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Farmaajo's Last Cry

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Lodon (Ramaas) July 2,2011 – Raysal-wasaarihii hore ee dawlada ku meel-gaadhka ah ee Soomaliya Md Maxamed Cabdilaahi Farmaajo ayaa markii ugu horeysay qiray in mushaakilaadka amaan daro ee ka jira dalka Soomaliya ay sabab u tahay gumaadkii ka dhacay Somaliland 1988-kii.


Md Maxamed Cabdilaahi Farmaajo waxa uu sheegay in dhibaatadda 20-tan jirsatay ee ka taagan Soomaliya ay ku timid tanaasul la’aan ka timid maamulkii Madaxwayne Maxamed Siyaad Barre oo talaabooyin xaq daro kaga jawaabtay tabashadii shacabka ku dhaqanka gobolada waqooyi ee hadda ah Somaliland, kuwaas oo loo adeegsaday awood milatari oo keentay in dad badan u dhintaan duqayn dhinaca cirka oo ciidamadii Siyaad Barre ka geysteen Magaalooyin ay ka mid tahay Hargeysa.


Raysal-wasaarahii hore ee dawladda Sheekh Shariif oo xalay ka hadlayay munaasibad loo sameeyay 51 guuradda ka soo wareegtay wakhtigii dalka Soomaliya xornimadiisa ka qaatay gumaystihii Talyaaniga 1.7.1960-kii, isla-markaana ku beegnayd midowgii Somaliland iyo Soomaliya, ayaa waxa uu iftiimiyey in dawladii Maxamed Siyaad Barre ay talaabooyin arxan daro ah kula kacday shacabka reer Somaliland oo wakhtigaa ka kacay cadaalad darooyin badan oo ay ka tirsanayeen maamulkiisa, kacdoonadaas oo aakhirkii sababay burburkii ku yimid guud ahaan dawladii dhexe ee Soomaliya “Dawlad la’aan maanta Soomaliya ka jirtaa waxa sabab u ah tanaasul la’aanta xukuumadihii Soomaliya soo maray ilaa 1960-kii” ayuu yidhi waxaanu intaa ku daray “Waayo 1988-kii xasuuqii ka dhacay Hargeysa wuxuu ahaa mid xaq daro ah, xukunkii jirayna umuu tanaaulin tabashadii shacabka gobolada waqooyi (Somaliland), ilaa xukunkiisii burburay.”


Md Farmaajo, waxa kale oo uu soo qaaday “Dagaaladii jabhadaha ee 1988-kii haddii qaab siyaasadeysan looga hor-tagi lahaa, lana dhageysan lahaa, khilaafkii jirayna la xalin lahaa Soomaliya may burburteen, ilaa maantana Soomaliya isku tanaasul la’aantaa ayaa jirta, aniguna sababtaas ayaan isku casilay” Ayuu yidhi Md Maxamed Cabdilaahi Farmaajo oo ka hadlayay goob ay soo buux dhaafiyeen in ka badan 2000 oo qof oo dhammaantood ka soo jeeda dalka Soomaliya.


Munaasibadan uu ka hadlay Mr Farmaajo waxa qaban-qaabadeeda lahaa telefiishanka Universal, iyadda oo ay xidhiidhinayeen xafladda wariyayaal uu ka mid yahay Axmed Xasan Cowke.

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The Zack   

Firs of all stop taking the PM's words out of context. I was watching the speech live from Universal TV, he has never critisized the Barre regime directly. This is what he said "Haddeey jiri isku tanaasulid dagaalkii 1988 ma dhaceen, haddey jiri laheyd isu tanaasulid, 1991 waddanka waa la badbaadin karay". He didn't specify who did the wrong per se. Having said that, how is that a cry, isn't that what you tell people day and night? "We have been attacked..."? Or is it crying that you do?

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I heard the veteran MP Awad Asharo, a good ally of Sakiin and Prof. Jurile, did play a major role behind the scene for the demise of the short-lived transitional premier. Time to put his past behind us and focus on the future.

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past is past, farmajo is gone now,, if he wanted to solve something, he should have done earlier,, when he had a chance to make things right...

teeda kale somali isu tanasuleyso aduunka maba lagu arkaayo,, marka,,, its just that way..

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The Zack;732001 wrote:
Firs of all stop taking the PM's words out of context. I was watching the speech live from Universal TV, he has never critisized the Barre regime directly. This is what he said "Haddeey jiri isku tanaasulid dagaalkii 1988 ma dhaceen, haddey jiri laheyd isu tanaasulid, 1991 waddanka waa la badbaadin karay". He didn't specify who did the wrong per se.

Of course he didn't. If he did, he'll have criticise the people who landed him a job in the Somali embassy in Washington while in his early 20s and without qualifications . That's sort of nepotism that triggered the war he's talking about. Nevertheless, Farmaajo's comments come across like "biting the hand that fed him'' since the deposed military junta big cheese's war was only about trying to preserve the advantages the inner circle like him had.

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