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South Sudan People Rejected the Colonial Map of Anglo-Sudan Colony

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South Sudan and its implication for the Post-Colonial State in Africa

By Mupenda Wakengela and Sadiki Koko


Formation and Trajectory of the African Post-colonial State

Virtually every colonised African state achieved independence amidst a passionate discussion among the elite over national unity or the ‘national question’. By people belonging to different tribal and racial groups together to form large colonial empires – as was the in Sudan – colonisation had, in most cases, created states that were strongly marked by internal diversities. But, at the same time, the colonial system also split people and communities that were otherwise politically, economically and socially integrated prior to its advent. [Example Somalia was divided into 5 mini colonies belong to different colonial masters: French Somaliland, British Somaliland, Italian Somaliland, Western Somalia, NFD Somaliland]


Moreover, the colonial system managed these multicultural societies with incoherent policies, concerned with the extractive objectives of colonisation rather than the interests of the newly established entities. First, whether British, French, Portuguese or Belgian, “colonialism was based on authoritarian command; as such, it was incompatible with any preparation for self-government.”2 Second, colonial applied what is referred to as ‘differential modernisation’ – giving preference to some communities and geographical areas of the same colonial entity as opposed to others. The objective was to identify local allies that could help protect the colonial establishment and, in so doing, divide the colonised and prevent the emergence of a unified anti-colonisation front among Africans. Third, on the eve of their departure, colonial authorities generally alliances and networks with members of the elite in their strategy to ensure that colonial structures survived the nominal transfer of power to ‘indigenous’ people.

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Dowladda Soomaaliya oo Aqoonsatay Koonfurta Sudan, Kadib Markii Madaxweyne Omar Al-Bashiir iyo Dowlada Sudan Aqoonsadeen Koonfurta Sudan


Dowladda FKMG-ka ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa si rasmi ah u aqoonsatay Koofurta Sudan kaddib markii ay ka go’day qeybihii kale ee Sudan.

Wasiirka Warfaafinta Boostada iyo Isgaarsiinta Soomaaliya Dr. C/kariim Xasan Jaamac oo wareysi qaas ah siiyay Radio Muqdisho ayaa ka hadlay gooni isu taagga Koofurta Sudan ,isagoo tilmaamay in ay dowladda Soomaaliya Mabda’ ahaan u aqoonsan tahay Koofurta Sudan.

Waxa uu farta ku fiiqay in arrintaani ay ka dambeysay safarkii ay madaxweynaha iyo wafdigiisa ku tageen magaalada Jubba islamrkaana ay uga qeyb qaaateen Munaasabadii dabaaldegga xoriyadda Koofurta Sudan.

Maalintii shalay ayaa waxa ay koofurta Sudan ka xurowday Woqooyiga Sudan kaddib markii ay heshiis wada saxiixdeen hoggaamiyaha Koofurta Silva Keer iyo Madaxweynaha woqooyiga Sudan Cumar Xasan Al Bashiir.

Koofurta ayaa noqoneysa wadankii 54-aad ee ka tirsan qaarad weynta Afrika, iyadoo madax badan oo ka tirsan caalamka ay si weyn u soo dhoweeyeen qaadashada xornimadeeda.

Dowladad soomaaliya ayaa ka mid noqoneysa dowladaha ugu horeeya ee aqoonsada Koofurta Suudan, inay tahay mid ka madax banaan qeybaha kale Sudan.

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SOMALIA Recognizes Independence of South Sudan

15:47, July 10, 2011


The Somali government on Sunday announced that it has formally recognized the independence of South Sudan after the newest African state celebrated its sovereignty on Saturday, state radio reported.


The announcement came as a high level delegation led by Somali President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed attended Saturday's celebration of the declaration of independence for the new Republic of South Sudan in its capital Juba.


"Somalia is pleased to be one of the first states to recognize the new state of South Sudan as member of an independent and sovereign states of Africa," State radio Mogadishu reported quoting Somalia's acting minister of information.


The Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in the Kenyan capital Nairobi in 2005 between Sudanese government and the then southern leadership ended decades of deadly civil war, paving the way for the creation of the Republic of South Sudan.


The celebrations for the new South Sudan were marked with jubilant scenes in the new country's capital and other cities as well as in South Sudanese communities throughout the world.


The festivities which were beamed live all over the world were closely followed throughout the continent and were attended by top international leaders.


The Somali government said it will work with the leaders of the new state in areas of mutual interest and deepen diplomatic and trade ties with South Sudan where a large Somali community have established businesses as their home country reels from two decades of civil conflict.


Source: Xinhua

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Juba - The Capital of South Sudan




Juba Airport




South Sudan Airlines



Road in Juba




Bijing Juba Hotel[/b




Restaurants in Juba







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"Somalia is pleased to be one of the first states to recognize the new state of South Sudan as member of an independent and sovereign states of Africa," State radio Mogadishu reported quoting Somalia's acting minister of information.

Good job by TFG.


The secessionists must be biting their tongue, but they should take one or two lessons from SOUTH SUDAN.

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Som@li;733175 wrote:
Good job by TFG.


The secessionists must be biting their tongue, but they should take one or two lessons from SOUTH SUDAN.

Well said Som@li, Clan Secessionists can take many lessons from South Sudan.


South Sudan Succeeded where Somalidiid-land Clan Secessionists Failed, After 20 years of lies and hating their fellow Somalis, the result was Zero, truth hurts the clan secessionists, they should learn important lessons from South Sudan. Meaning, fake colonial maps/borders are irrelevant and useless in 21 century. What is important is Self-Determination of All People.

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somaliland 20 years they did not even build 2 km of asphalted road. south sudan, just couple of months they are building wado laami yayaal waaweeyn caasimada Jubba. jubba airport look much better than Hargeysa

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President of Somalia Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed received Presidential welcome, and was given a red-carpet welcome in Juba, South Sudan






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^Saalax, my 4 year son can tell that is fake, can you do better than this? and Salva Kiir is not Obama, I am sure he would happily meet and take photos with Silaanyo.




South Sudan had a pretty strong case, that set for the creation of the new country , and when did "budding relationship" between Somaliland and South Sudan start? :D TFG can claim that, so is Puntland.


And do you expect miracles from new poor country , when the 54 other countries in the continent did nothing for you?


It is time to rethink, and learn from South Sudan....No bogus referendum, No claiming of independence without consent from SH Sharif and Mogadishu? and more

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Boondheere;733192 wrote:
somaliland 20 years they did not even build 2 km of asphalted road. south sudan, just couple of months they are building wado laami yayaal waaweeyn caasimada Jubba. jubba airport look much better than Hargeysa

Your 4th post is about somalilands roads and you are from boondhere:D

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Daawo Sawirada Madaxweyne Siilaanyo iyo Madaxda Africa Daawo sawridan hordhaca ah


Madaxweynaha South Sudan oo sidiiran usoo dhaweeyay madaxynaha Somaliland Mudane Siilaanyo



Madaxweynaha Dalka Zimbabwe Mr. Robert G. Mugabe oo ay wada taaganyihiin Madaxaweynaha S/Land Mud. Ahmed Mohamed Siilaanyo



Madaxwaynaha dalka Erateria Asiaisa afwerki oo lawada hadalsiinayo Madaxweyne J.Somaliland Mudane Ahmed Mohamed Siilaanyo.









Juba, South Sudan

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Jacaylbaro;733020 wrote:
Hmmm ,, So u think to be recognized you have to be different ??? ....

You must have a strong case to be recognized and considered a nation, to be considered as a country, else every Faarah can say, I want my own country!

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