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Madaxweyne FarooLE appoints new mayor for Buuhoodle and governor of beatiful state of Cayn, Puntland

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Madaxwaynaha dowladda Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Faroole ayaa magacaabay gudoomiyaha gobolka Cayn iyo duqa magaalada Buuhoodle.


Wareegto kasoo baxday xafiiska madaxwaynaha ayaa gudoomiyaha gobolka Cayn loogu magacaabay Axmed Aadan Carab oo horay wasiir kuxigeenka arimaha gudaha iyo dowladaha hoose kasoo noqday xukuumadii Gen.Cade Muuse halka duqa magaalada Buuhoodle loo magacaabay Cumar Xaaji Cabdi.


Wareegtada madaxwaynaha Puntland ayaan lagu sheegin sababaha ka dambaysa xilka qaadista gudoomiyahihii gobolkaasi Xariir Maxamuud Axmed,waxaana xiriir ay Horseed Medi la sameesay gudoomiyihii hore ee gobolka Cayn uu sheegay inuusan waxba kala socon xilka qaadista lagu sameeyay.


Dhinaca kale duqa cusub ee degmada Buuhoodle Cumar Xaaji Cabdi ayaa noqonaya gudoomiyihii ugu horeeyay oo ay yeelato degmada Buuhoodle,tan iyo markii uu geeriyooday bishii May ee sanadkii 2010 duqii hore ee degmadaasi Marxuum Xuseen Dacwi Ducaale.


Waxaa lagu waday in dhowaan degmada Buuhoodle laga hiragliyo goob lagu qaado cansuurta oo u dhaxeeya labada maamul ee Itoobiya iyo Puntland,kaasi oo lagu canshuurayo alaabaha isaga kala gudba labada dhinac,waxaana la filayaa inuu isbadalakan uu dardargalin u yahay hirgalinta arimahaasi.


Horseed Media.

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Wareegtada madaxwaynaha Puntland ayaan lagu sheegin sababaha ka dambaysa xilka qaadista gudoomiyahihii gobolkaasi Xariir Maxamuud Axmed,waxaana xiriir ay Horseed Medi la sameesay gudoomiyihii hore ee gobolka Cayn uu sheegay inuusan waxba kala socon xilka qaadista lagu sameeyay.


Only Faroole's world is known such governing..


Dhinaca kale duqa cusub ee degmada Buuhoodle Cumar Xaaji Cabdi ayaa noqonaya gudoomiyihii ugu horeeyay oo ay yeelato degmada Buuhoodle,tan iyo markii uu geeriyooday bishii May ee sanadkii 2010 duqii hore ee degmadaasi Marxuum Xuseen Dacwi Ducaale.

Why now after over a year??? Somalis used wonder Cade Muse's but Odaygaa iqarsuu noqday when Faroole came on board. I hope he to be the worst man on p/l's seat.


BTW, the so called Gudoomiye and Duqa magaalada officials will have no any significancy to the mentioned places. So Let Faroole and Siiraanyo fill their daily TODO list with nominations.

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a_khadar, you have no legs to stand on if you think faroole appointment was just fake.


puntland hada way u soo jeedsatay ssc.

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a_khadar, i don't support faroole for personality. i don't like his style but i support puntland. i live in nairobi and faroole don't provide my daily bread but i support the peaceful state and its people.


i support cali sabarey for president of puntland. he is a fighter.


you support xaabsade i think. you are undercover xaabsade loyalist is that true?

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;););) Who told you that GD or Faroole? If you meant supporting p/l's peace and its existance, stop defending the policies of this mad *** called Faroole. He ain't good for nothing.

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i think most people think akhadar is xaabsade agent. what is GD?


how come you never blame ina cali shire? I never see you attack him. is faroole attack code secret for clan?

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Wareegtada madaxwaynaha Puntland ayaan lagu sheegin sababaha ka dambaysa xilka qaadista gudoomiyahihii gobolkaasi Xariir Maxamuud Axmed,waxaana xiriir ay Horseed Medi la sameesay gudoomiyihii hore ee gobolka Cayn uu sheegay inuusan waxba kala socon xilka qaadista lagu sameeyay.

The Widhwidh Reconciliation Conference and its repercussions. :)

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