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Xaaji Xunjuf

TFG Militia plunder UNICEF food storage in Mogadisho

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Indha cade oo boobkii shalay ku eedeeyay ciidamada Milatariga DKMG




Muqdisho : (Sh. M. Network) Janaraal yuusuf Max’ed Siyaad Indha cade oo wareysi siiyay Idaacadda Shabelle ayaa waxaa uu ka hadlay boob shalay boqolaal dad wayne ah iyo ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda KMG Soomaaliya ay u gaysteen baqaar ku jiray raashin gar-gaar oo ku yaala xaafada Taleex ee degmada Hodan ee magaalada Muqdisho.




Indha cade ayaa sheegay in boobkaasi ay ka danbeeyeen ciidamo ka mid ah Milatariga dowladda Soomaaliya oo hoostaga sida uu tilmaamay Abaan duulaha ciidanka xooga dalka Janaraal Yuusuf C/kariim Dhaga badan, waxaana uu tibaaxay Janaraal yuusuf Max’ed Siyaad in amaanka Xaafada Taleex markii hore ay sugayaan ciidamo isga ka amar qaata balse, waxa uu xusay in markii danbe Madaxweynaha Dowladda uu ku amray in uu xaafadaasi ku wareejiyo ciidanka xooga dalka kuwaasi oo uu sheegay inay boobka gaysteen.




Janaraal Indha cade oo Idaacadda Shabelle ay wax ka waydiisay sida uu ku xaqiijiyay in ciidamo ka amar qaata Janaraal Dhaga badan ay boobeen raashinka ku jiray baqaarka ku yaala degamada Hodan ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in arintaasi ay u xaqiijiyeen Saraakiil ka tirsan dowladda KMG Soomaaliya, isgoo tibaaxay in la yaqaano magacyada askarta Milatariga ee dhacaasi gaysatay.




Shalay ayey aheyd markii ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda KMG Soomaaliya iyo boqolaal dad wayne ah ay gudaha u galeen baqaar uu ku kaydsanaa raashin la sheegay inay laheyd Hay’adda UNICEF oo ka mid ah Hay’adaha Qaramada Midoobay



Aqriso oo la soco Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya.

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Jen. Indho-cadde oo sheegay inuu howlihii dowladda ka fariistay, ciidamada dowladda KMG ahna ku eedeeyay dhac


Khamiis, July 14, 2011 (HOL) – Jen. Yuusuf Maxamed Siyaad (Indho-cadde) oo ka mid ahaa saraakiisha dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in uusan wax xil ah u hayn dowladda Soomaaliya, wuxuuna ku eedeeyay ciidamada dowladda inay dhac u geysteen mucaawino.


"Waxaa amar la igu siiyay inaan ciidamadeyda kala baxo xaafadda taleex oo ay ku sugnaayeen, waxaana dhacday in ciidamadii lagu wareejiyay oo hoostaga abaan-duulaha ciidanka milateriga Jen. C/kariin Yuusuf (Dhego-badan) ay dhac u geysteen bakhaar ay mucaawino ugu jirtay hay'adda UNICEF," ayuu yiri Jen. Indho-cadde.


Sidoo kale, wuxuu sheegay inuu yahay jeeraal howsha laga joojiyay, isagoo xusay inuu ka joojiyay madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed, sidaa daraadeedna aysan jirin xil siyaasadeed iyo mid ciidan oo uu hayo wixii hadda ka dambeeya dowladda Soomaaliya.


"Madaxweynaha DKMG ah ayaa maalin ka hor amar igu siiyay inaan joojiyo sugidda ammaanka xaafadda taleex, wuxuuna ii sheegay inuusan garanayn sababta uu uga hortagayo tuugada, wuxuuna si cad ii yiri faraha kala bax amniga taleex, aniguna waan qaatay amarkaas," ayuu hadalkiisa raaciyay.


Jen. Indho-cadde, wuxuu sheegay inuu yahay mas'uul madax-bannaan oo diyaar u ah inuu la dagaalamo Xarrakada Al-shabaab, balse uusan hadda heli karin dhaqaale uu kula dagaalamo.


Shalay ayaa waxaa lagu arkayay degmada Waaberi ciidammo ka tirsan dowladda oo wata bacaha roobta laga dugsado iyo buskut la sheegay in loogu talogalay in loo qaybiyo barakacayaashii dhawaan soo gaaray Muqdisho.


Goobjoogayaal ayaa HOL u sheegay in ciidamada DKMG ah ay isbaarooyin dhigteen xaafadda taleex iyo xaafado ka tirsan degmada Waaberi iyagoo dadkii helay qaar ka mid ah gargaarkii la boobay ka qaadanaya.


