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Insight of a Muslim Judge (VERY GOOD STORY)

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A man came to Iyas Ibn Mu'awiyah, a Muslim judge famous for his wisdom and the following conversation took place between them:


Man: What is the Islamic ruling regarding wine?


Judge: It is Haram (Forbidden).


Man: How about water?


Judge: It is Halal (Permissible).


Man: How about dates and grapes?


Judge: They are Halal.


Man: Why is it that all these ingredients are halal, and yet when you combine them, they become haram?


The judge looked at the man and said: If I hit you with this handful of dirt, do you think it would hurt you?


Man: It would not.


Judge: How about if I hit you with this handful of straw?


Man: It would not hurt me.


Judge: How about a handful of water?


Man: It surely would not hurt me.


Judge: How about if I MIX them, and let them DRY to become a BRICK, and then hit you with it, would it hurt you?


Man: It would hurt me and might even kill me!


Judge: The same reasoning applies to what you asked me!!


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