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Paper Presented by the Somaliland Civil Society Organizations to The Visiting EU Delegation

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Paper Presented by the Somaliland Civil Society Organizations to The Visiting Delegation led by EU Commissioner; Andris Piebalgs


Your Excellency;


We are happy and feel honoured to have you here with us in Somaliland. The Somaliland people are always happy to share their hard won achievements with their international friends with. The civil society of Somaliland has always been in the fore front of building a stable and democratic Somaliland. The Somaliland people have trademarked their successful peace building credentials, their creative hybrid state building model, their sustained quest for democratization and their vibrant private sector economic achievements. This earned Somaliland to be a shining model in the region.


However, Your Excellency, as you are well aware of, there are tremendous challenges still facing Somaliland, from which we would like to highlight some priority areas for we seek your continued support. For Somaliland People and state, the EU is a cherished friend and a trusted partner to realize their aspiration to build a just, democratic and economically developed Somaliland society.



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Given your education, and experience, and even the sheer lengthy of your advocacy work for Somaliland's cause, you must by now come to the conclusion that the modes operand for western policy vis-a-vis Somalia as a country and the Horn as a region is a framework that is by design against sovereignty. It really beats me why would you expect them to afford new sovereignty (essentially embowering the Somaliland natives with the statehood machinations) while they can do without taking that leap, so easily. The old, defunct now, legal construct for Somalia is a challenge enough for many of the sort of narrow objectives these powers are after in the region, and you are expecting, nay asking, for a new statehood legitimacy to be handed over to what amounts to a rebel state, with no viability given its meager human and economic resources , not to mention political and security volatility that surround it.


I really think Somaliland's intellectual class are so timid in the face of entrenched perception of the false statehood the populous seem to hold, which these intellectuals ironically help create, that they can not challenge the unworkable proposition of independence. Look at Oodweyne, our friend, who seems to be well versed with the goings of this world and with his western education has the unique position of having a keen understanding of geopolitical imperatives of current powers, and YET here is endorsing the musings of unenlightened masses, essentially defending what ever feeble arguments presented in the defense of Somaliland independence. And even if Oodweyne is to be excused by being emotionally invested in the SNM struggle that resulted in Somaliland, what would the excuse of NGONGE's intellectual laziness be? In the face of Xaaji Xunjuf's 'way duushay' empty slogans, succumbed are NGONGE's rigorous analysis. Gone are his trademark intellectual cynicism.


It is a sad situation.

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LOL@the reason that you turn to the more profitable business of "high-seas-piracy"


Jokes aside, I am hearing a change of strategy, at least from our friend Oodweyne, the intellectual pen of Somaliland's cause. And that is at least an acknowledgment of failure of the previous approaches, albeit partially. Although he dismissed my attack at the premise of Somaliland argument for independence and the geopolitical factors that are set to derail it, STILL Oodweyne's tacit agreement with the fact this project has deeper creeps in its scope (twenty years and still on), and the need to tweak some basic assumptions is a good start. Of course I do not agree with new tactics suggested by our friend for I know it will NOT attain what it set to achieve, namely independence.


Shows sounding off disagreements between parties has its benefits :D.

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