbeer, Tahleel, Tasbeex), and of course, the Salaat Calaa Rasuulillahi ( Allahumma Salli Calaa Muxammadin wa calaa aalihi wa saxbihi wa sallim)




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