Ugu dambeyn, Jen. Indho-cadde wuxuu iska fogeeyay inuu isagu lug ku lahaa dhaca loo geystay gargaarkaas. Dhanka kalena ma jirto wax war ah oo kasoo baxay dhinaca dowladda oo ku aadan hadalka kasoo baxay sarkaalkan.


Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online

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xaaji xunguf adiga from hargeysa wax waliba oo xumaan ah ama ceeb ah ama xitaa WAR ka dhaca mogadishu for you is a good news:D:D.


of course waa macquul inay ciidanka dawlada raashin xadeen, laakiin taa maaha siyaasada dawlada somalia. sida aad la socoto dawlada waxay raashin gar gaar ah gaarsiiyey kumayaal ka soo qaxey abaaraha iyo macluusha goobaha ay maamulaan koooxaha alqaida ee uu hogaamiyo adeerkaa NIQAAB wearing ***** called AXMED GODANE al shabaab.


marka adiga iyo xitaa many waqooyilanders waxay jecel yihiin xumaanta SHACABKA mogadishu.

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Johnny B   

TFG and Militia are contradiction in terms.


A government , be it transitional or not, that is internationally recognized,has an Army, but for you , it's the non-existent "Somaliland" Army and the TFG militia.


As Albert said, insanity is doing the samething over and over again,while expecting a different result.

Just intensify the claims .. recognition for NW Somalia aka "Somaliland" is at sight.

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Johnny B   

Good to see my Guru deserves his name, I'm happy that you haven't tried defending XX's sementic grabs for the reality-ridden "political day" of our Somaliland, as that would have dissappoint the few of us who respect our Guru.


As for taking the form for the substance, one might say it's exactly what the everage die-hard Somalilander might think could be the case in here, given that there is no defiency in neither one's clanish sentiments nor in one's loyalty to kinmen, but my Guru knows better.


Even by going by the flawy analogy of the form and substance , one'd be hadrly pressed to account for 20+ years of repetitive attempts of breaking away, given that one is inclined to have developed a child's respect for reality , as it were, instead of rejoicing the very bleeding of the very entity that one belongs to ,namely Somalia, which really speaking happens to be your own country.

lest the number of attemps towards breaking away has gone over the heads of some.


True that i myself can be suffering from some sort of insanity , but call me any name if there is more to the number of attemps as far as Somaliland and reality are concerned.

my Guru.

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Do you people never get tired of the anti/pro Somaliland bickering... there ought to be more to [somali] politics that that tired old debate.

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Boondheere;733964 wrote:

of course waa macquul inay ciidanka dawlada raashin xadeen

War maxaad igu maagaysa:D waxabu iga dhigay inan anigu xaday raashinka masaakinta loogu talo galay

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Johnny B;734002 wrote:
TFG and Militia are contradiction in terms.


A government , be it transitional or not, that is internationally recognized,has an Army, but for you , it's the non-existent "Somaliland" Army and the TFG militia.


As Albert said, insanity is doing the samething over and over again,while expecting a different result.

Just intensify the claims .. recognition for NW Somalia aka "Somaliland" is at sight.



I am not sure if we can call the TFG Militia an army the so called TFG Militia consists out of EX shabaabist Former Warlords poorly disciplined former Childsoldiers. unofficial rankings given to the likes of Warlord Indhocade , the authority of Mogadisho the parts they control falls directly under General Bahuku and the Amisom so what is this Recognized Army you are talking about? And its not a secret the TFG militia sell some of their ammunition to the Shabaab now if thats not a Milita i don't know what is.

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Indha Cadde ayaa sheegay inuu isagu yahay shaqsi gooni ah, isla markaana uu waligiis si iskiis ula dagaalamayay Xarakada Al-Shabaab, isagoo intaa ku daray in aanu iminka heysan
dhaqaale iyo Ciidamo.


Yuusuf Siyaad Indha Cadde oo lagu tiriyo inuu yahay Hogaamiyeyaasha Hubeysan ayaa dhowr jeer oo hore siyaabo kala duwan uga soo baxayay hadalo dadka qaar ku jahwareereen, isagoo lagu tilmaamay inuu yahay
nin meesha uu maanta la jiro ma ahanee meel kale ka soo muuqda

Nin la soo eryey maxuu kaloo dhihi lahaa awalba, he was used, abused and thrashed as planned. Well done Mr. President.

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"Even by going by the flawy analogy of the form and substance , one'd be hadrly pressed to account for 20+ years of repetitive attempts of breaking away, given that one is inclined to have developed a child's respect for reality , as it were, instead of rejoicing the very bleeding of the very entity that one belongs to ,namely Somalia, which really speaking happens to be your own country."


Well said Johnny B.

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